
Chapter 1221

Chapter 1221
I thought the matter would come to an end after getting rid of Luo Fei of the Feiyu clan, but I didn't expect to meet Kong Xing, a monk of the Tantric sect, before I could fix it.Originally, everyone was hiding in the ground and acting in secret, but they didn't expect this person to jump up the conflict. After it was made public, it naturally became difficult to end.

At this time, Wan Bo'e still can't understand that the helper in front of him is a real monk in the distraction stage, and he naturally has a bit of confidence in the face of the Tantric Kong Xing who is also in the distraction stage.

It's just that at this time everyone is stalemate and there is no room for him to intervene. In a blink of an eye, seeing that Yi Tian has made everything clear, he naturally knows it well, and guesses that it may be the person sent by Shenguan Temple to secretly help.After that, he just stepped aside and silently watched the changes in the situation on the field.

"Whether two disputes are provoked or not depends entirely on the Taoist brother," Yi Tian looked at the situation on the field and did not reply directly, but kicked the problem back to the other party.

If you want to say that you provoked the internal struggle between Mahayana and Tantra, you must not be the sinner. Presumably the other party also has scruples in their hearts, so their attitude will change.

As expected, Kong Xing also had a hesitant look on his face after hearing this, but if he was so cowardly, the aggressive look just now was not a direct slap in the face.After looking at it for a while, he said: "I have heard that the monks of the Mahayana sect are all ascetics of Buddhism, but there are very few people who practice as much as your Excellency. I have always been amazed by the Buddhism of the Mahayana sect. Today, I have a chance to ask for some advice. trick."

Curling his lips, he looked at Yi Tian with a tired face and shook his head, "I'm afraid that if you and I fight again, it will soon alarm the patrolling monks in the Buddhist world, and fellow Taoists will also bear the blame."

Kong Xing paused for a moment, but his eyes showed surprise. He didn't expect the person in front of him to know these secrets of the Buddhist world.In the Buddhist world, all the major temples have contacts and secretly formed a dispute over the affairs of the monks who inspect the monks to settle the monks above the distraction period in this world.

I thought that if the two fought again today, they would definitely draw the attention of the patrolling monks, but I'm afraid there will be trouble if a big hat is buckled.Coupled with the fact that Kong Xing is a tantric person who knows the law and breaks the law, it is a crime, so this shows hesitation.

After thinking for a while, Kong Xing looked at it again and said, "How about we fight?"

"How to gamble," Yi Tian replied directly with enthusiasm.

"Didn't you say that you have a relationship with the Mahayana sect? We will use our respective Buddhist esoteric techniques to determine the winner or loser. If you lose, you will ask the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce to hand over the soul-stirring treasure," Kong Xing thought directly. shouted.

"Okay, that's good, but I don't own the precious material, so let's bet on other people's things and ask for clarification." After speaking, Yi Tian ignored the other party and flew directly to Wan Bo'e.

After sweeping his eyes over him, he asked directly: "You heard the conversation between me and Kong Xing just now, right?"

"The juniors naturally know that this is the most ideal state at the moment, and we, the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce, are naturally willing to bear the gambling money," Wan Bo replied respectfully.At this time, he had long since lost the arrogance he had before, but his face was calm as if he had a plan in mind.

Looking at his reaction, Yi Tian secretly said 'Old Fox' in his heart, Wan Boye has no choice but to act now, if he doesn't have his own protection, he will definitely not be able to pass this level, and at the same time, he will definitely lose the treasure delivered this time. material.

Now that there is this opportunity, there is still a [-]% chance of completing the task, so there is no need to think about the lesser of these two evils.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian replied and asked: "Since the suffering master also agreed, what will Daoist Kong Xing take as a bet?"

Such a question made Kong Xing stunned, as if he thought he was sure of himself, he took out a jade slip and placed it gently in the air, saying: "This is the invitation card for this release of the mind. It is sincere enough to take this as a bet."

Although he didn't know what was going on with the Xinxin Dharma meeting, Yi Tian found that there were several seals on the jade slip invitation card after scanning his spiritual thoughts, as if it was a grand ceremony jointly held by several major temples.Presumably Kongxing used it as gambling money because he didn't think it would lose.

After a chuckle, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to take out the nanmu wooden fish, and then gently performed the Great Sun Sutra exercise, holding the wooden fish and flying into the air, saying: "If that's the case, what are we waiting for, please, fellow Taoist."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Kong Xing stretched out his hand to grab the cassock on his body, and immediately transformed into a hundred-foot-large body, covering this area of ​​the world and Wan Bo evil in the distance.

The golden thread pattern on the cassock shone with dazzling golden light and turned into a cage of heaven and earth, directly imprisoning the two of them.

It was the first time for Yi Tian to see such a trick, and he secretly praised it in his heart. Sure enough, Tantric Buddhism can occupy a place in the Buddhist world full of Mahayana temples, which has its own advantages.Then the golden wire cage on the cassock seemed to be tightened suddenly and surrounded from all directions, only to hear Kong Xing's voice said: "It's just the heaven and earth demon cage of this work, as long as you can get out, I will admit defeat."

Don't dare to underestimate the other party, Yi Tian opened his mouth and used the Tianlei eight-tone secret method, and the sound wave spread out in all directions after speaking from his mouth.After the sound wave came into contact with the golden wire cage, it stopped in shock.

Immediately, the nanmu wooden fish in the hand began to beat rhythmically, and then cooperated with the eight-tone mantra of Tianlei to gradually amplify its effect.After three breaths, under the continuous attack of sound waves, the cassock cage was pushed open from the inside.

Not long after, I saw that the cassock in the air, which had been reduced to a range of ten feet, was getting bigger and bigger like a continuously inflated balloon.Kong Xing, who was casting spells outside, had a gloomy face at this moment and pointed his hands towards the cassock.

But even if he did this, he could only sustain it for a short time, and after three breaths, the cassock cage continued to be stretched open.But the voice of the eight-tone mantra of Tianlei is getting louder and louder.

There was a sound of '噗嗤', as if the cassock cage could no longer be closed, revealing a three-foot-sized gap, and then two ray of light, one green and one yellow, burst out from the gap, and Yi Tian and Wan Bo evil appeared in the distant sky. figure came.

At this time, Kong Xing's expression became extremely embarrassing, and the big words just said were immediately exposed, so naturally his face was dull.

However, he is also a smart person who has lived for thousands of years. When he sees something that can't be done, he naturally turns around and wants to leave.

Unexpectedly, Yi Tian's figure left an afterimage on the spot, but the deity had already blocked his way to escape.After sweeping his eyes, he sneered again and again: "It seems that it is against the rules for Daoist Kong Xing to leave like this."

But Kong Xing said with a look of fear on his face: "Since you can get out of trouble, then we will meet again in Shanshui and I will come back to learn your master's tricks."

Before he finished speaking, a solid blue sword thread suddenly shot out and directly intercepted the jade slip invitation.At the same time, Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "Confidence in one's word is the foundation of a person. Is it possible that Fellow Daoist Kong Xing wants to cheat."

"Boy, don't you make an inch of it. How important is this mind-relieving ceremony? In fact, a small person like you can participate in it. Give it back to me quickly," Kong Xing shouted angrily.

 Thanks for the support of Pudong Sanshui
(End of this chapter)

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