
Chapter 1227

Chapter 1227
After the monk Kong Yun gave a speech at the Xinxin Dharma meeting, he announced the start of the martial arts competition, and thus officially kicked off the prelude to the meeting.

Those sects ranked at the bottom couldn't wait to start to challenge, but they did it very orderly, usually they only challenged three or four places at most.

The sect that was challenged was not to be outdone at all. Those who participated in the martial arts competition jumped up and flew into the air, and the two sides shot directly after saluting.It's just that the monks of the Mahayana sect compete with each other with their own practiced Buddhist secret arts and supernatural powers, and rarely use spiritual weapons or external forces.

Although there are not many sects of Tantric sects this time, there are three sects.In addition to Minglun Temple and Jinguang Temple, there is also Huanxi Temple.As the name suggests, it is to comprehend the joyful meditation method. Although the Mahayana school does not reject the joyful meditation method, it is naturally taboo for those who practice asceticism to purify the six sense organs.

Fortunately, so many sects seem to have secretly reached a tacit agreement that no one will challenge the ninth-ranked Huanxi Temple.And they just wanted to keep their position and did not challenge the previous sect when it was their turn.

After the seventh-ranked monk of Lanruo Temple came out, he directly chose the previous Jinguang Temple, but his face became embarrassing after he left.His original intention was to recharge his energy to deal with Shenguan Temple, but he didn't expect to be attacked by Lanruo Temple, who was ranked seventh at this time.

Even if you can win, you will show your strength in front of others. It will not be so easy to win by surprise.

But now that people are coming to challenge him, as a member of Jinguang Temple, he can no longer be a coward.According to the rules, if there is no challenged party and no one to fight within half a moment, then it is naturally considered a loss.

Yi Tian also looked at him with a smile on his face. Monk Xing stood up and shook his face a few times before shouting: "Fist and feet have no eyes, how about we decide the outcome in three stops."

Unexpectedly, in order to preserve his strength, he would think of such a tricky way, Yi Tian also secretly became vigilant.Although there are only three moves, but if you know what to do, you will definitely use the method of pressing the bottom of the box.He just wanted to preserve his strength so that he could compete with Shenguan Temple, and the Mahayana monks present were naturally unwilling to fight him to the death.

A middle-aged monk walked out of Lanruo Temple, as he was in the early stage of distraction, and walked up to Xingdao: "Just as Daoist brother said, the three tricks can be used as soon as possible."

After speaking, he leaped into the air, followed by Liao Xing, using his escape technique to fly to a short distance in front of him, and then took out a three-foot-long Jie Dao.

After the golden light flashed all over his body, he concentrated his spiritual power on Jiedao, and after ten breaths, he opened his mouth and shouted: "The first move is to break the mountain, and the Taoist friend has taken it."

After holding the knife with both hands, he slashed vertically from top to bottom, and the golden light on the street suddenly condensed into a void that was split by an extremely sharp knife light, and then struck towards the opponent.

The layman watched the excitement, and the expert watched the doorway. Yi Tian's face below was full of seriousness, and he carefully looked at the sword light and couldn't help but admire.This is better than Xi Tianying's kung fu, and the incomparably thick spiritual power contained in the sword light cannot be cultivated overnight.

With the sound of "Dang", the sword glow had just approached the opponent three feet away, and it was hard to get any more gold, and then the monk had a flash of inspiration and used the Buddhist sect's movement method.A phantom figure emerged from behind to receive this powerful and heavy blow.

Yi Tian shook his head when he saw it. Although it seemed to be evenly divided, he seemed to have a back hand.The monk from Kelanruo Temple retreated two feet after receiving the first move. Obviously this is a difference in cultivation level, and the situation of the next two moves will basically be similar.

Sure enough, the next step was to put away the Jiedao, take out the string of human bone Buddha beads and start casting spells. After the second move, he gained the upper hand.It may be because of the gap in strength that the monks of Lanruo Temple gave up without waiting for the third move.

In this way, Xing Xing was able to keep the sixth position, but his expression was also unkind.No one will feel good when someone suddenly throws a stick and disrupts the rhythm.

After seeing Xing Luo's cloud head, he shouted loudly: "The poor monk wants to learn the tricks of Shenguan Temple, so he asked Brother Chen not to refuse."

As soon as this statement came out, the atmosphere on the scene was directly pushed to a climax, and this was the first time that Liao Xing directly called for formation at this Dharma conference.I saw Chen pan sitting on the seat and sighed, then opened his mouth slightly and said: "It's so indecent to compete with the same sect, please Junior Brother Yi lead me to do it."

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting behind Chen, stood up slowly, stepped forward and said to Chen, "Respect senior brother's order," and then strode forward to size up the other party not far in front of Xing Then he said lightly: "Please do so, friends, don't waste everyone's time."

The sudden appearance naturally attracted the attention of other sect monks around.Many of them did not know the details and began to inquire in private. Even Liao Yuan, who presided over the Dharma meeting in Jiaxiu Temple, had a lot of conversations, and then privately sent a voice transmission to Liao Chen to inquire.

Ignoring the reactions of the people around him, Yi Tian leaped lightly into the air and shouted loudly: "Since this is the case, Yi Tian will also make a three-stroke agreement. It's better for everyone to do it until it hurts the peace."

After listening to the action below, he was taken aback for a moment, and then a smile full of ambition appeared on his face and said: "This is very good, as Daoist Yi said." Then he flew into the air, first took out the long-handled ring knife, and condensed it in his hand again After taking three breaths, he rushed to attack without waiting for a notification.

Facing the oncoming Daomang Yitian, he showed no sign of timidity on his face, he took out the black iron bowl, held it in his hand and threw it over his head.The alms bowl directly turned into a gray halo shield on top of his head, covering Yi Tian's whole body.

With a sound of 'bang', the protective cover was hit by the sword light, and the sword light bounced away without even shaking. Now it was Xing's turn to show surprise.Naturally, he knew the power of Jie Dao's move, but he was really unwilling to be dissolved in the invisible like this.

Then Yi Tian didn't wait for him to attack the second move, and under the golden light flashing all over his body, he displayed the Buddhist sect's body technique and body technique, and flew forward to fight with Xing Xing in close quarters.

This situation made all the monks below dumbfounded, no one would ever use such a move in the martial arts competition of the release method.Fortunately, Yi Tian used the authentic Arhat Fuhu Fist for close-to-body combat after showing his agility. This set of boxing could only be regarded as a boxing technique used by disciples in the Qi training period to strengthen their bodies, but Yi Tian made it so powerful.

Keeping in mind that this martial arts competition can only use Buddhist martial arts and supernatural powers, Yi Tian's combination of golden body skills and boxing techniques can be regarded as in compliance with the rules.But in this way, Liao Xing's attack rhythm was disrupted, and Bidunsu was not his opponent, so he could only get tired of defending after he was entangled and defeated the opponent steadily.

Half a moment later, the middle door opened wide after both palms of Xing Xing were staggered, and Yi Tian added another kick at an inopportune time. With the loud sound of 'thump thump', a white light burst out from it, and it was Liao Xing's natal magic weapon, the human bone Buddha beads, which blocked his foot after being sacrificed.

(End of this chapter)

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