
Chapter 1228

Chapter 1228
After Yi Tian and Liao Xing fought at close range in mid-air, he aroused his spirit weapon to automatically protect the Lord.The halo bounced Yi Tian away three feet away, and then the string of human bone Buddha beads continued to rotate and formed a golden mask around him.

Seeing this, Yi Tian stepped back to a distance of thirty feet, cast his pupil technique to look at the mask, and saw that there was a trace of black air mixed in the golden halo.

A little later, Xing Xing stabilized his figure, then stared at Yi Tian and shouted: "Let me do the third move first, I want to see how much the people invited by Shenguan Temple have attained in Buddhism. "

After saying that, he put his hands together in front of his chest and quickly made a seal, and then stretched out his hand to point to the human bone Buddha beads around his body.After the golden light shone, the string of Buddha beads shone dazzlingly, and after three breaths, it turned into a bone whip more than ten feet long, which was held by Li Xing in his hand.

Unexpectedly, the opponent would have such a trick, and it was the first time that Yi Tiandao saw the new usage of the Buddhist bead string.Immediately, he reached out and took out the glazed beads string, and after quickly chanting the mantra in his hand, Ji shook the string of beads.Immediately, the glazed Buddha beads turned into a twelve-section bone whip and held in his hand, and the colleague looked at the distance with a tired face.

The two people in the air both took out the Buddhist beads for blessing, but Yi Tian had twelve whips in his hand, and Liao Xing had one hundred and eight bone whips in his hand.

'Papapa' The bone whip made a sound in the air and then cut open the void. At the same time, two strong spiritual pressure fluctuations began to spread out from the center of Yi Tianhe's behavior.

Suddenly, the figure moved, leaving only an afterimage in place, and disappeared out of thin air.At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was standing in the air far away, flashed green lights in his eyes one after another, staring at a certain place in the void, and then raised the glazed bone whip in his hand and hit it straight there.

After three breaths, Xing really appeared from there, seeing the ferocious glass bone whip, without thinking, he turned to the human bone Buddha bead bone whip in his hand to meet him.

The crisp 'pop' sounded again, and the aftermath of that mana directly blew away all the clouds in the sky.After the two bone whips intersected in the air, the strong wind aroused spread towards the surroundings.

Liaoyuan, who was on the platform below, reached out and took out a glazed cup, gently lifted it up with his hand, and then protected the platform below and the surrounding thousands of miles away.

Now no matter how fierce the spiritual wind is, it can't cause substantial damage to Lianbochi.

Yi Tian was startled in the center of his eyes and secretly thought that this is the full Buddhist magical power, and that Yuanyuan is really powerful, so he can bear the aftermath of the two people's confrontation so calmly and calmly.

Concentrate your mind and dare not be careless in the face of the line. Although you have a chance to beat the opponent visually, if you consume a lot of challenges, it will be extremely disadvantageous.

Both hands kept waving the glazed bone whip to hit the opponent's spiritual weapon, but it didn't seem to have much effect, and the offensive was temporarily difficult.

His eyes glanced over and he noticed that Xing was also anxious at this time, and he was even more anxious at this time.In terms of cultivation, he was in the middle stage of distraction, so he was on par with a monk in the early stage of distraction, so naturally he lost a bit.

As the two continued to fight, Xing's face became more and more ugly, and for a while, Yi Tian's tight defense made him anxious.

Half a moment later, the bone whip in Xing's hand drew a circle in the air, but he himself pulled away and dodged away.Seeing this, Yi Tian laughed loudly and said, "If your skills stop here, fellow Taoist, then you don't need to fight any more. With a fellow Taoist whose cultivation base is one level higher than mine, you can only end in a draw. It should be clear to everyone.”

"Hmph, don't be too happy too early, it won't be too late for you to take my last move and be crazy," Liao Xing said angrily with his face flushed after hearing this.

After speaking, he would wave the bone whip back and forth and inject a layer of golden Buddha's power into it, and then the [-] sections of the bone whip would make a 'cracking' friction sound.Then the bone whip suddenly rose to more than double its original thickness, Liao Xing's eyes showed a fierce look, and he waved the bone whip in his hand and slashed towards Yi Tian fiercely.

Faced with such an offensive, Yi Tian felt that the spiritual power contained in the opponent's spiritual weapon had more than doubled compared to before.Obviously, this is the effect of the blessing of Tantric exercises, and now I am not to be outdone, and quickly poured all the skills of the Da Ri Zhen Jing into the glazed bone whip.

It's just that his spirit weapon didn't become thicker like the opponent's, but the color of glazed glass on it glowed a little red.Then a dazzling light flashed on the bone whip like a scorching sun bursting in the air.

The people below couldn't look up at the fiercely shining sunlight in the sky, and they could only use their spiritual thoughts to detect the ensuing battle situation.After the two bone whips intersected again in the air, they were entangled with each other and were still in a stalemate.

It's just that there is a faint red light flashing on the human bone Buddha bead, like the red light from Yi Tian's bone whip.And the human bone Buddha beads themselves seem to be sacrificed from the skulls of one hundred and eight monks in the distraction period. Even under the erosion of red light, there is a faint black glow that is not afraid at all.

It's just that three of them are obviously different from the others, and the black light on them is much weaker.The red sun's light seemed to have found a breakthrough, and suddenly rushed into the three areas.

With a crisp sound of 'click', an undetectable crack suddenly appeared on the thick bone whip of an adult's arm.As the light of the red sun continued to invade, the cracks became more and more dense, and soon began to collapse from point to surface.

Liao Chen, who was sitting on the platform below, was talking to himself at this moment: "Junior Liao Xing, if you make a mistake, you will lose everything. The human bone Buddha beads that you are proud of repairing are the biggest flaws in your skills. "

Yi Tian, ​​who was in the air, naturally couldn't hear Chen's words, but he didn't take advantage of the momentum to pursue after facing the defeat of the army. He just stopped casting the spell and took back the glazed Buddha beads, and then looked sideways at the opponent before he opened his mouth and shouted: "Fellow Daoist, I have agreed." After speaking, he ignored the other party's reaction and slowly lowered his cloud head and returned to the platform.

At this time, the eyes of the monks around him were different, some were respectful, some were hostile, and some were envious.Yi Tian noticed that Kong Yun's eyes were full of naked envy and hatred.As for Liao Yuan, there was no other expression on his face.

After ten breaths, he walked in the air before he picked up the human bones and the Buddhist beads slowly fell, and then returned to his seat in Jinlun Temple without saying much.Yi Tian was naturally overjoyed to see him deflated, but he still kept a humble expression on his face.

Later, the host Leo Yuan said again: "Jinlun Temple failed the challenge, so we still maintain the original ranking. Next, it's the turn of Shenguan Temple who ranks fifth."

After hearing this, Liao Chen stood up slowly and said, "I entrust the entire matter of the martial arts competition to Junior Brother Yi." After finishing speaking, he sat down and closed his eyes to rest his mind, as if he had nothing to do with him in the future.

"I've heard that the masters of Minglun Temple are very powerful, and I want to learn their tricks," Yi Tian said with a calm expression.

(End of this chapter)

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