
Chapter 1239 The Land of Fallen Goes Deep

Chapter 1239 The Land of Fallen Goes Deep
The First Arrival of the Fallen Land sealed and silently solved the moneyless blood refining foreign object, but what I didn't expect was that this thing seemed to have the ability of continuous regeneration and could regenerate broken limbs.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the scattered blood refining foreign objects fused together again and returned to their original state, but the breath was much weaker than before.Seeing this, An Feng frowned slightly and was about to strike again, but the Dark Moon Fairy at the side hastily stopped him: "My lord, don't do this, these blood-refined foreign objects are endless, don't waste mana again. We still have a long way to go!" There's a way to go."

After hearing this, Anfeng said with a grim expression: "Should we be forced to leave when we meet these blood-refined mutated creatures? Didn't you say that there will be many of the same kind gathering among them? How should we deal with a large number of such creatures?"

Seeing that Fairy Dark Moon was deflated, Yi Tian hurriedly explained: "You don't need to worry too much, fellow Daoist Dark, I seem to have found some clues in the blow just now. Why don't you take another shot and see."

An Yue's complexion changed suddenly. She didn't expect that she would speak out to obstruct her at this time, but seeing the situation, she didn't dare to say much, so she walked to the side and fell silent with her face drooping.

I didn't expect them to be so inconsistent as members of the Youwen clan, Yi Tian secretly applauded.In this way, as long as they have both ways, they won't be afraid of the two of them joining forces, and they won't get a relative.

The most feared thing in the adventure is the separation of the two powers. After being isolated, you will fall into a disadvantage. The state of three legs is the most beneficial at present.

An Feng heard the words nodded, and finally made another move with his hands in seals, and hit the blood-refined foreign object again with one blow.The splashed flesh and blood scattered like before.It's just that a golden aura came out from Zhong Yitian's hand and directly hit one of the crimson blood clots.

After three breaths, the blood clot made a 'zzz' sound, and it was directly purified in a short time.This time, the remaining flesh and blood never reflowed and integrated, but fell to the ground and spread out, as if dead and unable to die again.

Seeing Anfeng's eyes lit up and looked towards him, Yi Tian said lightly: "Just hit the blood refining core, but these things give me a very bad feeling."

"How does it feel, please tell me in detail, Fellow Daoist Yi," Yin Feng calmly asked in front of him.

"I feel that there is a remnant of evil spirit's true energy in it, which should not be the true blood of the Yin spirit in the first case," Yi Tian said in a deep voice.

"That must be the blood of the black devil," An Feng blurted out.

"It's the dark blood that has been mutated, and the inner seed seems to contain a trace of age," Yi Tian shook his head and said.

"It's been a long time, could it be," the dark cover said in surprise.

"Look deeper, maybe you will find an opportunity, Fellow Daoist Dark Moon, please continue to open the way," Yi Tian turned his head and said.

Although Fairy Dark Moon did not show any emotion on her face, she naturally did not dare to push her against the two high-ranking monks.After clearing up his mood, he continued to explore the way ahead, Anfeng followed closely behind, as for Yi Tian, ​​he still walked leisurely at the end, just looking at Fairy Dark Moon from time to time.

The three of them split through the thorny land in the mountains and went all the way, only encountering two waves on the way.Naturally, the concealed seal was cleared up at a fixed point. This time, he learned his lesson and first manipulated the spirit weapon in his hand to crush all these blood refining foreign objects.Then several white lights popped out from the left hand, freezing all the dark flesh and blood, and after a while, all the foreign objects blocking the way were removed.

The three of them arrived at a huge cave after only three or four days of walking nearly ten thousand miles away.

Fairy Dark Moon pointed at the dark cave and said, "Last time I took everyone to investigate this cave and found several ancient but well-preserved corpses, but I didn't dare Do it."

"Let's go in and have a look," Anfeng Shennian said after scanning.

Yi Tian reached out and took out a night pearl and held it in his hand. On the other hand, the other two took out a blue oil lamp and lit it, which was no darker than his own.In fact, the situation in the cave can be clearly understood by relying on divine sense alone, just in case there is fear that something will be concealed from the detection of the divine sense, so the three of them stretched out the divine sense at the same time, and began to investigate with their eyes.

Stepping into the cave and walking for a short time, the three of them walked into an empty grotto after searching for the strong corpse aura.Yi Tian swept his eyes and followed the light, only to see a golden bamboo more than a foot long and thick as a fist standing upright not far away.

This pillar seemed to have been forcibly inserted into the ground, and there was a corpse in it, and there were several skeletons scattered around it.After Yinfeng brushed it lightly with spiritual power, the few skeletons directly disintegrated and scattered.

An Yue stretched out her hand and pointed: "That bamboo is the Leiwen Bamboo, and half of it is estimated to have been inserted into the soil. Generally speaking, it is two feet long. According to the age of the bamboo, it is at least three to four thousand years old. Senior, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

"That's true," Yi Tian looked at it and said: "It's just that the Thunder Weave Bamboo seems to lock the corpse on the ground, let me take a look first and then find a way to pull it out."

Hidden eyes focused on the storage ring on the corpse's hand, and then he walked forward and looked at it carefully from a distance of one foot: "The imprint of the rune on it should be an ancestor monk of our family, Yi Fellow Daoist, wait for me to check it out before trying to get his body out."

Judging from the breath remaining on the corpse, it seems that the cultivator's cultivation level in front of him has reached the stage of integration, or at least it is also at the peak of the late stage of avatar.Even after tens of thousands of years, the remaining fluctuations in spiritual power are still very impressive.

After checking it, Yi Tian reached out and took out a formation plate, held it in his hand, and then lightly pointed towards the stone wall above his head.In an instant, after the array sank into the top of the grotto, it aroused waves of spiritual power fluctuations, but finally converged on the corpse.

He didn't know what he was doing, but he secretly sealed it, but he said displeasedly: "Why is Yi Daoyou doing this?"

Fearing that his actions would disturb Anfeng Yitian, he hurriedly explained: "Friends of the Dark Daoist, don't worry, I have set up a four-spirit formation to mobilize the spiritual power in the ground to suppress this corpse. After confirming that there is nothing wrong with it, the formation will be automatically released." Withdrew. Fellow Daoist also doesn’t want any accidents to happen during this period, after all, I feel a little uneasy and it’s better to be careful.”

"How could there be any problem with this corpse being a senior from our clan? My lord has already confirmed it. Why did Senior Yi need to do so?" An Yue said inappropriately.

Unexpectedly, Anfeng's face changed and he shouted: "Yi Daoyou is right, it's better to be careful in everything."

After drinking the dark moon, he turned to Yi Tian and said, "Then Daoist Yi, if you need Lei Wenzhu, you should come and get it." Then he pushed it aside and stretched out his hand as a gesture of please.

Yi Tian didn't refuse and walked forward slowly, searched and reached out to hold Lei Wenzhu's end.Suddenly a tingling feeling came from his hand, and he calmed down and secretly channeled the domineering power, even if it was idle here for thousands of years, the power left on it still made him feel a little threatening.

After holding the Leiwen Bamboo tightly with his right hand, he used secret exercises to slowly pull the whole bamboo up from the ground. Unexpectedly, the entire cave seemed to shake just after the Leiwen Bamboo left the corpse, and then a strong spiritual pressure fluctuation came from the corpse. spread out on the body.

(End of this chapter)

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