
Chapter 1225 Going to the Xinxin Dharma Association

Chapter 1225 Going to the Xinxin Dharma Association
The Xinxin Dharma Conference can be regarded as a more important ceremony near Shenguan City, and the specific location is near the Lianbo Pond.It is located in the Lianbo Mountains three thousand miles to the west of Shenguan City. There are also heaven-level treasures such as multicolored golden lotuses in this scenic spot.

On weekdays, several major temples jointly stationed monks who turned into gods to garrison outside. As for the lotus pond inside, several abbots jointly cast spells to seal it up with extremely powerful Buddha power.

Whenever a five-color golden lotus matures in the pool, it is the time to hold this mind-relieving ceremony.

This time, the representative of Shenguan Temple was Abbot Liaochen who looked like Kututuo. Before Liaochen asked for help, Yitian knew that this matter could not be stopped.I have something to ask for from others, and the other party made such a request precisely because of this.

After he agreed, Li Chen was relieved. Afterwards, he explained that although the long-distance teleportation array was available, it might not be able to directly teleport to Daleiguang Temple.At best, you can go to Jiaxiu City, the largest stronghold in the region, where there will definitely be a point-to-point direct teleportation circle.

In this way, I will inevitably take a detour, but thinking about it in a blink of an eye can save a lot of effort.

As for the mind-relieving dharma meeting, I heard it mentioned by monk Kongxing before, and this time, Liaochen's junior brother came to ask for the jade slips to participate in the meeting, which naturally aroused Yi Tian's 12 interest.

After careful questioning, I realized that the original Shixin Dharma Association is divided into two parts: the literary test and the martial arts competition.The top five in each part can get a leaf petal of a multicolored golden lotus, and the top three can also get a lotus seed, and the first place in the essay test can also get the lotus pod.

It can be seen that the focus of the Shixin Dharma Association is to delve into the Dharma. As for the martial arts competition, it is to test the results of each person's practice, but they must use Buddhist methods.

This time the Dharma Conference is presided over by the masters of the Daxueshan Minglun Temple and the Jiaxiu Sect.Knowing this, Yi Tian learned that this is probably another grand ceremony held jointly by Mahayana and Esoteric Buddhism. Unfortunately, there are still many interests in secret, so before the meeting, Esoteric monks will take multiple actions to secretly attack their opponents to expand their winning rate.

The key point is that more than [-]% of the Buddhist world are monks of the Mahayana sect, and the Tantric sect is already overwhelmed by the number of people.

A few months later, two ray of light flew out from Shenguan City and then flew towards the Lianbo Mountains.Yi Tian also made sufficient preparations before this, and took out all the ready-made spiritual weapons on hand to strengthen them and practice them.

The only things that can be sold now are the black iron bowl, the nanmu wooden fish and the glazed Buddhist beads.Among them, only Nanmu Muyu has practiced using the Tianlei eight-tone secret art festival.

I am not very professional in the refining of Buddhist utensils. Fortunately, I got Chen's guidance to make up for all the deficiencies in it.When re-practicing the three spiritual weapons, their functional attributes were secretly infused with different Buddhist esoteric techniques.

The black iron bowl integrates attack and defense, so the magical powers and secret techniques of the golden yang body method are integrated into it. As for the glazed Buddhist beads, it is still infused with the skills of the Great Sun Sutra, and the mantra of the Bodhi Concentration Mantra is also engraved on it. .

When the two of them flew close to the outskirts of the Lianbo Mountains, they saw a welcoming monk waiting in the air from afar.Flying forward, Liao Chen also reached out and took out the invitation, the jade slip, and slowly sent it over.

After the guest monk checked the invitation, his eyes glanced at the two people in front of him, his expression slightly wrinkled, and he said: "You poor monk, I have heard that Abbot Chen of Shenguan Temple has profound Buddhist teachings, but I don't know when another junior brother appeared. Lie, and asked Brother Chen to explain so as not to cause misunderstanding."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was taken aback, he never thought that such a situation would happen.But in a blink of an eye, I saw that Chen seemed to be fully clothed and flew to the Zhike monk not far away, Jishou said: "Junior Brother Yi Tian is indeed not from my Shenguan Temple, but he escorted our temple to order treasures, and he also said that he can help boxing That's why the poor monk brought him here because he was grateful for his kindness."

"This seems to be against the rules. Logically speaking, if it is a monk of your school, there is nothing wrong with it." The Zhike monk said with a look of embarrassment: "It's just that this person is a foreign Tutuo, and I don't know how well he has cultivated in Buddhism?"

"That's naturally much better than ordinary monks, at least he has cultivated the corona," Liao Chen said, then turned around and shouted: "Junior Brother Yi, can you just show your corona?"

At this point, Yi Tian knew what Chen was relying on, thinking that he had already touched the corona golden body when he was in the lower realm.Although he has not practiced the Dharma, he has always taken it as a warning. This time, he suddenly understood after having some exchanges with Yaochen in Shenguan Temple.

This coronal golden body technique is marked as a very high supernatural power even in the Great Sun Scripture. Although it is not an offensive spell, it is the strongest in the auxiliary skills.After these months of constant exploration and painstaking practice, I was finally able to condense a little bit of a corona, but my skill is still weak and it looks like a bright red disc on the back of my head.

After hearing this, Yi Tian also looked helpless, but he knew that what Chen said must have a deep meaning, and then he clasped his hands together and said in his mouth: "Now," suddenly a red glow rose from behind, and the red corona of about half a foot looming.

The Zhike monk was shocked when he saw it, he clasped his hands together and said hastily, "Excuse me for my poor eyesight, since it is a distinguished guest invited by Master Liaochen, we can naturally go to participate in the release ceremony together."

Yi Tian hurriedly put away the corona and flew forward to salute, and then followed behind Chen without saying a word.I haven't reached home in practicing this coronal supernatural power, and the corona is far less round and transparent than Chen Chen.And recently, I also found that the corona is a bit abnormal, and there will be a little purple halo in the corona not long after it appears.

It is estimated that it is the influence of the real fire of life on the corona. I have not found a reasonable explanation after searching the Great Sun Sutra, so I can only put it aside and ask the eminent monks in Neizhong after arriving at the Daleiguang Temple.

Later, after the two resigned as Zhigu monks, they flew towards the location of Lianbo Pond. After a while, dozens of people could be seen in the sky.

After slowly falling from the clouds, Liaochen led Yi Tian into the venue and introduced his comrades in the venue one after another.As the host, the representative of Jiaxiu Temple is named Yuan Yuan. After listening to Chen's introduction, they are all monks of the same generation. Shenguan Temple was originally a branch of Jiaxiu Temple.

As for the representative of Minglun Temple, there is a fat-headed and big-eared monk named Kong Yun. After hearing this, Yi Tian secretly thought something was wrong. He probably is a fellow disciple of Monk Kong Xing. I'm afraid this time the confrontation may not be as good as last time. Generally easy to solve.

As for the rest of them, like Liaochen, they belonged to the branches of Jiaxiu Temple, so everyone was very polite when they met.It's just interesting on the scene. The Mahayana and Tantric people just greet each other on the surface, and they are divided into two groups in private, and they don't have much to talk about.

(End of this chapter)

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