
Chapter 1232

Chapter 1232
Standing on the platform, Yi Tian took the jade box and looked it over carefully, and there were actually five lotus petals inside, which was much more than he expected.You must know that the biggest effect of these colorful lotus petals is that it can condense the five elements of true energy. For monks in the distraction stage, there are very few precious materials that can be used at this stage.

As for the lotus seed, it was the same as what Liaochen had promised before. Although he didn't know whether he won the first place in the debate or asked Yuan to get it, but he finally kept his word.

After gently closing the jade box, Yi Tian just smiled and then asked: "Before I meditated into samadhi, I didn't know the result of the essay test of the Xinxin Fahui, and I asked Brother Chen to inform me of the details."

Liaochen also nodded and smiled and replied: "Fortunately, the poor monk tried his best to get a first-class title."

Hearing this, Yi Tian's eyes suddenly showed surprise. He didn't expect Chen's knowledge of Buddhism to be so profound that he could argue against all the monks present. This ability is probably rare among fellow monks.

Buddhist practice does not require spiritual practice, only those disciples who have a deep understanding of Buddhism can go further on the path of practice.To put it bluntly, in the situation of Yi Liaochen, as long as there are no accidents and continue to practice and enter the combined body, it is a matter of iron and nail.

Yi Tian hurriedly praised: "Congratulations to Senior Brother Chen for achieving this great achievement. I think the future path will be smoother and the cultivation base will point to the fusion period."

"Thank you for your praise, junior brother. A poor monk who travels a hundred miles and a half or ninety years must fulfill his duties and never let up," Liao Chen also replied with a smile on his face.

Later, Yi Tian raised another topic, pointed at the jade box and said, "There seem to be three more colorful lotus petals in it than expected. I don't know why. If you don't get rewarded for nothing, I'm afraid I will too." Shame on you."

Probably because he had anticipated that he would ask this question, Liao Chen first shunned the three guardian monks around him.Then he said softly: "It turns out that my younger brother won the second place in the martial arts competition and I got the first place in the literary test. Naturally, I got two petals and one lotus seed. As for the other three petals, they were jointly given by Jiaxiu Temple and the other two. of."

Yi Tian heard that there was a cloudy look on his face, and he thought about it in his heart, wondering why they showed their favor so often.The so-called courteous people must ask for something, but I don't know what about myself will be noticed by them. Later, I came back to my senses and asked quietly: "I don't know, Senior Brother Yuan, there are other things to say."

Liao Chen nodded with a smile and replied: "Actually, they took a fancy to your black iron bowl and glazed Buddha beads, and wanted to exchange lotus petals for spiritual artifacts."

"But the two spirit weapons in my hand are only middle-level earth-level spirit weapons. Under the blessing of Buddhism, they can only be upgraded to high-level earth-level ones. The value of the lotus petals is not directly proportional to the value of the lotus petals. This is a huge advantage. I may feel a little guilty in my heart," Yi Tian explained the doubts in his heart one by one.

But in a blink of an eye, he saw Chen, but he didn't seem to care at all, and he paused before explaining: "Junior Brother Yi doesn't know, although this lotus petal is a heavenly treasure, it is not indispensable for us ascetics. But there are very few people in the Buddhist world who are proficient in refining weapons, even if you ask spiritual monks to refine spiritual weapons, it will take thousands of years of Buddha's power to warm them up before they can be handy."

It turns out that there is such a reason, Yi Tian thought in his heart, could it be that Yuan Yuan and the others have taken a fancy to the two spiritual weapons in their hands that have already been infused with the power of the Buddha sect, so they said this.

But no matter how you look at it, two for three is a big advantage for yourself, and I have some doubts about it. I don't know what other demands they will make.Seeing Chen paused for a moment, he said again: "As for the unequal amount of exchange, there is also a reason. Senior Brother Yuan also troubled Junior Brother Yi to help me."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's face remained unchanged, but he secretly said in his heart, "The main show is coming, I'm afraid that the helper will be the main one, but he doesn't know how troublesome it is to do it himself." '

Then he listened quietly to Chen and continued, "Ten years later, the selection of the next Buddhist disciple of Jiaxiu Temple will start, and Shenguan Temple will also send a disciple to participate, so please ask Junior Brother Yi to escort you along the way. "

It turned out that it was a matter of escorting the disciples of the Buddha, and it was not difficult to send a young monk to Jiaxiu Temple considering his cultivation base.Just as he was about to open his mouth to promise, a thought flashed through his mind and he suppressed all the words.After sizing up the dust, he realized that he was playing tricks, and such a thing as escorting the Buddha did not need the help of a cultivator of Huashen.

Unless there will be some accidents during the escort or there is something strange about the escort process.After concentrating his mind, Yi Tian tentatively asked: "I don't know if the escorting Buddha will fly away in the clouds or take other paths?"

"People who practice asceticism naturally travel thousands of miles to sharpen their state of mind," Liao Chen replied slowly.

I knew there would be tricks in it, but Yi Tian couldn't help shivering after hearing this.There are at least tens of thousands of miles from Shenguan Temple to Jiaxiu Temple, and it is really exhausting to just go here.But I weighed it down, there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, thinking that the multicolored golden lotus petals are all heavenly treasures, and they will never be given to me for no reason.

Later, I asked again: "In addition to escorting along the road, will you pass through areas where alien races gather, and if you encounter trouble, can you show the name of Shenguan Temple and shake off Xiaoxiao?"

"That's natural, about [-] miles away will pass through a large number of alien gathering areas," Liao Chen said disapprovingly: "And the Buddha's cultivation is only as good as that of the foundation building period, and many forces will attack secretly. A test for the Buddha, Junior Brother Yi, unless it is an emergency, please help."

There are still conditions for feelings, Yi Tian just feels extremely aggrieved at this time, and it's nothing more than escorting someone.I can't take action at any time, and let them solve everything by themselves.To be a babysitter is to bring practice, and I think it is enough to come along the way.

Seeing the troubled expression on his face, Chen also roughly guessed the difficulty he was thinking about, and then threw out a temptation: "After the escorting of the Buddha this time is completed, Senior Brother Liao Yuan from Jiaxiu Temple will definitely thank you again."

"A big thank you is second. This time, Senior Brother Yuan can reward me with lotus petals." Yi Tian replied modestly, "But dare I ask what is the matter of the selection of Buddhist disciples?"

Liao Chen said solemnly: "You know, junior brother, this Buddha is the reincarnation of the senior monk after his death. I have to do everything possible to find his real body, so there is no room for carelessness. And if he is robbed by someone from the Tantric sect, he will be reincarnated." It is definitely a great loss to Shenguan Temple and Jiaxiu Temple to practice Tantra."

It turns out that this is the most important thing, so Yi Tian understood in his heart that this journey might not be so ordinary.But it seems that I am being kicked out of the shelves and I can't refuse it.

After thinking about it, he joked: "Entrust me with such an important matter, I don't know what reward Senior Brother Yuan will give after the matter is completed."

"Colorful lotus."

(End of this chapter)

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