
Chapter 1242 Destroying the Fallen Land

Chapter 1242 Destroying the Fallen Land
The fierce battle in the cave is still going on, but after repeated fights, Yi Tian and Yin Yue have been able to gradually suppress Jiuduoluo and gain the upper hand.

After finally trapping the opponent, of course he couldn't let him run away easily. Yi Tian manipulated the Taiyuan sword and rushed in through the gap opened by the hidden seal, hitting Jiutuoluo's grid defense hard.

With the sound of 'bang bang', the red arcs spread out and wrapped the sword thread of Taiyuan Sword, as if trying to swallow it in one gulp.

It's just that the sword silk contains the power of soft golden Buddha light, even if the red arc entangles it, it cannot be strangled successfully.At this time, Yi Tian knew in his heart that he still took advantage of the relative strength of the skills, even if his strength was weaker, the opponent was powerless against Taiyuan Sword.

With a twitch at the corner of his mouth, he made a seal with his hands and said to Taiyuan: "Scatter."

The sword light that he stared at for a moment spread out and turned into thousands of filaments that shuttled through the grid.

The startled Kudala shouted anxiously: "What a cunning guy, so you are a spiritual practitioner, and you even practiced Buddhist secret arts."

"Soldiers are not tired of deceit. You have no eyesight to blame other people for the fact that you have no eyesight." After saying that, Yi Tian changed his hand gestures again, and those slender sword wires bypassed the blocking of the grid, trying to sneak through the gap and directly attack Jiu Tuoluo. on the body.

The hidden seal on the other side is also aiming at the opportunity at this time, and while the hands are frequently sealed, they control all the remaining snowflakes in the air to fall on Juddara with all their strength.

Originally, the grid defense was disturbed by Yi Tian's sword wire, and the defense strength was naturally not as strong as before.Now the white snowflakes falling on the red grid can gather and attach to it.

The momentum that was attached to the grid soon weakened a lot, and the snowflakes formed an ice prison together with the ground.In less than ten breaths, it was already below Kudhara's knees, and the ice layer above had been covered from the head under the chest to the chest.

An Feng shouted overjoyedly: "Fellow Daoist Yi, work harder, when my Ice Prison technique is successful, I can completely trap this beast, and then he will be the meat on the chopping board to kill or cut up as I like."

Before Yi Tian could reply, Jiu Tuo Luo sternly shouted: "You ignorant boy, do you think you can trap me with this, and that spiritual boy, if you practice the Crimson Rain Excalibur, you might be able to break through my defense , now it’s not too late.”

"Crimson Rain Divine Sword," Yi Tian also underestimated, he had never read such a trick in Lingyao Huaqian's jade slips.But thinking about it, it was also the secret of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, and as Qian Lingzi back then, he was not qualified to come into contact with such supernatural powers, let alone himself.

But from Juddara's mouth, naturally he should have seen that trick. Fortunately, he now recognizes himself as a member of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect in the spirit world.I also secretly mourned for Jian Shaoqing and the others in my heart, setting up a big enemy for them for no reason.

After hesitating for a while, I saw that the ice prison in front of me was about to close, and there was only a gap the size of a palm that could trap Jiuduoluo to death. With a 'swish', Yi Tian manipulated the Taiyuan Sword from the gap. come out.

Then the red electric arc suddenly gushed out from the gap, scattered in all directions, and splashed all over the sky aimlessly.Seeing that the electric arc strike formed bowl-sized pits on the stone wall, Yi Tian and Anfeng knew that its power was not small, so they dared not resist.

The two dodged one after another, until the white ice prison completely closed the last gap before blocking the red arc factor inside.

It's just that Yi Tian finally saw a black spiritual power leaking out of the gap before it closed, and immediately pulled away to get out of the way, but shouted in his mouth: "Dark friend, hide quickly, it's that black magic flame again."

After hearing this, An Feng froze for a moment, and after hearing the 'click' sound, the white silk ice prison ball split from it, and black flames burst out again.

It's just that this time it's not as strong as before, but it still burns the wrapped ice prison from the inside.The ice cubes scattered and splashed out, and the hidden seal retreated a little later and was hit directly by the red electric grid, and the whole person bounced out.

After ten breaths, Anfeng resisted the pain and got up from the ground, shouting urgently: "Yi Daoyou help me."

At this time, at the original place of the ice prison, Jiuduoluo could still drive the grinding flame after performing the exercise of Nascent Soul Out of Body, but after the grinding flame retracted and formed a black reverse swastika again, it was no longer as dark and bright as before.

Obviously, such tricks are not something he can control at will with his current cultivation base. After all, it is the secret technique of body protection taught after being empowered that there is a price to use.

Sure enough, the black Nascent Soul became exhausted at this time, and after falling back to the Niwan Palace, his whole body seemed to be deflated.Originally, Fairy Dark Moon looked like she was in her twenties, but now she looked like an old woman in her 70s or [-]s.

Then the black evil spirit surged up all over his body and wrapped him around his body. After ten breaths, the evil spirit dissipated, revealing a strange monk with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks.

Fearing that something might happen, Yi Tian hurriedly withdrew and stopped in front of the dark cover, and asked in a deep voice, "How can I fight again?"

"I can't die, but I need to be forced out immediately if I am hit by the magic electricity and invade the meridians, otherwise there will be endless troubles. I beg you Daoist Yi to protect me."

In this way, Yi Tian had no choice but to reach out and take out the array plate to activate the four spirit array to prepare to defend against the enemy.

Juddara at the entrance of the opposite passage changed his face and said fiercely: "Fortunately for you, this body is too low to display the strength of this work. When I recover my skills in the future, I will definitely greet you two Kid's."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand again to sacrifice the red magic electricity, split a hole in the four spirit array and left calmly.Before leaving, he looked back at Yi Tian and his original body, snorted coldly, and left. "

After he left, Yi Tian was afraid that he would come back again, and the concealed seal in front of him was practicing kung fu to heal his injuries, unable to move for half a minute, so he could only maintain the Four Spirit Formation, but he found an open space to sit down, took out a few pills and took them. Recover your spiritual power next time.

The two stayed in the cave for two days but did not see Jiuduoluo returning. Yi Tian was relieved, but looking at the gray aura exposed on the dark blue skin in front of him, it was obvious that his spiritual power was overdrawn and he couldn't do what he wanted look.

After he slowly stood up and looked around for a while, he slowly said: "Thank you Daoist Yi for protecting the old man this time."

Yi Tian waved his hands and said with a smile: "It's okay, you and I will naturally support each other after this battle. It's a pity that Kudara escaped, I'm afraid this beast will be a serious problem for you and me in the future."

"It's a great misfortune to have such a villain in the clan, and it's troubled fellow Daoist Yi," Anfeng said shamelessly.

"Fellow Daoist, who has been here, naturally knows the hidden secrets, and I want to ask for more advice, what is the origin of the evil Buddha from the mixed world that Jiutuoluo said in his mouth," Yi Tian asked tentatively.

"Let's go back first, there is plenty of time on the way to talk while walking," Anfeng replied with a sigh, and then took out a storage bracelet and put Judhara's body in it. .

(End of this chapter)

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