
Chapter 1230

Chapter 1230
In the air, Yi Tian and Kong Xing were evenly divided after a one-stroke fight, but there was no fear on their faces, but embarrassment on the other side.

Presumably, since the Smoky Crystal Golden Dragon Duo was taken, it would be a one-hit success, but the reality is too skinny. Although the sacrificed Golden Dragon Duo is strong, the magical powers of the caster seem to be unable to match the aura of the spirit weapon.

Yi Tian saw it clearly and thought about it in his heart. It is estimated that those famous spiritual weapons and treasures in the Buddhist world need to use the corresponding Buddhist secret arts to show their true strength.Like the Kong Xing in front of him, although he holds the Black Crystal Golden Dragon Duo, but with his Buddhist practice, he must not be able to exert the true power of the spiritual weapon.

Thinking of this, a slight sneer appeared on Yi Tian's figure, and he came forward again, not far from him, then waved the glazed Buddha beads in his hand and turned them into twelve-section long whips, aiming at Kong Xing's body and whipping them fiercely.

It seems that the previous fight with Liao Xing was watched by the other party, and Kong Xing knew that this blow was no small matter.But the long whip was coming in such a hurry that Kong Xing couldn't take any more reactions, so he raised the Golden Dragon Duo in his hand to meet it.

The two spiritual weapons, one hard and one soft, collided fiercely in the air and made a 'crackling' sound. After Yi Tian hit Jinlongduo with a long whip several times, the luster on it became dull.

Seeing that, Kong Xing's face twitched slightly, he didn't understand why the occupation had become like this, seeing that he could only be passively beaten in this way, he raised the cassock on his body to protect his surroundings into a spherical defense.

The strength of the long whip was dispelled by the soft force of the cassock, and Yi Tian knew that the opponent who was so forced was tired of defending and could not directly break through.But after the two moves, it was obvious that he had the upper hand. Naturally, he didn't dare to force the other party to be too anxious. There were still a group of monks watching, so he had to save some face for Minglun Temple no matter what.

After thinking about it, he backed out and put away the glazed beads and black iron bowl ten feet away, and shouted loudly: "Fellow Daoist Kong Xing's defense is really solid, I ask myself if I can't break through this second move, it's a tie."

Just after speaking, the red cassock in the distance was slowly put away, and later Kong Xinglai showed a glaring face, but at this time his face was more helpless.

Before the other party could react, Yi Tian said again: "You and I have both used two spiritual weapons and failed to take advantage of the other party. Why not use the third move of the Buddhist sect with bare hands without the help of spiritual weapons?" No matter how one move is, this can also show the degree of personal understanding of the sect's supernatural powers."

After speaking, he put away the two spiritual weapons and stood in the distance waiting for the echo.

When Kong Xing saw it, he lowered his head and replied in a deep voice: "It's okay, let's each compete with each other with our own supernatural powers and spells."

After finishing speaking, Jin Longduo put away the cassock, put his hands together and performed the exercises, and the spiritual power of the whole body no longer leaked out, it seemed that it was all restrained, and then flowed into the limbs and bones of the body.A little later, I heard a 'crack' sound of fried soybeans, a faint golden color appeared on Kong Xing's complexion, and the whole figure turned into a golden circle that suddenly swelled.

Originally, Kong Xing's body was slightly thinner and taller, but after this change, his whole body has grown to more than ten feet tall, and the muscles on his body are bulging like a burly giant.

Yi Tian was stunned. Yuan's sound transmission voice suddenly came from beside his ear: "This is the golden body transformation of Arhat, the supernatural power of the esoteric sect. It's just that Kong Xing has not practiced it well yet. But this is also the realm of Xiaocheng that cannot be ignored."

Although I don't know why he would remind me at this time, it must have a close relationship with his method of exposing the Great Sun Sutra.Yi Tian stared at Kong Xing's appearance carefully, and then a red light flashed all over his body, and he used the Buddha Sect Jinyang body technique.

Two groups of dazzling golden light erupted from the sky at the same time, but the golden light on Kong Xing's body seemed extremely domineering, while Yi Tian, ​​who was opposite, had a faint golden light all over his body, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations around his body did not appear to have any big waves.

It was only after a ray of red light flashed that a corona the size of a jade plate appeared behind his head.Now all the people on the platform couldn't hold back anymore, they seemed to be discussing while pointing their fingers.

Seeing it, Kong Xing showed a dignified expression on his face and said: "It turns out that you are also confident, but it's a pity that although your corona golden body has been cultivated, it is useless without the corresponding magic power."

"Fellow Daoist said that if you want to come to this point today, you can't let everyone down anymore," Yi Tian said with a twitch of his mouth, "The next move is no small matter, and fellow Daoist should take it up." Soon there were not many Afterwards, his hands quickly formed a seal on his chest, but he said in his mouth: "Change."

A phantom slowly rose from the corona behind him, forming a phantom many feet high in the air. After three breaths, the phantom changed from phantom to reality and turned into a dharma body.

Yi Tian couldn't see the real situation of his dharma body, but the monks below saw it clearly.I saw that the body of the dharma figure slowly grew to a height of three feet, and then two hands grew out from under the ribs on the body, and two identical faces appeared on both sides of the head.Needless to say, this is the phantom of the Asura body that Yi Tian originally cultivated. At this time, the body of the body is the same as when he cultivated to Xiaocheng, but the power is quite different.

Back then, the magic body could only bluff people, but now it can display secret magic powers.After the phantom passed by, Asura's dharma body began to move, and after the six hands formed seals in twos, it was Lei Bayin's starting gesture that day.

Then the mouths on the three heads opened at the same time and then recited the mantra. That day, Lei Bayin's mantra turned into a golden seal, gathered into a halo in the air, and then hit the opponent.

Kong Xing was really regretful at this moment, it was obvious that the opponent's Buddhist sect's supernatural power level was far above his, and he had also cultivated the golden body of the sun crown.Kejian had to post it on the election, not to mention Yi Tian had already made a move, so he couldn't allow him to think too much.After tidying up his mood, Kong Xing's spiritual power in his whole body was raised again, and then he walked towards the halo.

There was a loud "bang" in the air, and the two golden lights collided with each other in an even situation.But after less than three breaths, Kong Xing was completely suppressed, but Yi Tian's supernatural power pushed him away by three feet, then stopped and took it back.After three breaths, the halo returned to Fa Xiang's body and remained silent, but Yi Tian said lightly: "Fellow Daoist Kong Xing has already divided the victory and defeat."

Before Kong Xing could reply, Kong Yun from Minglun Temple, who was above the chairman of the platform below, spoke directly: "I never thought that Junior Brother Liaochen from Shenguan Temple would be so good that he could ask the direct disciples of Daleiyin Temple to help him. My Minglun Temple has admitted defeat this time, so there is no need for the two of you to compete."

Liaochen just put a faint smile on his face, got up and said to Kongyun Jishou: "Actually, the poor monk didn't know about this at first, but I couldn't refuse that Junior Brother Yi came to the door himself."

What he said was calm and calm, but it was not pleasant to Kong Yun's ears. How could he not encounter such a good thing.

 Thanks to Yang Jiaichiro for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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