
Chapter 124

Chapter 124
Seven days later, over the boundary of Iron Sword Sect, three monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage were flying in the air.The leader was Mo Tiexin, and now her complexion had returned to normal, and she stepped on the flying sword and went straight to the Motian Cliff of the Iron Sword Gate.

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the flywheel, followed her, keeping the distance within [-] feet, while Nangong Qianyun was standing on Yi Tian's flywheel.

On the way, Mo Tiexin asked to speed up to go back, but also felt that Nangong Qianyun was too slow, so he directly ordered Yi Tian to drive her.

Although Yi Tian protested, Nangong Qianyun also nodded in agreement and stood directly on the flywheel.Now Yi Tian had nothing to say, so he had to act as a coolie again.

Along the way, Mo Tiexin also gradually accelerated, as if trying to get rid of Yi Tian, ​​but Yi Tian kept his distance like a brown candy.

Normally, the flywheel is just a burst of blue light, as long as Mo Tiexin speeds up, the flywheel will turn fiery red and follow up, making Mo Tiexin completely helpless, so he has no choice but to stop trying Yi Tian's cultivation, but his mouth Li scolded: "Yi Tian, ​​you are a bastard, you don't even want to give you a chance."

Nangong Qianyun standing behind Yi Tian also had a face of shame, if it wasn't for a veil covering her face, Yi Tian would have seen that red apple-like face a long time ago.

After exploring the Annihilation Cave, Mo Tiexin woke up less than an hour after taking Yi Tian's Blood Coagulation Pill, and Nangong Qianyun's cultivation level almost woke up three hours later.

The two women found that they were already lying at the foot of the Tiger Leaping Cliff after waking up, and Yi Tian next to him was meditating and recuperating, and the two corpses lying not far away were Luo Zong and Zhou Huan.

After Nangong Qianyun woke up, she checked that she was intact, and her clothes were not messed up at all. Then she looked at Yi Tian who was sitting next to her, and went forward to say thank you.

Yi Tian also nodded with a smile, and pointed to Mo Tiexin, only to see her turning her head and sitting aside angrily, ignoring everyone.

Nangong Qianyun had no choice but to go over and ask the reason. After hearing Mo Tiexin's reply, she felt nauseated for a while.

Although he was grateful to Yi Tian for saving the two of them, the refining of the Blood Congealing Pill was too creepy, every pill was a mortal life.

Fortunately, as an alchemist, she could understand, and her reaction was much stronger than Mo Tiexin's.

Immediately, he took out some Xuanling Clear Liquid from the Xuanling Sect and poured a drop on it to Mo Tiexin. After taking it, the latter didn't say much and just recovered his luck.

But Yi Tian was much luckier, got two drops, Mo Tiexin on the side couldn't help but snorted after seeing it, and said: "Eat it, two drops will kill you", and said to Nangong Qianyun: "You are really willing, this thing is used for alchemy to reconcile yin and yang, it is a waste to use it for healing."

Nangong Qianyun just blushed for a while, then returned to normal, sat down and practiced kung fu to heal her injuries.

Regarding Mo Tiexin's dominance, Yi Tian has never been too cold. Even after waking up and learning that Yi Tian fed the two blood coagulation pills, Yi Tian was ridiculed for a while, Yi Tian just pretended not to hear.

After thanking Nangong Qianyun, Yi Tian took a drop of Xuanling Clear Liquid directly, then put another drop into a jade bottle, and then sat down and practiced for a week.

After looking inside his dantian, he found that the spirit liquid in his dantian seemed to have been washed.

The spiritual liquid in the dantian became purer, and after the fusion of the two spiritual forces, it became a soft purple liquid. The purple thunder on the seal in the dantian became thicker after being continuously washed by the spiritual liquid. The handwriting became clearer.

It took the three of them five days to heal their injuries, among which Nangong Qianyun recovered the most.

Both Yi Tian and Mo Tiexin recovered to their best condition after only two days of effort, and they were basically protecting Nangong Qianyun in the next few days.

After Nangong Qianyun fully recovered, the three of them discussed what to do next.

Before the two women were unconscious, among the things in Luo Zong's storage bracelet, Yi Tian just took one of his records of breaking the array, re-engraved the jade slips, and then put them away.

There are also those magic-breaking arrays and forbidden-breaking cones. Yi Tian took one each and kept it for himself to study slowly when he went back.

So the contents of the two storage bracelets were divided up in the end.Both the pill and the elixir were given to Nangong Qianyun by Yi Tian, ​​and after Mo Tiexin muttered for a while, Yi Tian had no choice but to give her the animal leather armor and took the token himself.

The spirit stone Yi Tian in the two storage bracelets was divided into three shares, and each took fifteen thousand.As for Zhou Huan being an orphan, his relics were handed over to Nangong Qianyun to take back to the Xuanling Sect, while Mo Tiexin kept Luo Zong's things and took them back to his family.

I thought the matter would be settled like this, but Mo Tiexin insisted on dragging the two of them to Tiejianmen to help testify.

The Foundation Establishment cultivator attached to the Immortal Cultivation Family had a record in Tiejianmen, and Mo Tiexin was also responsible for his death, and he needed to explain it when he returned.

Mo Tiexin thought that with the help of Yi Tian and Nangong Qianyun to prove it, it would be much more convenient to explain, so this is why the three of them went to Tiejianmen together.

I have long heard that Tiejianmen is the head of the six sects of Dongao, and there is a late Yuanying monk Mo Dongshan in the school, who is the number one master in Dongao, and has been overwhelming the two middle-stage Yuanying monks of Baigumen.

The Motian Cliff where the sect is located is also the blessed place with the strongest aura in Dongao, and there are many masters under the sect.

Taking time out, Yi Tian also asked about the relationship between Mo Tiexin and Tie Jian Patriarch, only to realize that she and Mo Mingjun are aunts and nephews, and they are both descendants of Tie Jian Patriarch's sixth generation. No wonder they are so powerful.

When Mo Mingjun saw the members of the Yin Corpse Sect, he killed them as soon as he said he wanted to, not only because of his skill, but also because of his backstage.

Looking at the aunt in front of him, Yi Tian gloated over Shen Peiqi's misfortune. It was his happiness and misfortune to be attracted by such a powerful woman.

After flying for two consecutive days, the Kungfu trio entered the [-]-mile range of the Motian Cliff of the Iron Sword Gate, where monks flying with swords in the sky abound.

When Yi Tian was flying the imperial equipment, he also saw some disciples of the ninth floor of Qi Refining of Iron Sword Sect shuttle back and forth with the imperial equipment, to see that these people's strength is obviously stronger than the disciples of the other two factions.

Two foreign monks suddenly appeared among a group of Tiejianmen disciples, and the passers-by also stopped and pointed for a while. If Mo Tiexin hadn't opened the way ahead, someone would have flown forward to stop Yi Tian.

The three of them flew to the mountain gate at the foot of Motianya Mountain. Mo Tiexin showed the Zongmen Jade Card and led the two of them in.

After walking for a quarter of an hour from the mountain gate, we came to the mission hall of Tiejianmen. Mo Tiexin first asked the deacon to arrange for Yi Tian and Nangong Qianyun to rest in a side hall, and then he went into the back hall to clarify Condition.

Sitting in the side hall, his own deacon disciples came forward to serve, and after making tea, they waited on the side without talking much.

After seeing that Tiejianmen is still very polite to treat guests, Yi Tian motioned for Nangong Qianyun to sit down and have a cup of tea first, and the latter also nodded with a smile.

The two of them had just sat down for a cup of tea when they heard some noise outside. Looking outside the hall, it was Mo Tiexin who was arguing with an inner disciple while walking.

As soon as the two entered the door, Mo Tie sat down angrily, picked up the tea on the table, poured himself a cup, and drank it all at once, completely disregarding his own image.

The other person was sitting opposite her, looking at the three of them angrily.

Seeing such a situation, Yi Tian and Nangong Qianyun were about to get up and salute, when Mo Tiexin said: "Guan Mingyi, everyone is here this time, if you have any questions, just ask directly, so as not to say that I am one-sided." After speaking, he drank tea on his own.

The visitor first introduced his identity. It turns out that his name is Guan Mingyi, and he is also a true disciple of Tiejianmen, the eldest disciple of Mo Yishan, the ancestor of Jindan, and he is now at the late stage of foundation establishment. His identity and cultivation level are equal to Mo Tiexin's. , no wonder they are not very afraid of her.

The dead Luo Zong was his good friend, so he kept staring at Mo Tiexin to find out what happened.Just now Mo Tiexin spoke in detail in front of several elders in the mission hall, and also mentioned that he brought back his companions as witnesses.

Those elders also had an attitude of calming things down, but this Guan Mingyi just kept staring at them and insisted on checking them in person.

After several people saw the ceremony, Guan Mingyi spoke first: "For the sake of the friendship between the three factions, it's not too much for me to call you two junior brothers and sisters, right?"

Yi Tian and Nangong Qianyun had no choice but to nod their heads again and again to indicate that it's okay, and they can just ask if they have anything to do.

Next, Guan Mingyi asked Luo Zong directly and in detail what happened to Luo Zong, and Yi Tian explained some details of the expedition one by one.

When Guan Mingyi heard that Luo Zong abandoned the four of them and fled alone, he was speechless for a while. The most feared thing about this team action is that there will be people who are greedy for life and afraid of abandoning their companions.

After the truth came out, the atmosphere was cold for a while, but Mo Tiexin looked at Guan Mingyi with a sneer and said, "It's finally clear now, don't blame me anymore, this time it was indeed an accident."

Ke Yitian snorted coldly when he heard Guan Mingyi, and then said to Mo Tiexin: "Who knows if you deliberately transferred people away at this juncture, this is the sword competition in the inner sect, you Jianzong It’s a safe bet.”

"I said that this time was purely accidental. If the formation master of my sword sect hadn't been out on a mission, I wouldn't have asked you to borrow someone from the sword sect." Mo Tiexin jumped up, looking like he was about to lose his temper.

Guan Mingyi replied with a stern face: "You have borrowed money but never paid it back." After speaking, he looked at Mo Tiexin with contempt.

The two people on the scene were full of gunpowder, Yi Tian and Nangong Qianyun also looked at each other in blank dismay, and the two of them didn't know what was going on inside the Iron Sword Gate, but it looked like this was not very harmonious.

Seeing that Mo Tiexin and Guan Mingyi were clearly confronting each other, Yi Tian coughed just in time to ease the tense atmosphere.

Guan Mingyi knew he had lost his composure, and he couldn't pursue Mo Tiexin any more in front of outsiders, so he just sat there and sighed.Yi Tian kept muttering when he heard him: "You Jianzong is too bullying."

Seeing the two sitting there puzzled, Mo Tiexin had no choice but to explain: "The Iron Sword Sect is divided into the Sword Sect and the Sword Sect. The inner disciples of the two sects hold a grand competition every 50 years. The content is to go to the back of the Motian Cliff. In the sword mound, look for the sword intent and blade intent in the weapons left by the ancestors of the Iron Sword Sect."

Nangong Qianyun also nodded frequently and said: "I have heard about this too. Half of the reason why the Iron Sword Sect is so strong is due to the land of the Sword Tomb. Every time the disciples who go in will have a long way to go Progress, if you comprehend a certain sword intent or sword intent, your strength will increase rapidly."

But Yitian still didn't understand why Guan Mingyi had such an attitude. After looking at Mo Tiexin, he asked, "Does this sword mound need to be led by a formation master to enter?"

Guan Mingyi who was on the side snorted coldly and rushed forward: "Luo Zong was originally the foreign aid that my Taoist sect recruited this time. His formation-breaking technique is indispensable in the sword mound. Your sword sect has cultivated formation masters. But our Sword Sect doesn't have this ability. This time, your Sword Sect is sure to win."After speaking, he shook his head and looked at Mo Tiexin who was sitting opposite with a look of disdain.

Mo Tiexin, who was choked up by a few words, also started to get angry and said: "I know what you are thinking, the big deal is that our Sword Sect will not bring a formation master in this time, and everyone will use real swords and guns to force their way in."

The two people's few words were full of gunpowder, and Nangong Qianyun who was on the side smiled wryly. Now she finally understands what's going on. There are internal conflicts, and outsiders can't help.

The embarrassing atmosphere was interrupted by a question, and Yi Tian said lightly from the side: "If the sword sect does not limit the status of the formation master, I can help you once, and lead your sword sect to the sword tomb to break the formation. After finishing speaking, he took a sip of tea and waited for Guan Mingyi's reply.

(End of this chapter)

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