
Chapter 126 Sword Tomb 1

Chapter 126
Three months later in the early morning, at the gate of the sword mound on the west side of Motianya, a group of inner disciples of the Iron Sword Sect, led by their masters, were waiting for the opening of the sword mound.

I heard from Guan Mingyi that this sword mound is the place where Iron Sword Sect's swords are buried, and those Jindan monks who have exhausted their lifespan will choose to bury their spiritual swords and treasures in the sword mound. In order to perfect the disciples of the younger generation, they can have the opportunity to enter it and gain opportunities, so as to pass on their sword intent.

The sword tomb is divided into three floors. The first underground floor is full of the swords of those monks who established the foundation. After reaching the second floor, all of them are the relics of the golden core monks. The Thundering Sword Intent in the Qijue Saber on the first floor.And I heard that Mo Tiexin aimed at the sword intent of the Green Frost Sword on the second floor of the Sword Tomb.

As for the third layer, it is said that the Ba Dao Heng Jian and the two early Yuanying monks left their natal spirit weapons. Although all the disciples in the inner sect yearn for it, so far no one has been able to inherit it. The regret of Jianmen for hundreds of years.

Therefore, Guan Mingyi also has self-knowledge about himself, and only asks Yi Tian to find a way to lead everyone to break through the formation and enter the second floor.

In the past three months, Yi Tian has not been idle. After intensively reading Luo Zong's "Breaking Array Records" repeatedly, he still thought about how to draw inferences from one instance on the basis of it.

The original method of breaking the formation plate and breaking the forbidden awl is indeed effective, but there are many shortcomings. At least two monks are required to take action, one person controls the magic plate and the other controls the forbidden awl, and the operation is relatively slow.Yi Tian tried to use his own three strands of divine consciousness to control them separately. Except for the problem of spiritual power, everything else was more efficient than two people working together.

If you cooperate with the spirit-gathering array arranged by the upper-middle-grade spirit stones, with the help of Xuanling Qingye or Haoqi Yuntian Wine, you can do it alone.

The structure of the entire Sword Tomb is divided into two roads. The Sword Sect and the Sword Sect enter from the entrances of the Sword Tomb and the Sword Tomb respectively, and each breaks through the formation. Only at the entrance of the third floor can people on both sides have a chance to meet.

Guan Mingyi gave Yi Tian the entire map of the Sword Tomb a few days in advance for him to study it carefully. Although Mo Yishan did not explicitly request to enter the third floor, what Yi Tian thought was that since he came, he could not return empty-handed. Well, if the situation permits, Yi Tian doesn't mind taking people down to the third floor to have a look.

The Sword Sect's team had arrived long ago, today Mo Yishan ordered Guan Mingyi to lead the team, Yi Tianzhu broke the formation, there are three more Sword Sect disciples who are eligible to participate in the Grand Competition.Guan Mingyi and Yi Tian explained that every time there are only five swordsmen in the sword competition, there are four elite disciples besides one formation breaker.

If these inner sect disciples get some sword intent inheritance after entering, they have a great chance to become candidates for true disciples after they come out. If they are lucky, it is not impossible to be exempted from the true disciple examination.

Therefore, the disciples of the two sects attach great importance to this competition, which is related to whether the individual's future path can go further.

After listening, Yi Tian also nodded for a while, saying that after entering, he will be fully escorted and guaranteed to enter the second floor.There were more than ten people who came to the sword sect, but Mo Yishan only called four people by name: "Guan Mingyi, Yao Qiang, Yao Rui, and Wu Min are the only candidates for the sword sect competition in the inner sect."

After hearing the master's order, the four came out to salute the master and all the senior brothers. The disciples who were not selected looked at the four with envious eyes, wishing they could go up and go in instead of them.

The cultivation bases of these four people are one in the late stage of foundation establishment, two in the middle stage, and one in the early stage. Yi Tian looked at Mo Yishan when choosing his disciples, he should not be based on cultivation, but on potential and understanding. How could a disciple like Min, who had only built his foundation for more than ten years, be eligible to participate in the inner sect competition that happens every 50 years.

Today's Yi Tian is wearing the costume of a true inner sect disciple of the Chiyang Sect, and he looks energetic.Standing among the four Iron Sword Sect disciples, he looked very outstanding from a distance, but his expression was more relaxed. There was no such tense atmosphere, but it seemed like he was just here for a cutscene.

After everyone waited at the door for a while, they saw a group of sword sect disciples flying towards the imperial weapon under the leadership of Jindan cultivator. Yi Tian looked at the one at the beginning, it should be Xuan Jianxin, the current head of Iron Sword Sect.

After all the members of the Sword Sect arrived, the two Jindan cultivators also greeted each other. After Xuan Jianxin looked at the five members of the Sword Sect who came out, he pointed to Yi Tian and asked Mo Yishan: "The next person is what the younger brother said. Do you want to invite the formation masters from the Chiyang Sect?"

Mo Yishan's face remained unchanged, and he directly replied: "Brother Mingjian, the master of the sword sect, this time Luo Zong, the formation master of the original sword sect, was dispatched by my granddaughter to die on the expedition road. My sword sect also invited him out of helplessness." Don't send a formation master to take action, Senior Brother Wanwang, don't blame him." After speaking, he gave Mo Tiexin a look, the latter looked like a little girl who did something wrong, and hurriedly looked away, too scared to look at each other.

Xuan Jianxin also sighed helplessly, the battle between the sword sect and the sword sect has never stopped for hundreds of years.

Since taking over the position of head, Xuan Jianxin has been working hard to balance the two forces, and it has been a headache for this matter. This time he also heard about the good deeds of Mo Tiexin, and he was reprimanded for a while before. There are fewer disciples than Sword Sect who can comprehend the meaning of the sword than Sword Sect, then at least a hundred years in the future, the true disciples of Sword Sect will overwhelm the Sword Sect side.

This really added fuel to the fire for Xuan Jianxin, who originally wanted to balance the two forces. He was furious because of this, and locked Mo Tiexin in the forbidden area of ​​'Qianjianya' for three months, which was just released yesterday.

If it wasn't for Xuan Jianxin's scruples that she was the leader of the trip to the sword tomb, the punishment would have to be extended a little longer.

After a while, Xuan Jianxin also nodded and said: "Let's do it according to the younger brother's method, first let the disciples who participated in the competition come up and say hello." Then with a wave of his hand, five people came out of the Jianzong crowd and stood up , Mo Yishan also turned his head to signal, and the people of the Sword Sect gathered up.

After the two groups of people met, they also congratulated each other. Most of these people will become true disciples of the sect in the future.

Yi Tian, ​​who was walking at the end of the five members of the Sword Sect, looked up and saw that all five of them knew each other.Not to mention Mo Tiexin and Mo Mingjun are old acquaintances, and Mei Yingxue behind her has also met twice, and looking at her provocative eyes, this is also an opportunity for the two to fight again, the other party must be some ideas.

Standing behind is Wei Shanhe, who came forward to salute Yi Tian and said, "Last time, Junior Brother Yi's instruction in Mingyueyuan made me suddenly enlightened. If there is a chance this time, please take care of Junior Brother Yi." The smile on that face is brilliant, people who don't know the inside story think the two are good friends.

Ke Yitian contemptuously said in his heart: "All of you are full of fat, and I have been a coolie for six years. There is no end to this matter. I don't want each of you to spit it out. I really think the young master is It's so bullying."

Then I saw that the last person turned out to be Enemy Nine, this guy still looks like that, every time I see Yi Tian, ​​I don’t say anything good, I just heard him laughing for a while: "I knew that I would be lucky if I met you in this life, This time, I also ask you to take good care of Minmei, if she loses a hair in the knife tomb, well, you will suffer after she comes out."

Wu Min, who was on the side, did rush forward to say hello, and even spat at his enemy Jiu, saying, "You don't care about the occasion when you speak, and I'll take care of you when you go home after the competition."

Looking at Enemy Nine with a silly smile on his face, Yi Tian was really speechless, "What is this and what is it, Fatty Qiu, you better beg not to fall into my hands, or the young master will have to peel off your three layers of skin." '

After the two parties greeted each other, Xuan Jianxin saw that the time was almost up, then took out ten tokens from his sleeves and distributed them to everyone, and said: "Listen up, disciples, although this trip to the Sword Tomb is a grand competition, it is also yours. Chance, after realizing the sword intent and sword intent in the sword mound, quickly crush the jade tablet, and you will be teleported out immediately. The sword mound is full of dangers, and the relics of the ancestors will also choose the owner. Restriction of spiritual weapons may not be able to obtain the essence of inheritance, everything is only based on a word of fate, and you must not risk your life in vain."

All the disciples nodded nonchalantly after hearing the instructions from the headmaster. After the trip to the Sword Tomb is over, it will be time for them to leap into the Dragon Gate.

At this time, Mo Yishan came forward and said: "After the opening of the sword mound, you only have twelve hours. If you don't come out by the time, the sword intent in the sword mound will completely crush those who stay inside. You have to keep it in your heart, and don’t make mistakes by force.”

As Xuan Jianxin raised the door-to-door token, a stream of pure spiritual power poured into it, and after a beam of white light from the door-to-door token hit the entrance of the sword mound, two passages appeared respectively.

Glancing at the entrance of the passage, Yi Tiancai remembered that Guan Mingyi had marked it on the map. There was a knife engraved on the stone tablet at the entrance of the knife tomb, and the sword tomb should be a sword.

Immediately, Guan Mingyi and Mo Tiexin led the crowd in. As soon as Yi Tian stepped into the passage with one foot, he heard Mei Yingxue coming from the entrance of the sword grave behind him: "Junior Brother Yi, let's start now, let's see who Can you go to the entrance on the third floor first," Yi Tian shook his head after hearing this.

Xuan Jianxin who was standing outside also frowned, the sound transmission here naturally couldn't hide it from him.Turning around to look at the junior brother Mo Yishan next to him, he just smiled and didn't express anything.Xuan Jianxin couldn't help sighing again, for so many years Daozong and Jianzong were still angry at each other, and they didn't restrain themselves in front of outsiders.

As soon as he entered the knife tomb, Yi Tian saw that there were all kinds of knives inserted on both sides of the passageway, and each knife exuded bursts of hostility. It was obvious that the owners of these knives had experienced a lot in their lives. Killing, the vitality left by oneself has been deeply branded into these spiritual weapons.

Guan Mingyi called everyone to keep up: "The knife energy corridor on the first floor is just the beginning, everyone's goal is the second floor, don't waste spiritual energy on it." He also asked Yi Tian to go to the second place and follow closely. The front is about to start.

The five people each opened their protective shields and walked forward against the wind of swords. At this time, Yi Tian could clearly see the depth of his cultivation.Guan Mingyi is at the front, so he will bear [-]% of the blade wind.Yi Tian's position is the most advantageous and ranks second, Wu Min is in the middle, Yao Qiang and Yao Rui brothers will get nearly [-]% of the back wind in the rear, but both of them grit their teeth and don't say a word , especially when Yao Qiang was at the end of the team, all the return wind hit his protective cover, making a cracking sound.

(End of this chapter)

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