
Chapter 1237 End

Chapter 1237 End
After the deal with the Horn Clan was over, Wan Bo came back and naturally handed over the three parts of black jade glue and black seeds to Yi Tian, ​​and what happened afterwards seemed to have nothing to do with him.

After taking the black jade glue and looking it over, I was secretly happy that three parts of the black jade glue could be refined to two parts of the black jade glue, which greatly exceeded the previous expectations.

There is also that black seed that seems ordinary, but you can find its specialness when you hold it in your hand.At this time, the natal true fire, Leiyan, Ziyan in Niwan Palace suddenly became extremely active, and suddenly began to scurry around on the Nascent Soul's spirit body.

Yi Tian secretly said in his heart: "This is a treasure. It seems that what the Deep Sea Biyuan tribe said is true, this seed indeed contains the power of the fire source."It's just that the seeds cannot be cultivated properly and cannot germinate, and the fire source power in nature has not been displayed at all. '

After sweeping his eyes and using his pupils, he didn't see through it, so Yi Tian had to put it away first, and took the opportunity to search all kinds of fire-type spiritual plant maps in the spirit world, and then try to find the correct planting method.

Just when I was distracted, several waves of people changed on the scene one after another, and everyone took out their items to exchange for their favorite spiritual weapon or elixir.

Yi Tian found that most of them exchanged finished products for finished products, and rarely needed precious materials.As for the other three members of the Thunderbird Clan, they also stepped forward to take out the special products of the Monster Clan in order to exchange for several kinds of medicinal materials.After careful inspection of these three people and Na Lei Fuhong, they should be sure that they are looking for an antidote for an important clan member.Moreover, the poisoned clansman's cultivation base is below the sixth level, but they have been transformed in advance through the secret method of the monster clan, so ordinary idle medicines cannot be cured.

But what does this have to do with him? Originally, he didn't want to cause trouble this time, so Yi Tian immediately calmed down and waited for the trade fair to end.

As for Wan Bo'e, he took three tail feathers and made a small fortune, and he also actively participated in the exchange of many good things in the next transaction.

After the trade fair was almost over, Yi Tian sent a voice transmission to him in private: "I still have something to do after the shopkeeper Wan's meeting, so go back and watch the city first."

Wan Bo knew that he would not be able to intervene in the next thing, he nodded slightly, and left with Wan Jiaolan after the fair was over.

After the people were almost gone, Lei Fuhong hurried forward to take a feather and handed it over, "You can contact me after activating this thing, and just notify me of the place and time of the transaction after the fellow daoist prepares the things." .”

He stretched out his hand to take the feather and glanced at it with his divine sense, so he knew it must belong to Lei Fuhong, and immediately nodded and replied: "I will come to you after I finish dealing with the matter at hand with Fairy Dark Moon." He took out a porcelain bottle and handed it over, "Here is the Hundred Flowers Jade Pill from the Taiqing Pavilion in my spirit world. It can temporarily suppress the spread of poisonous gas in the body. I think Fellow Daoist Lei should be able to use it."

With a look of surprise on his face, Lei Fuhong stared at Yi Tian vigilantly, then sighed and said, "I didn't expect Fellow Daoists to have researched alchemy, I really admire it."

"You don't need to worry too much, Fellow Daoist Lei. The treasures that your three clansmen asked for are all good antidote. I'm just guessing," Yi Tian replied with a confident face.

In this way, the tense expression on Lei Fuhong's face was relieved, and then he reached out to take the porcelain bottle and clasped his fists and said, "Thank you very much, please come back quickly, fellow daoist."


After the four members of the Thunderbird family left, only himself, Fairy Dark Moon of the Youwen tribe and a group of waiters of the Youwen tribe were left on the scene.

I saw the other party screened off a group of subordinates and then stepped forward to bow to him.Yi Tian asked unhurriedly, "Why is Fairy Dark Moon like this?"

"Senior laughed at me, An Yue still has a bit of eyesight, so she doesn't dare to be rude in front of senior," Fairy An Yue stood up and said with a faint smile, but her face showed a look of wisdom pearls in her hands.

To be honest, I like to trade with smart people, but being too smart is not a good thing.After thinking about it for a while, I didn't know where to show my feet, so I had to bite the bullet and ask, "How did you determine my identity?"

"Senior, of course he disguised himself very well, which An Yue really admires. It's just that the two barbarian tribesmen you brought revealed their secrets. Just saying that Wan Bo'e, as a mid-stage cultivator, can be regarded as a famous person here. But the way he looks at you is faintly full of fear and awe, and this result can be easily guessed," Fairy Dark Moon said with a light smile covering her mouth.

It turned out that there were flaws in this aspect, and Yi Tian only felt very innocent.Then I heard Fairy An Yue say: "As for being able to do so, it must depend on the girl Wan Jiaolan. Seniors know that what I see in her eyes is deep respect and admiration. And she looked at Wan Bo When you are evil, there is only respect in your eyes."

Now it was Yi Tian's turn to be stunned, unable to hold back a word for a long time.After ten breaths, he started another topic and said, "I am Yi Tian, ​​the abbot of Shenguan Temple, the junior brother Yi Tian. Fairy An Yue can just call me by my name."

Now it was the turn of Fairy Dark Moon to look shocked, and after looking up and down for a while, she asked respectfully, "Senior Unknown Yi, is this your real deity?"

Yi Tian didn't understand, so he said: "How do you say that?"

Clearing her throat, An Yue replied: "Suwen heard that Shen Guan Si won the title of No.2 in the competition of the last release of the mind, and it was Ku Toutuo who had the same name and surname as the senior."

Unexpectedly, things about six years ago have already started to spread. Fortunately, I used the Thousand Faces Technique to change my appearance.It's just that a man who doesn't change his name when he walks or sits doesn't change his surname. Naturally, his reputation is easy to be associated with others.In addition, self-reported family background is undeniable.

I wanted to use the reputation of Shenguan Temple to scare the Youwen tribe, but I didn't expect to let myself go.He neither admitted nor denied it at the moment, but simply said: "Buddhist scriptures say that people who cultivate are colorless, nameless, and formless. Let the world say what they want. Don't be obsessed with the dark moon benefactor. .”

"Senior answered the concubine in such a way that I had the answer in my body and mind. Please wait a moment. This time, there is also a senior from our clan who will be here later," Fairy Dark Moon replied with a nod.

If he had known about this earlier, it would not have been so simple. Now that An Yue knew her identity, she would never put herself in danger.Naturally, it made sense for her to find a helper with similar cultivation level as her own.

Fortunately, his cultivation base is not weak, if he is really in the late stage of transformation, maybe he will be eaten to death by them.To put it bluntly, it is just a cooperative relationship between the two parties. If they encounter any problems, they will naturally not be too scruples about the other party.

After waiting on the spot for a while, in his divine sense, he found that there was an aura not weaker than his own, rushing towards this side quickly.The cultivation base of the incoming person is estimated to be in the middle stage of distraction, and his strength is not weak, at least at the level of Liaoxing or Kongxing.

(End of this chapter)

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