
Chapter 1235 Exchange Price

Chapter 1235 Exchange Price
This scene at the trade fair made everyone present look terrified. It was obvious that the cultivator in front of him had goods in his hands but completely disdained the power of the Thunderbirds.Taking a closer look at the person beside him turned out to be the vice president of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce, the expressions of disdain on the faces of those alien races subsided.

To say that the Youwen tribe is so powerful depends on their dominant position in the Netherworld behind them, and the Barbarian Horned tribe is also the leading clan in the hell world.

Lei Fuhong got off the platform after exchanging the three tail feathers, but instead of returning directly to the Thunderbird camp, he walked straight towards Yi Tian.Later, he walked to a short distance in front of him and stood still and asked, "If you dare to ask this fellow Taoist, does he still have extra white jade lotus roots? I am willing to pay a lot of money to buy them."

Put all the white jade lotus root segments in his hand into his mouth, chew them roughly for a few times, and then swallow them into his stomach.He raised his head, moved his lips slightly, and said via voice transmission: "Is the 3000-year Leiwenzhu in stock? If there is any news, it will be fine."

After hearing this, Lei Fuhong looked blankly for a moment, shook his head and walked back without saying a word.Although he really wanted to exchange for some more white jade lotus roots, and he was sure that the person in front of him must still have them in stock, he couldn't force them at this time.

After all, the face of the host family still has to be given, and it was a bit of a violation of the rules for him to ask privately like this.The Dark Moon Fairy didn't get angry because of her face, and Lei Fuhong knew it well but didn't dare to force her too much, otherwise she would lose face.

After a small episode, Wan Bo walked back happily, and then gently handed over the three Thunderbird tail feathers in his hand and said privately: "Senior Yi, please accept this."

Glancing at Yi Tian lightly, he waved his hand directly to signal him to put it away, and then moved his lips a few times to transmit the sound transmission: "You can put this thing away, and it won't do much for me. You can go up and speak for me in a while. , cold chalcedony dew, magic flame essence, and black jade glue. As long as you can exchange for one of the three tail feathers, I will give it to you."

After hearing this, Wan Bo'e first had a happy face, and then showed a thoughtful expression, obviously these three things are not simple things.Just saying that the cold chalcedony dew is a heavenly treasure, as for the other two kinds, he has never heard of it.

Yi Tian ignored so many, reached out and took out a storage bag, put the ice chain and azure armor prepared in advance, and handed it to Wan Bo'e. There is more than enough treasure material.

After taking over, Wan Bo'e stretched out his divine sense and swept his facial expression unchanged, but the expression in his eyes became strangely wonderful.He still has eyes for being a treasure appraiser, and he is also moved by the things in this storage bag. It seems that the master in front of him really has an idea.

Regardless of the other party's reaction, Yi Tian just calmed down and continued to look at the people around him. The performance of throwing stones and asking for directions just now may have attracted the attention of interested people.For example, Lei Fuhong of the Thunderbird clan and Fairy Dark Moon above both had their own calculations in their minds, and they were afraid that there would be something wonderful when it was their turn to go up later.

It wasn't long before it was the turn of the Horn tribe, and Yi Tian walked up directly without hesitation.After reaching the platform, he took out a white cloak and said, "A ground-level top-level spiritual weapon, a flying feather cloak, can be worn on the body to display the magical power of the flying feather clan, 'Peng Xing Wan Li', as long as the spiritual power is enough, it can reach the level of a monk in the distraction stage." Escape speed. Exchange for at least 2000 years of Thunder Weave Bamboo, if there is any news about the treasure."

As soon as the words fell, I heard Fairy Dark Moon asking: "If there is news about treasure materials, can I also exchange them for spiritual weapons?"

Knowing what she said, Yi Tian casually took out a low-level ground-level flying shuttle, held it in his palm and said, "If you have any news, you can exchange it for this, Feiyu Shuttle."

Immediately, everyone stretched out their spiritual thoughts and swept the two spiritual weapons on their palms, and after three breaths, most of them showed surprised expressions on their faces.Obviously, these two things were refined from something from the Feiyu tribe. Just looking at the hair on the cloak, you can tell that it was at least taken from the Feiyu tribe at the transformation god level.

From this it can be seen that the person in front of him should be a craftsman, and the materials used were taken from the Feiyu tribe.Everyone present couldn't help but link this matter with the mysterious disappearance of Luo Fei of the Flying Feather Clan many years ago, and after that, all of them showed more or less fear in their eyes.

It's just that Yi Tian waited for a long time after expressing his appeal on the above, but no one stood up and said that he wanted to exchange. Visually, he still overestimated their abilities.After thinking about it, he slowly put away the spiritual weapon in his hand and prepared to go back the same way, when suddenly two voices came from his ears at the same time.

First, Fairy Dark Moon said softly: "My fellow daoist, wait a moment, there is news about Lei Wenzhu here in this palace, can you take a step to speak?"

As for the other one, it was Lei Fuhong's sound transmission, which also mentioned Lei Wenzhu's information.It's just that he transmitted the sound in private and was half a beat slower than Fairy Dark Moon. After hearing this, Yi Tian replied indifferently: "Forget it, it's okay to listen to it. If you really have reliable news, you can discuss it."

After speaking, he first gave Lei Fuhong of the Thunderbird Clan a reassuring look, then slowly walked up to Fairy Dark Moon and asked, "Is the news in Fairy Unknown's hand accurate?"

"I'm only providing information but I need to exchange that flying feather cloak," Dark Moon said bluntly.

Unexpectedly, the other party was so domineering, Yi Tian held back the anger in his heart and did not want to make any troubles on the territory of the Youwen clan.At the moment, the sound transmission calmly asked: "If it's just news, is it too much to exchange for a top-level spiritual weapon? Fairy Dark Moon, please think again."

Unexpectedly, there was a flash of light in the other party's eyes, and he replied with determination: "I will keep my word and guarantee the reputation of the Youwen tribe. I will not only provide information, but also accompany you to get the Leiwen Bamboo. As for whether to take it or not It's up to you to get it, but no matter what, after you take me there, you need to hand over the flying feather cloak to me."

"Okay, since Fairy Dark Moon said so much, I can trust it, we will start after the trade fair and everything will be done as you said," Yi Tian also decided on the spot without hesitation.

Lei Fuhong, who was on the side after completing the agreement, also saw some signs of it, and his face was even more anxious.Without waiting for Yi Tian to return, he said directly through the voice transmission: "Fellow Daoist, wait a minute. Our family can provide thousand-year-old Leiwen Bamboo. As long as you carefully cultivate it to 3000-year-old bamboo, it will not be a problem."

Knowing that the other party wanted something, Yi Tian didn't want to offend him so as not to make himself an enemy, and then he said via voice transmission: "I don't know what fellow Daoist Lei wants to exchange for?"

"A piece of thousand-year-old Leiwen bamboo is exchanged for a whole piece of white jade lotus root," Lei Fuhong replied without thinking.

Frowning, Yi Tian showed displeasure on his face. The white jade lotus root was planted by himself in the Ganoderma lucidum garden of Taiqing Pavilion, and the harvest was good.At least I still have five or six medicines in stock that are almost a thousand years old, but the other party's purpose is obviously to order this product, but I can sit on the ground and raise the price, otherwise it will be really cheap for them.

(End of this chapter)

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