
Chapter 1236 Agreement

Chapter 1236 Agreement
At the trade fair, after Yi Tian made a bid, no one responded until Fairy Dark Moon spoke, but she didn't have any ready-made Leiwen Bamboo, at most she just provided information.For Yi Tian, ​​this is better than no news, at least there is still a glimmer of hope.

On the other hand, Lei Fuhong of the Thunderbird Clan privately transmitted his voice, but he only had a thousand-year-old Thundergrass Bamboo in his hand, although he could also use it to cultivate it.However, the long-distance water can't quench the near-thirst. As the main ingredient that is indispensable for refining the Brahma Golden Bell, if the Leiwen bamboo is not old enough, the effect will naturally be much worse.

But I don't want to miss this opportunity. After all, with the seedlings of Leiwen Bamboo, I can try to plant them to ripen them, and when they are planted in the right year, they can be used for refining.It's just that it's still slow to grow with just one Thundergrain Bamboo, but it would be much better if there were three or four.

Yi Tian thought about Lei Fuhong's proposal before replying via voice transmission: "The whole white jade lotus root plus the flying feather shuttle can be exchanged for three pieces of Lei Wenzhu. This is my limit. If Fellow Daoist Lei thinks it's inappropriate Then it’s out of the question.”

Lei Fuhong in front of him didn't expect such a reply. He turned his head and bowed his head to discuss with the clansmen behind him. After ten breaths, he finally came to a conclusion. He turned his head and sighed before replying: "Two The white jade lotus root and the flying feather shuttle can be exchanged for four thousand-year-old thunder-pattern bamboos."

"Five thousand-year-old Thunder Pattern Bamboos, I can add another Flying Feather Shuttle," Yi Tian replied directly, not to be outdone when the other party raised the price.

There was obviously hesitation on Lei Fuhong's face, but after a little thought, he nodded and agreed: "Okay, no problem. But Lei Wenzhu is within our territory, you can choose a time and place to trade."

After careful consideration, he still felt that Shenguan City was more suitable, and the time for escorting the Buddha himself was also arranged in three years, so the time was relatively sufficient, so he returned to his original position after making an agreement with Lei Fuhong.

Seeing that he came back, Wan Boye set off and walked forward, but there was still some horror in his eyes.After all, he knew the details of what he took out, and it was indeed a spiritual weapon refined from the materials of Feiyu Clan Luo Fei and a few of his subordinates.

Although it was only a few years ago, the scene of Yi Tian beheading Luo Fei and the others was still vivid in his memory, Wan Bo felt cold sweat dripping down his back when he thought of this.The casual cultivators of different races around naturally don't know how powerful the master in front of them is, and I'm afraid that even An Yue and Lei Fuhong don't pay much attention to it.

During the bargaining, he was probably only busy taking advantage and didn't think about other things. He said bluntly that if Yi Tian turned his face on the spot, no one here would have a chance to escape.After all, he still got the guidance of Abbot Chen, and knowing Yi Tian's words and phrases that showed his might at the Xinxin Dharma Conference, he naturally couldn't commit the slightest thought of disobedience.

He went forward and took out the two spiritual weapons according to the conditions given before, and then stated the name of the treasure that needs to be exchanged. Unexpectedly, most of the people present were ignorant.The vast majority of people have heard of cold chalcedony dew, magic flame essence, and black jade glue for the first time.

Only a few people learned about it, and lowered their heads to check whether there were such treasures in their storage rings.

Shaoqing saw a member of the Diyou tribe walk up to him and chat with Wan Bo'e through voice transmission in private, and at the same time he took out a dark treasure material for him to examine.

In fact, in Wan Bo'e's eyes, he couldn't make out the authenticity of it, after all, he didn't recognize the things he took out.It's just that the words that come out of his mouth can't be taken back, and he can't identify it, so he is really in a dilemma.

Unsurprisingly, Yi Tian's sound transmission voice came from next to his ears: "That's black jade glue, which needs to be refined before it can be made into black jade glue. It looks like the other party still has a lot, eat them all."

With his own point of view, Wan Bo had a lot of confidence, and immediately started bargaining with the other party.With his status as the shopkeeper of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce, he is naturally good at this.

I saw him chatting with the You Clan people there, and after a few words, the other party's face flushed, it seemed that Wan Bo'e had caught his sore feet, and if such a thing was made public at the trade fair, it would be afraid of You Wen The dark moon fairy of the clan will be the first to jump out and uphold justice.

Not long after that, the You clan had no choice but to take out two black jade gums of the same size, and exchanged a set of ice chains at the price of three cents for one.The attributes of this thing are secretly compatible with the people of the Diyou tribe. After being sacrificed and refined, it can be used to attack and defend, which can be regarded as a multi-purpose thing.

After he left, the scene returned to calm, but the people present all stared at the remaining spiritual weapon in Wan Bo's evil hand, showing reluctance in their eyes.It's just that they couldn't come forward to exchange because they didn't have any goods in their hands.

After waiting for the meeting, seeing that no one made a move, Wan Bo E was about to return after collecting the black jade glue. At this moment, a foreigner with azure-blue skin stepped forward to stop him.Yi Tian's divine sense scanned and found that the water force on this person was extremely strong, most likely he must be a member of the Deep Sea Biyuan tribe, but at this time he inserted a bar horizontally and didn't know what it meant.

After the two sides discussed the meeting, Wan Bo'e frowned slightly, as if he had doubts.The Deep Sea Biyuan Clan didn't hesitate and took out a jet-black seed directly, wanting to exchange it for a spiritual tool.

People around looked sideways at the seed for several times, and then there was a look of doubt on their faces, even Yi Tian didn't know why.After the divine sense passed by, I couldn't see through what it was.

As Wan Boxi continued to talk with him, the impatience on his face gradually appeared, and the foreigners beside him also showed a look of optimism.

As the host, Dark Moon Fairy also frowned slightly, probably this was the first time this happened at the trade fair she held.But she knew everything about the two people in front of her, so she simply didn't show up and let them do whatever they wanted.

Seeing that the master didn't speak anymore, Yi Tian felt a chill in his heart, knowing that there was nothing to be done, and he didn't know when it would end like this, so he simply sent voice to Wan Bo and said evilly: "What kind of seed is this, what does the other party want?"

"He said that this is the seed of the black fire tree core, which was found by the ancestors of the family in the hell world. It has been planted in the spiritual cultivation field for thousands of years and has not germinated. The ancestors of his family said that this seed contains huge The power of the source of fire just hasn't been planted yet," Wan Bo said helplessly.

"The power of the fire source," Yi Tian muttered, and then replied in a deep voice: "Give him this thing and I'll deal with it, don't let him delay any longer."

Hearing this sentence was like the sound of nature to Wan Bo'e, so he settled the matter and hurriedly discussed with the Deep Sea Biyuan tribe and exchanged the other azure armor.

It's a pity that these two spiritual weapons are both water-attributed armors. I got them from Luo Fei's storage bag and re-added the high-level earth-level treasures. It's a pity that they don't match the attributes of my skills, otherwise I wouldn't take them. Come out as a bargaining chip.

(End of this chapter)

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