
Chapter 1224

Chapter 1224
Originally, I just wanted to take the opportunity to sneak into Shenguan Temple to discuss with the abbot and abbot about borrowing the teleportation formation, but I didn't expect to encounter a scene of rivalry between the same sect.

Facing those two people, I just felt that I should wait and see before making any plans to avoid trouble, and then I just stood in the distance and silently practiced my body, and then disappeared my figure again.

Thinking about it, I had overlooked how thick-skinned Monk Xing was. Later, I only heard him sneer and say: "Brother, what age is it? If I hadn't left the temple early back then, you would have had the opportunity to inherit the mantle of the master."

"Your brother's words are wrong," Liao Chen, who was sitting cross-legged on the futon, raised his hand and took out the jade slip, and said immediately, "You left this temple because you were greedy for tantric supernatural powers and eager for success. It is clearly written in it. Now that you are back to do something, don’t think that I don’t know what your plan is. There is no chance of winning if the Xinxin Fa will be divided into two sessions. You just want to take advantage of the competition. Just take up more resources for the follow-up conference.”

"Senior Brother really knows me so well," Liao Xing said without hesitation, "I don't want to embarrass you, as long as you hand over the invitation jade slip for the Fa conference, I will leave immediately."

After looking at it, Liao Chen just shook his head helplessly and said, "Even if it's given to you, what matters in the Fa Conference is the attainment of Buddhist comprehension, not the strength of one's cultivation. What's more, it's about the thousand-year reputation of Shenguan Temple." Forgive me for being humble."

"Then senior brother, you are planning to toast and not to eat fine wine," he changed his tone, the flesh on his face shook a few times, and he didn't say anything, reached out and took out a one-foot-sized golden wheel to sacrifice, and then sat down in front of him The dust was hit face to face.

With a 'bang', after the string of Buddha beads in Chen's hand was released, a golden protective cover was gathered not far in front of him, and the golden wheel slammed on it, and it was directly bounced away by the golden light.

It's just that there was no surprise on Monk Liao Xing's face, and he shot again.This time he also took out a string of Buddhist beads, with a total of [-] beads on it.It's just that when Duochen saw it, his face changed drastically and he said: "You actually sacrificed such a cruel spiritual weapon, for this thing, how many people did you kill to get together these one hundred and eight human bone beads?"

'Human Bone Buddha Beads' Hearing this term, Yi Tian, ​​who was hiding in the distance, also felt a chill down his back. No wonder he always felt full of evil spirits when he saw this string of Buddha beads just now.It stands to reason that most of the spiritual weapons of the Buddhist sect would not be refined from human bones, but it must be true from Chen's mouth.

I saw Monk Xing raised his head and laughed a few times before replying: "There are no one hundred and eight monks who have transformed themselves into gods. Originally, this object was the treasure of Jinguang Temple, the human bone Buddha bead, but it was just a few thousand years ago when the Buddha happened to be here. After the Demon War, the elders in the temple brought back this spirit weapon and it was damaged. I just made up the three missing prayer beads."

"That was also the life of the three cultivators who transformed into spirits. How could the younger brother do it?" Liao Chen shook his head.

"It's always like this. Those three cultivators who transform gods are also treated by foreigners. The last thing I want to see is your appearance of saving all sentient beings. It should be noted that some people are better not to cross. Jinguang Temple pays attention to killing decisively. As the Dharma protector in the monastery, I naturally know what I know," Liao Xing said in disapproval.

After talking about it, he stretched out his hand to sacrifice the Buddha beads and directly joined the golden wheel, and the two spiritual weapons then emitted a domineering light and smashed hard at Chen's protective cover.

Under this blow, the protective cover was directly broken, and it was about to hit the dust deity. The skin around him turned slightly golden in an instant, and a small corona appeared directly behind his head.Immediately, with a flash of inspiration, the golden wheel hit the target and bounced back.

Liao Xing was also stunned at this time, and then his face twisted and said: "Master is really biased and passed on the supernatural powers of the golden body of the sun crown to you." Hack it head-on.

But when the golden wheel flew into the air, it was blocked by a slanting spiritual light, and after a closer look, it turned out to be a blue wooden fish.There were continuous waves of sound waves spreading from the wooden fish, stopping the momentum of the golden wheel.

Then a Taoist figure appeared not far away. It was Yi Tian who was peeping from the side. He pointed at the nanmu wooden fish frame and opened the golden wheel, then slowly walked forward and said to the two Jishou: "Fellow Taoist, since Brother Gui's refusal to hand over the invitation jade book must have deep meaning, so why are you being so aggressive?"

"Who are you, how dare you trespass into the forbidden area of ​​our Shenguan Temple?" Liao Xing asked angrily.

Before Yi Tian could speak, Liao Chen, who was standing aside, interjected, "This benefactor must have been waiting for a long time, and Shenguan Temple's unfortunate appearance of such a traitor made your Excellency laugh."

Yi Tian turned around and bowed his hands to Chen Chen, saying: "I am taking the liberty to bother you. Originally, I just wanted to borrow the teleportation formation of your temple, but I didn't expect that there would be extra problems. I really can't see it when I encounter such a situation, so I will ask the abbot if I rush to take action." Master, don't be offended."

Seeing it, he hurriedly took back the golden wheel and the human bone Buddha beads, then looked at Yi Tian, ​​turned to Chen Chen and said, "Senior brother is really popular, let's leave today's matter here, but I will come to learn from you at the Xinxin Dharma meeting Senior brother's brilliant move, farewell."

After speaking, he turned around and flew towards the entrance of the forbidden area. After seeing it, Liao Chen just gave a helpless wry smile and let him go without doing anything to stop him.

Abbot Chen heaved a sigh of relief when he realized that he had walked out of the Shenguan Temple with his spiritual thoughts, and then he stood up slowly and said, "It's so pleasant to have friends coming from afar, please sit down, fellow Taoists." After speaking, he reached out to signal the futon beside him.

Yi Tian went straight forward and sat down next to him without hesitation, and said after the two of them were both seated, "It's a great disrespect for me to bother you and listen to the conversation between the master and the monk."

"You don't need to blame yourself, Daoist Yi. I've noticed it since you first entered this temple. However, you have a sense of righteousness that faintly reveals the Buddha power of my Mahayana sect. Naturally, you are a friend rather than an enemy," Liao Chen explained.

After hearing this, Yi Tian's face was also ugly. It turned out that his whereabouts had already been noticed by the other party.Fortunately, he didn't do anything excessive to arouse suspicion, otherwise he couldn't tell.

After subduing his embarrassing expression, Yi Tian asked again: "I want to go to the Daleiguang Temple in the Buddhist world. I don't know if Abbot Chen can make it convenient for me?"

"Originally, as a Taoist friend, I possessed the Buddhist power of the Great Sun Sutra directly passed down from the Great Leiguang Zen Temple. Naturally, I was obliged to do so. But recently, in order to participate in the retreat and painstaking training of the Xinxin Dharma Association, I just forcibly cast the golden body of the sun crown, which left some dark wounds. I can't do anything with people in the near future," Liao Chen put his hands together and pleaded, "Can I ask Daoist Yi for help?"

(End of this chapter)

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