
Chapter 1231

Chapter 1231
After Wu's comparison, Shenguan Temple got his wish and lost his position with Minglun Temple, which was originally ranked second, so Minglun Temple fell to the fifth place.

Afterwards, Minglun Temple had another chance to challenge the other three, four or two players except for the second place. As for the first-ranked Jiaxiu Temple, it had to be ranked second to have a chance to challenge.

To put it bluntly, this time Minglun Temple's martial arts competition ended in a complete failure, and even if it can challenge for the third place in the future, it can only stop here.

If you want to get rid of your shame, you have to wait for the next Xinxin Dharma meeting after a thousand years, but at that time, neither Yi Tian nor Abbot Liaochen may stay in Shenguan Temple.

Monk Kongyun, who was on the top, suppressed the anger in his heart and said in a low voice: "Okay, Minglun Temple, who is ranked fifth, will come out to challenge. According to the rules, we must not choose the first and the sect that has just been replaced." He said the words through gritted teeth, and he couldn't attack them because of his feelings.

At this moment, the other host, Liao Yuan, stood up and asked, "Your fellow Taoist Kong Xing was exhausted just now, do you need to rest and recover your spiritual power before challenging?"

"No need, there is more than one master in Minglun Temple, we can just send another junior to fight this battle," Kong Yun could only bite the bullet and get on the round bar at this time.It's just that everyone could hear that he seemed to blame Kong Xing in his words, so he directly replaced him.

After saying that, a tall and thick monk stood up next to him, said to the people around him, and then walked to the middle of the platform, staring at Yi Tian with his eyes full of fighting spirit for a long time before turning his head away past.

At this time, Yi Tian was full of satisfaction and looked lazy, anyway, no one would challenge him after he made a move.On the other hand, Liao Chen, who was sitting in front of him, sat down like an old monk, as if everything around him had nothing to do with him.

Secretly admiring his determination, Yi Tian quietly moved his lips and asked through sound transmission: "Senior Brother Liaochen, I have fulfilled what I promised you, and the next essay test will be up to you."

Liaochen opened his eyes and replied through voice transmission with a smile on his face: "Junior Brother Yi, don't worry, monks will not lie. This time you won the second place with a lotus petal, and I promised you that the lotus seeds will also An explanation must also be provided. Even if I fail to win the first prize in the debate, it is still possible to ask Senior Brother Yuan for a moment with this face."

It turned out that Liaochen still had such backhands, Yi Tian was immediately at a loss for words.The first place in the thesis test may not be sure, but if the lotus seed is related to Jiaxiu Temple's Liaoyuan, the confidence will be greatly increased.

To put it bluntly, as long as Jiaxiu Temple's lineage attacks Minglun Temple at that time, it will be a sure thing.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian showed a knowing smile on his face, and then sat cross-legged on the seat with closed eyes and rested his mind. Anyway, the next thing has nothing to do with him, no matter how they fight in the sky, they can't shake the status of Shenguan Temple.

On the contrary, it was the battle just now that benefited him a lot. The coronal supernatural power he used before was naturally the result of hard work in the recent period.Although he is still not proficient, he is much better than before. Under Liaochen's guidance, he finally understands the true use of the corona.

And the condensed Dharma body is also quite interesting. When I have cultivated the corona to a certain extent, I will start to practice the Dharma with reference to the supernatural powers and secret techniques recorded in the Great Sun Scripture.

Originally, I thought that according to my own attributes, I might condense the Vulcan or Thunder God.But afterward, he found out that he appeared in this world with the real body of Asura, so he had no choice but to do so.

Fortunately, Ashura's Dharma Aspect Body can use Buddhist esoteric techniques. The trick just now was to try the non-phase reference in the Great Sun Sutra.Originally, I wanted to practice the most powerful flower finger, but I had to choose an easy move because of the limited time.

Although the non-phase finger has not been practiced to a small degree, but the essence of it is quite inspiring to myself, so when using the supernatural powers to use fists instead of fingers to use the skills of the Dainichi Sutra to motivate, unexpectedly, the power is not bad. Under it, monk Kongxing can be shocked.

To be honest, I did my best just now, and if I was too late to finish my work, I'm afraid I would show my old self.Fortunately, Kong Xing had no choice but to bow his head and admit defeat after being beaten by his own move, which was a successful conclusion to the matter.

Now Yi Tian is full of curiosity about Nianhuazhi, and with the ready-made Great Sun Scripture in his hand, he can naturally acquire such supernatural powers.It's just that time was limited and he couldn't comprehend the essence of the flower finger. Taking advantage of everyone's attention focused on other places, Yi Tian simply said the same thing as the dust, and then quickly entered the sedation state.

Outsiders seem to be sitting cross-legged and silently exercising their energy and breathing, but in fact they have entered a state of sedation, copying and verifying the three forms of the supernatural powers in their minds.

After this kind of verification, it turns out that the three forms of finger-twisting seem simple, but in reality there are many changes inside, and it is by no means something that can be completely mastered overnight.The good thing is that in my own mind, I don't need to do it physically to prove this kind of supernatural power, and I can just rely on the condensed form of my mind.

In fact, after casting the coronal dharma image, the dharma image body can display the supernatural power of finger-twisting, and it only needs the blessing and control of spiritual thoughts.

Little did he know that after Yi Tian entered such a state of concentration, the corona behind his head slowly appeared, and the whole body was surrounded by golden auspicious lights.Sitting at a banquet and trying to keep a low profile is not enough.

Liao Chen who was sitting in front was naturally the first to notice this situation, and immediately raised his hand and cast a golden halo to protect Yi Tian.Then his lips moved a few times and he spoke to Liao Yuan who was sitting above him via voice transmission.Later, three monks from Jiaxiu Temple slowly got up and walked to Yi Tian's side a zhang away, sitting cross-legged on the left, right and behind.

This kind of behavior undoubtedly gave Yi Tian who was enlightening, and other monks, especially Tantrics and others, looked with envy on their faces.Epiphany like this is all about chance, and some people have never encountered it once in their entire lives, so they can only stare blankly at it.

I don't know how long it took in the sea of ​​consciousness, after going through all the changes of the three styles of finger-picking, Yi Tian slowly opened his eyes.Suddenly, I found that there seemed to be a lot fewer people present than before, and there was a monk sitting cross-legged in front of me and behind me.It was brother Liaochen in front of him, and he slowly stood up and turned around and said: "Congratulations brother, this epiphany will definitely benefit a lot, and future achievements will be limitless."

"Senior Brother Chen is bothering me, I'm really sorry, Junior Brother," Yi Tian hurriedly replied, "I don't know what stage the Mind-Extrication Ceremony has reached."

Liao Chen said with a smile: "The Dharma meeting ended half an hour ago, and it has been three days since the second junior brother realized his enlightenment again."

"What's the unknown result?" Yi Tian was startled when he heard this, he didn't expect that he completely missed the link of debating the law when he sat cross-legged.

Liao Chen reached out and took out a jade box and handed it over, "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

Yi Tian reached out to take the jade box and opened it, and found that there were five colored lotus petals in it, plus a lotus seed.

 Thanks to Zhongxikou, book friend 160523205159587 for the monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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