
Chapter 125 Test

Chapter 125 Test
The reception building of Tiejianmen is generally used to greet the Jindan monks who travel to and from Dongao, and the monks who usually stay are arranged on the second floor.The reception building is built on the mountainside of the Sanjian Mountain, fifty miles away from Motianya Cliff. If you live here, you can overlook the entire Motianya Cliff, and you can also overlook the outer gate of Tiejianmen.The blessed land of the Zongmen placed on the Motian Cliff was all covered by the Iron Sword Gate's protective array, and only the outline of the mountain could be seen from the outside.

In today's guest building, a mid-stage foundation-building monk lived in, and he was also a disciple of the Chiyang Sect.An hour ago, it was brought by Guan Mingyi from the Inner Sword Sect, and he took out the token of Jindan Elder Mo Yishan, and ordered the deacon in charge of the reception building to entertain the guests well.

Standing by the window on the second floor, Yi Tian looked at the scenery outside, and then felt the aura here, which is really comparable to those local practice rooms of the Chiyang School.

Today, in the task hall of Iron Sword Sect, an agreement was reached with Guan Mingyi that Yi Tian would replace the dead Luo Zong to help Dao Zong compete in the inner sect competition.

When he first brought it up, Guan Mingyi glared at Yi Tian for a while, and didn't say a word for a while.And Mo Tiexin and Nangong Qianyun looked at Yi Tian with surprised faces, as if they were meeting him for the first time.

The three of them thought that Yi Tian was joking, but Mo Tiexin gloated and mocked Xiaguan Mingyi and said: "The people I brought will help you Daozong, and this matter will be evened out."

Guan Mingyi stood up in a rage and was about to go up to reason. It happened that a man and a woman walked in outside the hall. The person who came was Mei Yingxue who had met once in the East China Sea battle. They both knew each other's strength before breaking the tidal formation together.

After everyone sat down, Mo Tiexin introduced to Nangong Qianyun carelessly that the woman was the formation master of Jianzong, and the man was her younger brother Mei Aofeng.

After everyone saw the ceremony, it was Mei Yingxue who first mentioned that this time Mo Tiexin dispatched Luo Zong, the formation master invited by Dao Zong, and he died during the expedition. Come check it out.

At this time, Mo Tiexin seemed to have found the backbone, so he told Mei Yingxue about the matter again, and then pointed to Yi Tian and said: "He said he would help me out, so he recommended himself to help the Sword Sect create a sword mound. You deserve a beating, everyone in the Chiyang Sect has this kind of virtue," he ran up to give Yi Tian a chestnut after he finished speaking.

Guan Mingyi, who was on the side, was about to speak when he suddenly saw Mei Yingxue standing up and walking in front of Yi Tian, ​​bowing in front of Yi Tian and saying, "Back then, Junior Brother Yi was only able to break through the formation at the ninth level of Qi training and became famous in the first battle." , anyone who has experienced that battle will remember Junior Brother Yi's way of breaking the formation. In this inner sect competition, I am fortunate to be able to fight against Junior Brother Yi again. I hope Junior Brother Yi will not show mercy," said the expression in his eyes It was a pair of provocative eyes looking at Yi Tian.

In the hearts of the three people next to them, they overturned the seasoning bottle, and they felt everything.After Mei Yingxue returned to her original position and sat down, she slowly re-explained what happened that year to the three of them, and even Mei Aofeng, who was sitting next to her, confirmed that she really did not expect that the three groups of people were actually Yi Tian Head first.

Now it was Mo Tiexin's turn to look up and down Yi Tian with the jealous gaze in his eyes, trying to see through what kind of person this person in front of him is.

Nangong Qianyun's beautiful eyes twinkle, and she hasn't heard Yi Tian mention it for so long, but she is relieved when she thinks about it. If Yi Tian didn't have two brushes in the Anmie Cave, it would be impossible to see The problem in the ban immediately saved everyone.In addition to refining weapons, this Yi Tian also knows how to form formations, and it sounds like he is not bad, but the more he looks at it, the more he admires him.

The most outrageous one is Guan Mingyi, who stood up and walked forward, patted Yi Tian on the shoulder and said: "That's it, this time you will be the formation breaker of our sword sect, as long as you lead us through two levels, Mo I will not blame Tie Xin for dispatching Luo Zong privately."

Looking at Guan Mingyi's serious eyes, Yi Tian had no choice but to nod his head helplessly.Now it's okay to even refuse, so Guan Mingyi had to arrange it.

A quarter of an hour later, Guan Mingyi brought Yi Tian to the reception building of Tiejianmen, and told Yi Tian that the competition would start in three months, and he had to wrong Yi Tian to stay here during this period.Yi Tian can directly notify the deacon disciples upon request, and if he wants to withdraw the array material, he can ask the deacon to notify the steward of Dao Zong, and the cost will be counted on Guan Mingyi.

After resting in the reception building for two days, Yi Tian thought about a lot of things during this period, and what Li Jianfeng said in the Annihilation Cave is really worth remembering.The ruins in the Thousand Needles Forest were indeed the relics left by the former Holy Son of King Ming, otherwise they would not have sealed the entrance of the cave with three seals.Presumably, during the 1000 years of Ming Wangdao, many people were ruled out to come to Dongao to investigate, but Zhong Yue and Fan Jian found the door last time, fortunately, they stopped it in time.

The Annihilation Cave should actually be Ming Wangdao's secret teleportation array connecting Dongao and Nanjiang in private. It seems that no one there has discovered it, otherwise Li Jianfeng would have been trapped in the Annihilation Cave for hundreds of years Time, if there is a critical situation in the future, this teleportation array can be regarded as a channel to escape.

As for the matter of Asura Dharma, Li Jianfeng also said that it has not appeared in the world for a thousand years, so it shouldn't be a big problem for him to use it.And his last request, Yi Tian, ​​also felt his scalp tingling. What kind of Yin Corpse kid is traveling in the lunar calendar? They are all Jindan Patriarchs now. Get rid of a clone that has passed the lunar calendar.You don't need to find the door yourself, if you run into Lunar Calendar, you won't be chopped up and fed to the dogs.

While thinking in the room on the second floor, Yi Tian suddenly felt a divine sense sweeping over his body. Although this divine sense was not malicious, it suddenly broke into his room, and it could conduct such unscrupulous searches. That speaks for itself.

In an instant, Yi Tian got up and opened the door, only to see a 30-year-old Iron Sword Sect monk walking towards the room where Yi Tian was, and Guan Mingyi followed behind him.Walking to the door, the cultivator looked at Yi Tian with his spiritual sense, and then sent a sound transmission to Guan Mingyi, who was like a child who didn't dare to breathe, but just nodded.

Seeing such a situation, how could Yi Tian not understand that the person in front of him must be a Golden Core cultivator, and most of them belonged to the Sword Sect.He generously invited the two of them into the room, and then invited the Golden Core cultivator to sit up, and then his own Guan Mingyi sat down next to him.

As soon as Yi Tian sat down, the Golden Core cultivator said, "Are you that Yi Tian?"

After seeing Yi Tian nodded, the man went on to say: "I am Mo Yishan, the shocking knife, and I am also Mo Tiexin's grandfather."

Yi Tian was also stunned when he first heard it. Why is there such a big gap between grandparents and grandchildren? You said how did you, a grandfather who played with knives, train younger generations and send his granddaughter to Jianzong.Looking at Mo Yishan's appearance, Yi Tian didn't dare to think about it too much, he couldn't come to him today to thank him for his righteousness.

At this time, Guan Mingyi who was next to him said, "Junior Brother Yi, my teacher is here to confirm with you for the trip to the Sword Tomb."

After looking at the two Yi Tians in front of him, he also took a deep breath and said, "Senior Mo, Brother Guan will definitely do his best during his trip to Jianzhong."

Mo Yishan just nodded slightly after hearing this, which made Yi Tian feel confused, not knowing what the other party was thinking.

Mo Yishan said after a while: "I have heard about you from Mei Yingxue, but seeing is believing. I wonder if you can confirm it, Boy Yi?"

Yi Tian was also speechless for a while: "How to prove it?"

Mo Yishan raised his right hand without changing his expression and struck towards the ceiling with a spell. In an instant, a white light film appeared around the whole room, separating the people inside from the outside world.I only heard Mo Yishan say: "Every room in the guest building has a defensive formation. As long as you break through it within an hour, I will let you participate in this trip to the Sword Tomb." After finishing speaking, he didn't say much , sitting there with eyes closed and meditating.

And Guan Mingyi looked at Yi Tian expectantly, wanting him to break the formation as soon as possible.In fact, Yi Tian was also upset for a while, it was obvious that he couldn't trust himself, but he couldn't express his dissatisfaction in front of the Golden Core cultivator.

After smiling, Yi Tian asked: "I don't know how Senior Mo wants to break the formation, whether to open a passage or break the entire formation."

"Up to you" Mo Yishan didn't even open his eyes, he just said something casually.

"Those two are optimistic about it, and I will make a fool of myself." After speaking, Yi Tian got up and walked directly to the door of the room, looked up and down the defensive formation of the room, and after analysis, it was indeed only a defensive formation at the foundation level. The base is built on the second floor of the reception building, and the protective array is formed separately, so the array plate and array eyes should be in this room.

After observing the layout of the room, it is actually a table and four chairs, nothing else.And the crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling obviously couldn't be an array, Yi Tian looked at the door, there was a thin layer of light behind it, and he was overjoyed.

I saw Yi Tian raised a fireball in his right hand, and then the fireball was divided into four in his hand and turned into four flames. With one sound, three flames shot to the back of the door.Then an equilateral triangle appeared on the door, and Yi Tian shouted in a deep voice: "Open", the hole in the middle of the triangle became bigger and bigger, and after three breaths, you can see the situation outside the door.

It took less than a quarter of an hour for Yi Tian to open a passage in the defensive formation, and Guan Mingyi was overjoyed. At that time, it took Luo Zong a full three quarters of an hour to open the passage. This Yi Tian is really not to be underestimated. A burst of joy, this trip to Jianzhong saw some comparisons.

And Mo Yishan also opened his eyes, looked at Yi Tian in surprise, nodded and said: "Not bad, not bad".

Before he finished speaking, he heard Yi Tian say: "Senior Mo, let's see how I can counter the array."Immediately after Yi Tian shot out a spiritual formula, the open formation gate shrank into a triangle again, and then the fourth ray of flame in his hand hit the middle of the latch, and a flame lit up, the triangle became a circle, and the formation patterns in the middle were as follows Flame forms slowly emerged.

Under Yi Tian's control, the flame turned into a red array, which was affixed to the door.As Yi Tian yelled "Open" again, the door opened automatically.

Then Yi Tian hit the door with another trick and closed it again, and the defensive array in the room was opened again, but this time the white light film turned red.

Now Mo Yishan couldn't sit still anymore, after carefully looking at the protective cover, he laughed heartily and said: "Nephew Yi Xian is indeed very good, I think this trick, even Mei girl may not be able to do it." Then he stood up and told Guan Mingyi: "Nephew Yi Xian will help you during this trip to Jianzhong. My Sword Sect will be able to wash away the decadence of the past century. After Mingyi, I will greet the guests well. If you need any materials, please contact me directly. Open your mouth and ask the deacon for it, and it will be up to you in three months."

After listening, Yi Tian hurriedly pulled up the defensive formation, and then sent Mo Yishan out of the reception building with Guan Mingyi respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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