
Chapter 1238 Arrival at the Fallen Land

Chapter 1238 Arrival at the Fallen Land
Three flashes of light flashed across the air, and the leader was a distracted cultivator from the Youwen clan.Yi Tian followed in the second position. As for Fairy Dark Moon, her escape speed was no slower than that of the cultivator of God Stage, and she was wearing a white cloak.

In order to reach Yi Tian as soon as possible, I gave her the flying feather cloak first, and after putting it on, she performed the escape technique much faster than before.

After the helper of the Youwen tribe that An Yue mentioned arrived, the three of them made a plan and immediately started to act.

The person who came was named Anfeng, who was in charge of the Youwen tribe in the gathering place of foreign tribes in the Buddhist world, and An Yue had made full plans to invite him this time.According to the information left by the Youwen clan, she found a place where her ancestors fell in the Buddhist world. When Fairy Dark Moon went to investigate earlier, she saw that there were indeed 3000-year-old Leiwen bamboos in it.

That's why she boasted that Haikou dared to bargain with herself, but after the dark seal arrived, Anyue made a suggestion for her.In that fallen land, she has to take back all the things left by the ancestors of the Youwen tribe one by one, as for the other things, except for the Leiwen bamboo, it depends on its own ability.

Yi Tian also undeniably agreed to this, anyway, his purpose was very clear and he didn't want to argue with them.

He was a little surprised that he had agreed to An Yue's conditions so readily, that the You Wen tribe's distraction stage cultivator was secretly sealed.After knowing his true identity, Yinfeng also showed a hint of joy in his eyes, and then he didn't say much and just gave a map to mark the location of the destination.

Flying in the air, Yi Tian took out the map from time to time to correct his position, and carefully looked at the place where the ancestors of the Youwen tribe fell, which was located in the barren land among thousands of mountains deep in the Buddhist world.

There is no cultivation town within [-] miles around that kind of place, and even the monks of the foreign race and the monster race will not go deep into it at will.After the inspection, Yi Tian asked: "I don't know what hidden dangers lie in this barren land. Fairy Dark Moon, you should be more familiar with the situation there once you have been there before."

An Yue behind her said with a serious face when she heard the words: "The last time I went there, I killed three members of my tribe. The most troublesome thing was the scattered marsh gas spiritual power, which contained a lot of corrosive ingredients, and I needed to support it all the way." Just put up a protective shield to resist."

"So that's the case, it will definitely cause a lot of spiritual power consumption. It seems that you should have encountered some invasions of local creatures there?" Yi Tian continued to ask.

This sentence seemed to bring back some bad memories of An Yue, and then she replied with a serious look in her eyes: "It seems that there are many blood refining creatures appearing, these things will attack indiscriminately except for the same kind."

"If there is such a thing, what is their strength?" Yi Tian felt strange after hearing this.Such a blood refining creature is very similar to what I have seen in a certain kind of exercise, but that kind of exercise should not appear in the Buddhist world.

At this time, Yinfeng, who was flying in the front, rarely said: "There was a war in that land tens of thousands of years ago, and our ancestors were also involved. As far as I know, there are two origins of the blood refining creature." There are two possibilities, one is the true blood of the yin spirit in the yin corpse world, after we meet it, we only need to use the extreme yang spiritual weapon or the Buddha sect's kung fu to deal with it."

After speaking, he turned his head and looked at himself intentionally or unintentionally, and Yi Tian was stunned for a moment with a wry smile on his face.It seems that they have already done investigations, and they must have taken a fancy to this point if they simply took themselves along.

Anfeng then changed his tone and said in a deep voice: "I hope it's not the second situation, otherwise our trip must be full of dangers."

"I don't know what the second situation is?" An Yue asked puzzled after hearing this.

"It's the product of the mutation after the residual blood of the real demon survived. I don't know if what I said is right." Yi Tian blurted out, but he found such information from his mind just now when he gave Yinfeng such a reminder.

Anfeng nodded and replied solemnly: "It is indeed possible. After all, the battlefield ruins are old and I don't know what the ancestors left behind. After tens of thousands of years of transformation, it is unknown whether there will be mutations. number."

In this way, An Yue's complexion became more and more ugly, and she was the weakest among the three.She didn't know what kind of crisis would be encountered in that fallen place, and if something unexpected happened, the two people in front of her might not be able to protect her well.

Later, Yi Tian asked again: "Are there any other things besides these blood refining things?"

"I don't know about that. Last time I just sneaked in from the path on the east side of the battlefield ruins, but there were no other creatures," Dark Moon replied affirmatively.

Just because you haven’t met it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Sometimes it’s luck to explore like this. Yi Tian just nodded slightly in response and stopped talking.

The three of them continued to fly for more than ten days before they came to the wilderness and mountains. From a long distance in the sky, they could see a layer of gray spiritual power covering thousands of miles in front of them.

Dark Moon, who was behind him, sped forward and said, "It's almost there. There may be some troubles in the next journey. I suggest that it is better to walk over the ground."

After hearing this, Anfeng turned his head and looked at Yi Tian, ​​and both of them nodded in unison.The three of them slowly descended from the cloud to a height of three feet above the ground,
Then slowed down and shuttled through the jungle.

Although it is flying at low altitude, the speed is controlled just right, and the coverage area is extremely wide in the air before.If you only rely on walking, I am afraid that it will be difficult to approach the target within a few days.

The positions of the three of them changed in the jungle, with An Yue leading the way and An Feng following behind as guards, Yi Tian naturally fell at the end.

After flying at low altitude for nearly a thousand miles, Yi Tian found that the soil under his feet had changed from black to dark red. He guessed that the easy road was gone before, and the real trouble came next.

Dark Moon at the front made a gesture, then fell down and put up a thin protective cover around her body, and said softly: "The next step is to pass through the area of ​​blood refining monsters. We should be careful not to disturb them. Although they The strength is just the appearance of the Nascent Soul stage, but there are too many of them, and they still live in groups."

As soon as he finished speaking, he secretly frowned and stretched out his hand, a blue light flew out of his hand and pierced directly into the forest on the right side in front of him.Yi Tian cast his pupil technique and glanced and found that in the blue light, there were spikes nailing a palm-sized piece of blood-colored flesh directly to the rock.

Yinfeng then stretched out his hand and pointed, the spike shook slightly and directly twisted the bloody flesh into pieces.

It's just that when the three of them approached, they saw that the scattered flesh and blood began to wriggle slowly on the ground as if they had vitality.After a while, they changed from small to large and regrouped again, but at this time, the fluctuation of spiritual power on the flesh and blood seemed to be three points weaker than before.

 Thanks for Dongnanxi's monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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