
Chapter 1243

Chapter 1243
After escaping from the Fallen Land, Yi Tian found that the desolate and desolate situation within a thousand miles around seemed to have improved a bit.

The sky is no longer a gray and dead air, replaced by a bright sky.The surrounding area, which was originally filled with demon-refined flesh and blood, has returned to normal.

It's just that the demonic evil spirit remaining on this land lingers around the cave for a long time and refuses to dissipate.

After looking at the situation around him, Yi Tian turned his head and said, "Hold on, Friends of the Dark Daoist, wait until I cast a spell to purify the surrounding environment before leaving."

"Yi Daoyou Zhai has a kind heart, please do your best. The old man will just wait by the side," Anfeng said with a sigh.

After he walked to the side and sat down, Yi Tian took out the nanmu muyu, and then slowly read the Buddhist scriptures.Under the blessing of Phoebe Muyu, waves of golden light ripples spread out and swept across the surrounding ground.

Those disabilities left by the original demon refining flesh and blood were directly purified after the light wave swept over them.The evil spirit in the entire area also evaporated.

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing at the same spot, spread out his thoughts and scanned the surrounding area. After ten breaths, he frowned slightly and stretched out his hand until the north opened his mouth and shouted: "My fellow Daoist, there seems to be something wrong, let's go and check it out, maybe we won't find anything. .”

Hidden seal also extended his divine sense to investigate, but after a while, he showed a look of uncertainty on his face and said: "It seems that there is a seal somewhere, but I don't know what is sealed underneath, go and have a look." After finishing speaking The two got up and flew straight to the north.

After flying only three or four hundred miles, Yi Tian found that there were all kinds of wreckage of the forbidden magic circle around him, and carefully looked at it, which seemed to be the Buddha's Vajra Subduing Demon Formation.

It's just that this kind of formation usually requires eighteen eminent monks to take action at the same time, and it is definitely not easy to touch the things suppressed by such a formation.

Flying in the air and scanning back and forth with his divine sense, he found that the inner diameter of this formation is only [-] feet, and all the formations outside are auxiliary facilities.

And in the middle of the Fumo formation, there are eighteen statues of various kinds occupying various nodes of the formation.

It's just that the last two statues in the formation seem to have been moved by someone, so the entire formation is in a state of standstill.

Looking at the eyes of the formation, there is a ten thousand-character Buddha seal, and at the central node is a fist-sized stone hole.However, Yi Tian found that there was faint aura coming out of the stone hole, but it was not evil spirit but pure evil spirit.

Isn't this Vajra Subduing Demon Formation only effective against the Demon Race, but it suppressed a Demon Race? Yi Tian felt a little puzzled in his heart.

Looking at it from a distance didn't help much, and then they winked at Anfeng, and then the two walked around to the entrance of the formation, slowly lowered their heads and walked in.

Not long after coming to the node where the two statues were moved, Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "Could you, friends of the Dark Daoist, move and restore the two statues together, and then I will restart the Vajra Demon Demon Formation and we can go deeper into it?" good."

"I don't know much about the Buddha Sect's formation, so follow Yi Daoyou's arrangement. Restoring the formation and restarting it before investigating is the plan of the old city. You should do it after careful consideration," Yin Feng thought He said the following words and replied earnestly.

The two then walked to the displaced statue respectively, stretched out their hands and cast a spell to lift the statue slowly and send it to the original node.

After the two statues all returned to their original positions, Yi Tian slowly flew into the air, formed the magic seal of the Vajra Buddha with his hands, and then aimed at each node to cast out the Dao formula.

The eighteen nodes around the Vajra Subduing Demon Formation were instantly activated, and then the eyes of the eighteen statues above the nodes shone with golden light.

The pattern patterns in the formation disk on the ground began to be activated one by one, and the golden characters continued to display from the formation disk of the large formation until the eyes of the formation flowed into the holes of the swastika.

Before the two of them could do further investigations, they heard a deep roar coming from the hollow, "Judhara can't let you Buddhist monks be rampant for a while longer. One day, my lord will send someone here Save me, I will remember the breath of both of you. I will come to you as soon as I get out of trouble, no matter where you escape to in the Nine Realms, it is impossible to hide it from me."

The voice of speaking became lighter and lighter as the pattern was gradually activated, and finally a golden light flashed on the swastika near the eye of the formation and converged to the hole in the center to form a small Vajra crouching spell.

Although the suppressed monsters below were completely locked after reactivating the formation, Ke Yitian raised his head and saw that the concealed face had a bad expression.

It took him a long while to gather his composure and say, "Friend Yi Daoist, I'm afraid you and I will cause big trouble. If I guess correctly, the true identity of the monster race below should be the mount of the evil Buddha from the mixed world. Dark Yaolong."

"Demonizing the Dark Yaolong," Yi Tian searched through his mind and couldn't find the corresponding information, but asked with a daze on his face, "What kind of monster is that, and how powerful is it?"

The dark cover said unkindly: "The demonized dark dragon was originally a member of the Lingyaolong family among the demon clan, but he was mutated by the demon fire after falling into the demon world with the evil Buddha of the world."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's face changed a few times, and he couldn't help linking the situation of Master Jie Ding together in his mind.Before that, Kudala kept saying that he was a disciple of the evil Buddha in the mixed world, but he didn't know that he had a suitable relationship with Master Jie Ding.

After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and asked: "How much do you know about the evil Buddha in the mixed world, please come here in detail, I am very grateful."

"Hey, these are all ancient rumors in the Nine Realms of Gods and Spirits. Others think they are just legends, but with my level of cultivation, I naturally know some of the secrets," Anfeng sighed softly.

Then he briefly explained what he had learned. It turned out that Kudara's original name was Anwuri, and he was a traitor who was driven out from the Netherworld's Youwen tribe.

After escaping from the Nether Realm, I heard that he came to the Buddhist Realm to worship under a certain eminent monk, and his strength increased greatly, and his cultivation level once reached the stage of fusion.

But for some reason, 5000 years ago, the eminent monk suddenly disappeared from the Buddhist world, and there was no news of his mount Lingyaolong.

Originally, all the disciples around him remained in the Buddhist world, except that Kudala was missing.Thousands of years later, when he returned to the Buddhist world, he learned that he had fallen into the demon world with the evil Buddha from the mixed world.

After hearing this, Yi Tian kept his face calm, but secretly said in his heart: "It seems that this matter may have something to do with Master Jie Ding, but why did he choose to go this way when he was the head of the Arhat Hall of Da Lei Guang Temple at that time?" .There are still some unsolved mysteries in it, maybe I have to take myself to the Leiguang Temple to have a chance to understand the reason. "

As for the demonized An Yaolong in front of him, he couldn't get out after being sealed by the big array for a while.In order to prevent this large formation from being destroyed again, it is better to take some defensive measures first.

I think that Juddara came to this world to release the demonized An Yaolong, although letting him escape this time is a hidden danger after all, and it is not his style to sit and wait for death.

After thinking about it, he took out the trapped array disk to activate it, and then the Vajra Subduing Demon Array was directly hidden in the white mist.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket of Niu Chew Peony
(End of this chapter)

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