
Chapter 1222

Chapter 1222
After a gamble with Monk Kong Xing, Yi Tian took the invitation jade slips he took out, but he didn't expect the other party to turn his face on the spot.

The situation on the scene suddenly changed suddenly, and it was faintly on the verge of getting out of control.Wan Bo's expression on the side was tense, and he hurriedly sent a voice transmission: "Senior Yi, what do you think should be done at this time? If you really withhold that jade slip, I'm afraid it will force the other party to jump over the wall in a hurry."

After casting a blank look at him, he let out a cold snort, and a thunderclap sounded in the air and scattered in all directions.This voice also contained the eight-tone secret art of thunder, not only Kong Xing in front of him trembled, but even Wan Bo'e, who was standing not far from the trial, turned pale.

At this time, he realized the horror of Yi Tian in front of him, and bluntly said that although the difference in cultivation level is two levels on the surface, the difference in real strength is not a little bit or two.Immediately, Wan Bo closed his mouth and hurriedly pushed it aside. It was not wise for a low-level monk to offend a high-level monk, let alone at this juncture.

At the same time, Yi Tian reached out to take the jade slip and put it in his hand to look at it grandly, then turned to Kong Xing and said: "It is my purpose to be a man to be true to my words, and it is my mission to be a rogue like a fellow Taoist." This is not what a gentleman did. So I will make another bet that as long as you can take my move, the invitation book will be returned with both hands."

The anger on Kong Xing's face calmed down a little after hearing this, but luckily Yi Tian didn't do anything wrong.Let him have something to look forward to by leaving a thought.

After ten breaths, I saw Kong Xing gritted his teeth again and again and said, "Okay, since the Taoist friend has drawn down the Tao, there is no reason for me not to accept it, let's stop gossip and do it."

"Slow down," Yi Tian suddenly called again.

Kong Xing's face turned angrily again and said: "Why are you so fussy, Fellow Daoist?"

"Is this our second gambling fight?" Yi Tian asked with a straight face.

"Naturally," Kong Xing replied hastily, and then he reacted with disdain and looked at him before sighing and said, "Are you trying to win the prize?"

"That's right," Yi Tian replied in a deep voice: "Since I took out the invitation jade slip for the Xinxin Dharma meeting, fellow Taoists must also take out the corresponding lottery to gamble. Otherwise, such an empty glove is useless." Is the wolf going too far?"

Kong Xing's face flushed immediately upon hearing the words, as if he had swallowed a mouthful of resentment.After ten breaths, when the mood calmed down, he gritted his teeth and said viciously: "Boy, you are kind. In this case, I will take a piece of Bingling Stone as a gambling fund. This thing can be regarded as a heavenly treasure, and it should be worth the invitation card." The value of the jade book is gone."

"That's naturally very good. Please also ask fellow Taoists to take out the things for me to have a look at." After speaking, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and gently pushed the jade slip in his palm forward into the air thirty feet away.Relying on a little mana to keep it floating in the air, then turned and stared at the opponent.

Kong Xing also had no choice but to bite the bullet and take out a jade bottle to use it to control things. After that, he gently sent it to sit side by side with the jade slip.

Speaking of which, these two things belong to the other party, Yi Tian felt that even if he lost the bet, it would be harmless, so he felt a little more comfortable in his gestures and gestures when he was in a relaxed mood.

After taking out the Taiyuan sword, he used the Buddhist skill of the Great Sun Scripture to drive it, and then used the trick of Lingyao Huaqian to make it out.Gather the sword silk into the body of the Taiyuan sword, and then slash towards the opponent's position.

At first, Kong Xing still used the cassock for defense, and after injecting spiritual power, he raised the cassock and surrounded it.The gold thread on the cassock turned into a mesh-like protective net, building a thick protective layer in front of him.

But when the Taiyuan sword had touched Kong Xing's face suddenly turned pale with shock, he seemed to be able to feel the power of the vast Buddha sect above the light.

At first, when Yi Tian was under siege, few Buddhist powers leaked out when he used the Heavenly Thunder and Eight Sounds, but at this time, Kong Xing could feel that the Taiyuan sword contained the supreme Buddha power of the same origin.

As a Tantric monk, he is naturally not unfamiliar with this, and he blurted out with a shocked face: "What does the Great Leiguang Temple have to do with you? Why do you know the Great Sun Scripture?"

"Oh, Kong Xingdao has good eyesight, so I will also consider that Minglun Temple in Daxue Mountain is also of the Buddhist sect." After speaking, Yi Tian reached out and pointed at the Taiyuan Sword.I saw an extremely powerful aura suddenly emanating from the staring sword light, directly piercing through the defense of the cassock, and then flew directly to three feet in front of Kong Xing before stopping.

Shocked by this sudden change, Kong Xing calmed down and looked at the sword light in front of him, then shook his head helplessly and said: "You won, the things belong to you, and I won't care about it at this time." .”

"Wait a minute," Yi Tian shouted inappropriately: "Fellow Taoist Kong Xing has made an acquaintance, since everyone should support each other for the remnants of the Buddhist sect. I know that invitation is very important to you. In exchange for Your Excellency’s Bingling Stone, I hope you will accept it and stop embarrassing Shenguan Temple.”

"Is it necessary for me to choose such a good condition," Kong Xing said with a wry smile.

Yi Tian didn't say much after hearing this, stretched out his hand and took back the Taiyuan sword together with the jade bottle storing the ice stone, leaving only the invitation jade book floating in the air.

Later, Kong Xing put away his cassock and flew forward to retrieve the jade slips, then turned around and left without looking back.

Knowing that he was unhappy, Yi Tian didn't hesitate, put away the loot, turned around and said to Wan Bo who was not far away: "The matter is over, let's go, I believe there will be no obstacles in the next journey."

Wan Bo's face was overjoyed and he hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Senior Yi, for your righteous action this time, but I still want to ask, is Senior really from the Leiguang Temple?"

Turning his head to look at the other party, Yi Tiancai nodded and replied after taking three breaths: "I have quite a relationship with Daleiguang Temple, but this matter came from me and reached your ears. I don't want it to be passed on to the fourth one, including Kong Xing." in people's ears."

Wan Bo's evil eyelids trembled and he hurriedly replied with a smile: "Naturally, since Senior Yi opened his mouth, I must keep it secret. Then you will see if you can catch up with the merchant ship, and you will need to stay in charge for the rest of the journey."

Glancing at him, Yi Tian knows that what he thinks in his heart is nothing more than wanting to take the opportunity to make friends with him by borrowing flowers and offering Buddha.Anyway, my destination is also Shenguan City, and I am not familiar with the place where I am now, and having an insider to understand the situation will save me a lot of trouble.

After nodding, they motioned for him to lead the way, and then the two of them used their escapism skills and rushed all the way in the direction the merchant ship was leaving.It didn't take long to see the merchant ship from a distance, Wan Boxi hurriedly sent Wan Jiaolan to slow down so that they could board the ship.

Yi Tian restrained his spiritual pressure fluctuations and still pretended to be in the early stage of transformation. Naturally, this behavior made Wan Bo evil look in his eyes.An awkward smile flashed across the latter's face, and then he pretended that nothing had happened and slowly led the way and flew into the cargo ship hatch.

(End of this chapter)

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