
Chapter 1226

Chapter 1226
After Li Chen entered the venue and waited for a short time, three gongs sounded during the whole Xinxin Dharma meeting, which foreshadowed the official start of the Dharma meeting.

Later, outside the Lianbo Pond, as the lead hosts, Monk Liao Yuan and Monk Kong Yun each took out a copy of Jade Furan.After holding it in their hands and injecting mana, they pointed at the restriction in front of them, and two auras flew out of their hands and hit the light film directly.

After three breaths, the two auras fused together to form a Buddhist swastika. As the swastika in front of him became bigger and bigger, a channel one foot high and three feet wide opened on the light film.

After hearing Yuandao's voice: "Everyone, hurry up and enter, I will close the passage in half a moment. If you can't make it in time, you can only say sorry, this time you will miss the five-colored golden lotus."

Yi Tian glanced over and saw that Liaochen in front of him walked towards the passage without hesitation, and of course he didn't dare to procrastinate and hurriedly followed.

After coming to Neizhong, I found that this place is very different from the outside world. There are pavilions and pavilions inside.Walking along the promenade to the end, there is a square platform with a size of one hundred feet, which seems to be in the center of Lianbo Pond.

On the surface of the lake behind the platform is a large green lotus leaf, which is as large as three hectares.And the pink lotus flowers that can be seen everywhere on the lotus leaves are blooming everywhere, only a ray of multicolored rays of light flashed among the green lotus leaves.

He kept walking, but Yi Tian secretly gathered his pupils and stared at it carefully.I saw a five-color nasturtium in the glow, with about fifteen lotus petals on the bud, divided into five colors: red, orange, yellow, blue, and blue.

After Yi Tian looked at it carefully, he began to worry about it. The leaf petals of this multicolored golden lotus also seemed to grow according to the number of five elements.Based on my current state of reconciling the five elements, it is best to take one leaf of each of the five colors, but this is only an ideal state.

The people present didn't come here for the treasures of heaven and earth, not to mention that he was at most participating in the martial arts competition.According to Liao Chen's introduction, this dharma conference will still focus on the practice of Buddhism in the literature test, and at least two-thirds of the leaflets will be used in the literature test.

Naturally, my small actions couldn't hide Chen's consciousness, and after three breaths, he only heard him say in a secret voice: "How come Junior Brother Yi seems to be quite moved by this five-colored golden lotus."

"Indeed, it's the first time I've seen such a treasure of heaven and earth, and the God of Nature yearns for it," Yi Tian replied through voice transmission without hesitation.This time, I came here for this thing, and Liao Chen, who was walking in front, shook his head helplessly by showing his heart so unscrupulously.

Then I heard him say: "Actually, the most precious thing about this multicolored golden lotus is the lotus seeds. As long as one of them is found and planted in the place where the super-grade spiritual veins are, you can quickly live. You can even regenerate the seeds that were originally hindered by demons." The spirit veins of Qi have returned to their original state."

"It has such a wonderful effect," Yi Tian couldn't help showing admiration on his face, but he turned around and replied: "It's a pity that this thing will only be awarded to the winner in the essay test, and there is nothing I can do about it gone."

After hearing this, Liaochen just turned around and smiled at Yi Tian, ​​and then said again through voice transmission: "Junior Brother Yi escorted that soul-stirring person last time, and I already owe a great favor to Shenguan Temple. I was able to help again this time, but the poor monk has nothing to repay, if you can get the first place in the essay test, then give the golden lotus seeds to the younger brother."

When Yi Tian heard the words, he looked at the dust with surprise on his face. He thought he would say that at most he would get the golden lotus leaf petals and give it to him, but he didn't expect him to boast that Haikou could win the first place.

Seeing his suspicious expression, Liao Chen smiled and stopped talking.

Soon everyone was brought to the platform in the center of the lake, and everyone took their seats according to the established seats.People like Liao Chen who hold the invitation card and jade book naturally have a fixed seat, but Yi Tian is a non-staff member and can only sit in the seat behind him.

After sitting down, he looked carefully at the total of about fifty people, among whom there were only seven Tantric monks.Except for the leader Kong Yun, Kong Xing and Monk Liao Xing who had fought against each other last time were also included.

And the remaining three seemed to be preparing to take part in the literary test, so Yi Tian knew all the contestants who had decided on the Tantric side of the martial arts competition in his heart.

Not long after, Liao Yuan, who was the host, came forward and shouted in a deep voice: "The Xinxin Dharma session will start now. First of all, it is the martial arts stage. Based on the previous ranking, you can challenge at will, but those who challenge can have two byes." To show justice."

After saying these words, all the monks present all agreed, and Yi Tian hurriedly asked through voice transmission: "Senior Brother Liaochen, I don't know where was the ranking in the last Shenguan Temple martial arts competition?"

Liaochen just stretched out his hand to signal, then moved his lips and transmitted a few words again.Yi Tian behind him shook his head, he didn't expect that Shenguan Temple Wubi could occupy the fifth position.But what he said after that made him stunned. The Jinguang Temple where Liao Xing was located was ranked sixth. Needless to say, the last time someone made a surprise attack in a forbidden area was naturally a preparatory plan.

And this time the situation will obviously target himself and Liaochen to take the opportunity to make trouble.

And if the person who is challenged loses, he will naturally switch places with the challenger, and the person who wins can immediately be exempted from the challenge.As for the losers, they are not so lucky, so everyone pays more attention to the current ranking and will not make a move easily.

After Yi Tian learned about it, he realized that Jiaxiu Temple is the number one in the martial arts competition, and the Tantra Minglun Temple is the second.As for the three, four, and five people, they are all branches of Jiaxiu Temple, so everyone seems to have a tacit understanding in private that they will not challenge at will so as not to give others an opportunity to take advantage of.

So Yi Tian felt troubled, and the only people who wanted to climb up were those who had an appointment with Minglun Temple. As for behind him, there was a leader from Jinguang Temple watching over him.

After thinking for a while, he gritted his teeth and briefly explained his calculations to Liao Chen, but what he didn't expect was that after listening to him, he just replied indifferently: "The martial arts competition is all due to Junior Brother Yi's efforts. It's your business to do, and it's inconvenient for me to interfere."

After Liechen's statement, Yi Tian knew what he was doing, and he naturally felt less restrained and more free-spirited.

Only monk Kong Yun said: "Since this is the case, brothers and sisters, please start. The old rule is to start with the lower ranked ones. Although fists and feet have no eyes, there has never been a death or injury in the Xinxin Dharma meeting. Everyone still clicks on it." It's good to stop now."

After hearing these words, everyone present naturally agreed with them, and then some disciples from the sect who ranked last came out to challenge.

Although Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting behind Chen, changed his attire and sat there as Ku Toutuo, but there were at least two people on the scene who showed provocative gazes at him without avoiding it.Feeling helpless in my heart, I secretly thought about how to stand up.

(End of this chapter)

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