
Chapter 1240 Mutations in the Fallen Land

Chapter 1240 Mutations in the Fallen Land
In the depths of the fallen place, the three of them sneaked all the way and finally came to the cave.Fortunately, there was a Leiwen Bamboo about two feet long here.

It's just that this Thunder Pattern Bamboo seems to be used to seal and suppress an ancient corpse of the Youwen Race, so Yi Tian felt strange about it.But there is no reason for Chongbao to let it go. After setting up the Four Spirits Formation and investigating that the corpse was indeed dead, Yi Tian pretended to be courageous and walked forward to try to pull out the Thunder Pattern Bamboo.

Who knew that the ancient corpse had just released the state of being suppressed by Lei Wenzhu, and there was a strong ancient atmosphere and extremely powerful spiritual pressure fluctuations on it.

Yi Tian asked himself that he had seen Patriarch Houtian before, and the monks in the fusion stage who were only left by the green-haired old monster, but the spiritual pressure fluctuations from the corpse in front of him were not weaker than them at all.One must know that this is an ancient corpse that has been suppressed for tens of thousands of years. Even after death, one can imagine how strong it must have been in life.

Before I had time to check again, I suddenly felt the cold air coming from behind, and a strong sense of crisis emerged spontaneously.Thinking in his heart that something was wrong, Yi Tian hurriedly withdrew to output the spiritual power of the shield to the maximum, and with a 'bang', he felt that an ice spell around him hit his shield.

It was too late to take out the dragon scale shield for defense, and he gritted his teeth and directly used the Buddhist sect's body technique, the golden sun body technique, and suddenly a bright golden light burst out from his whole body.

The icy sharp thorn pierced the protective shield without any suspense, and then pierced Yi Tian's body, pushing the whole person to the side wall, and then several ice cones struck Yi Tian directly to the wall.

"Who are you?" It was Elder Anfeng who spoke, and at this moment he also realized that there was something wrong with An Yue in front of him.The aura of the whole body soared, and the cultivation base directly broke through the limit of the avatar, and then climbed all the way to the top state of the distraction stage.

At this time, Fairy Dark Moon showed a strange smile on her face, and her eyes turned as red as blood.When looking at the hidden seal, he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips and said in a deep tone: "This seat is the great disciple of the evil Buddha from the mixed world, Jiutuo Luo, you two juniors are greedy for this seat's inheritance, and don't want to knock down by mistake. You pulled the seal for me, how should I thank you?"

Hearing this concealed face turned extremely embarrassed, it turned out that his younger generation, An Yue, had been controlled and taken away by this Juddara long ago.Everything is to pull the two people out of the seal.

Faced with a superior opponent, Anfeng, he was extremely regretful at this time, and the situation that should have been good has now become extremely passive.If it's two-on-one, there is still hope of escape, but it's very difficult to get benefits in front of this old monster.

If you want to return to the hidden seal, you are not willing to show weakness. The spiritual power in your body is fully activated, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on your body are released immediately, and it seems that you are only half weaker than the opponent.He took out four white bone awls and controlled them in his hands. Before the other party could say anything, he directly raised his hand and sacrificed the spiritual weapon to stab the person in front of him from four angles.

"Small tricks, you have learned the skills of the Youwen clan ten thousand years ago. If the fit monks use this trick, it is worth watching, you are indeed far behind," Jiu Tuoluo said calmly, and at the same time The spells in his hands didn't stop, and a bright thick ice quickly blocked in front of him.

"Puff puff puff," after a few bewildered bangs, all the invading bone awls were blocked, but at this time the hidden figure standing in place turned into an afterimage of Dao and directly crossed Kudala, trying to escape.

Unexpectedly, Kudala didn't seem to care at all, but he looked at Yinfeng with a sneer on his face.

After three breaths, I saw the blue light go and come back and come back to the cave, landed on one side of the open space, revealing a surprised face and said: "Those blood-refined foreign objects are all part of your body, this is not the Youwen clan who are you?"

At this time, Jiu Tuoluo raised his head and laughed a few times: "Of course I am a member of the Youwen tribe, but I was listed as a traitor by the clan and kicked out of the Netherworld."

"Youwen clan traitor, so you are the An Wusun from 2 years ago, you never thought you would escape to the Buddhist realm," Anfeng said in shock.

"I haven't heard the name Anwuri for a long time," Kudhara waved his hand and said, "That's my name before I was filled with demonic energy. Call me the wrong kid again."

After finishing speaking, he combined his hands quickly to form a seal, and the blue aura in his hands suddenly appeared, and then two sharp ice blades three feet long and three inches thick condensed on the hands.After the figure flashed, Yingduoluo moved, and his speed was one-third faster than Anfeng, and then he came to the front.With his hands interlaced alternately, he greeted An Feng with the ice blade in his hand.

With a crisp sound of 'bang', the concealed seal was also defended with the same ice wall, and a series of runes flashed on his ice wall, instantly strengthening the defensive spell.

"Don't just struggle uselessly, just grab it. Your moves have been perfected thousands of years ago, and the mere ice wall of Youwen can't resist my extreme cold and ice tolerance," Jiu Tuoluo said As he spoke, his hands didn't stop, and the ice blades on both hands drew marks more than three inches deep on the Youwen ice wall.

With a sound of 'click', the ice wall couldn't stop the continuous onslaught, and a gap opened from it, and the dark cover behind it was like ashes, and his strongest defensive magic power was about to be breached before it even lasted a moment.

Kudhara laughed, and his movements were not slow. Under successive attacks, he was about to break through the defense and go straight to the hidden seal.All of a sudden, there was a sound of 'cracking', and the ice wall was split into countless pieces, but before Juddara could continue to make a move, a golden light flashed on the side.

Then several sound waves scattered in all directions, shaking Judaluo to the point of collapse, and another arc of lightning flashed across Judaluo's feet in the golden light, then pulled back to avoid the fatal blow.

"My fellow Daoist has been waiting for a long time, I'm here to help you," the person who spoke was Yi Tian who was sealed on the wall by ice thorns just now.At this time, the golden light was shining all over the body, revealing the Buddha's Jinyang body technique, holding Leiwenzhu and Phoebe Muyu in his hands, staring at Juddara in front of him solemnly, sized him up, and shouted sharply: "Evil demons and evildoers must be punished by everyone." And to punish you, you are a scum of Buddhism if you sit down for an evil Buddha from the mixed world. If the Lei Wenzhu can restrain your body, then my Buddha sect skills must also restrain your spells.

After speaking, he opened his mouth to recite the mantra, and at the same time picked up the nanmu wooden fish in his hand and knocked on it.That day, under the blessing of the spiritual weapon, the sound waves of Lei Bayin burst out and covered Judhara's body.

All of a sudden, the whole cave was shaken violently, and Juddara also let out a heart-piercing cry: "Blood refines the body protection," his hands kept forming seals to refine the blood and flesh in the passage. He was summoned and directly covered his body with scarlet flesh armor.

(End of this chapter)

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