
Chapter 1244 Meeting Guests

Chapter 1244 Meeting Guests
Returning all the way from the Fallen Land to the gathering place of the Youwen Clan, Fairy Dark Moon's betrayal this time should have been premeditated.Discussed and discussed with Anfeng along the way, it was obvious that the last time Dark Moon Fairy and others went to explore the Fallen Land, they were taken away by Najudala.

And the original purpose of just going with Yinfeng is also very obvious. Kudara needs the body of a high-ranking monk to seize his home.As a cultivator at the stage of transformation into a god, An Yue was naturally unable to display her true strength, so she pointed the finger at An Feng, who was also an elder of the Youwen clan.

It's a pity that this time he is a lack of heart, and he wants to use his own strength to undo the seal of Lei Wenzhu.But I didn't expect that the two of them joined forces and fell short in the end, so they had to run away in a hurry.

But after the incident, the seal was solemn. Although Jiu Tuoluo didn't do his best this time, the seal on Qizhen's body was pulled out.And his purpose is also very obvious, he wants to find the body of a Youwen clansman, of course, the higher the level, the better.

This is naturally related to his original attributes. Yi Tian thought about it and estimated that the conditions for Kudala to seize the house are also very harsh, otherwise he would have been able to find his body with his strength.

Letting him escape this time is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain. I am fine, but the most worrying thing is the hidden seal.A person like him who is always missed by others will naturally have trouble sleeping and eating. Although he didn't mention it along the way, the sadness on his face has not diminished in the slightest.

What's more, every time he mentions the evil Buddha in the mixed world, he always frowns deeply and looks preoccupied.

After returning to the gathering place of the Youwen clan, Anfeng took out a jade slip handwritten letter stating that it was the information about dealing with the dark day in the Youwen clan back then.

After putting away the jade slips, Yi Tian and Anfeng left a message to each other, and after the jade slips, Yi Tian rushed towards Shenguan City.Although there is still an agreement with the Thunderbird Clan, but for now, there is no rush.

Since I heard the news about the evil Buddha in the mixed world, it is better to ask Chen to find out first. After all, if you want to know the secrets of the Buddhist sect, you still need to find someone who is familiar with it.

After returning to the Shenguan Temple, he quietly sneaked into the forbidden area of ​​Huizong Gate. After scanning his spiritual sense, he found that someone was visiting.At this time, Liao Chen was meeting a guest in front of his thatched cottage, and the other party also immediately noticed his whereabouts.Then a voice suddenly rang in his ears: "Junior Brother Yi is back, please come to talk, Senior Brother Yuan from Jiaxiu Temple is here to visit."

With a thought, he thought to himself: "Could it be that I was so brilliant in the last release meeting that attracted Yuan's attention. This time he is obviously here for me, but I don't know if I have anything worthy of him coming to meet in person." '

Thinking about going back is not slow, Yi Tian went directly to Chen's residence after returning to the forbidden area.From a distance, I saw two figures sitting cross-legged in front of the hut and chatting.

After taking him closer, he saw Yuan hurriedly stood up and saluted himself first: "Junior Brother Yi is back, poor monk is polite."

"I don't know that Senior Brother Yuan came to visit, but I kept Senior Brother waiting for a long time," Yi Tian also hurriedly said, facing such a distracted monk in the late stage, he can't show off, let alone the other party came to find him specially.

Liaochen who was at the side hurriedly said a few words of care, and when Yi Tian arrived, the three of them sat down as guests and hosts.Later, it was Liao Chen who spoke first: "Senior Brother Yuan dropped by this time to arrange for the escort of the Buddha, but he wanted to visit Junior Brother specially."

Hearing that these two things are related to him, Yi Tian hurriedly replied respectfully: "I'm worried about the two senior brothers. This time I'm going out to participate in the trade fair. I don't want to make any troubles. Fortunately, the matter has finally come to an end."

"That's good," Liao Yuan said with a pleasant face when he heard the words: "The younger brother will be responsible for escorting the Buddha, this matter cannot be sloppy."

"Brother, please keep this in mind," Yi Tian hurriedly replied.

Liao Yuan nodded and asked again: "Junior Brother Su Wenyi is an expert in refining weapons, and he has already experienced it in the last Dharma meeting. This time I came here specially for this purpose."

Looking at the expressions of the two of them, Yi Tian knew that Yuan must have inquired with Yaochen beforehand before making such a statement.It's just that I don't know what he is asking for this time, and then he replied: "I don't know, but Senior Brother Yuan wants to customize a spiritual weapon or something else?"

Reaching out to take out a spiritual weapon and placing it in front of him, Liao Yuan sighed softly: "There are also many famous craftsmen in the Buddhist world. It's just that their level is far from that of Junior Brother Yi. There also seems to be a lack of doorway on the device."

Sweeping his eyes over the spiritual weapon in front of him, Yi Tian found that it turned out to be the magic weapon of seeing wooden fish.There seems to be some damage on it, and the small hammer is also broken from it.

After inspecting the inscribed patterns on the utensil, Yi Tian's face remained unchanged, but he did have some doubts in his heart.The patterns on the utensils are eight or nine percent similar to the Phoebe Muyu that I refined.

And his own spirit weapon was completely imitated by imitating the formation pattern of the thunder pattern wooden fish, which means that the spirit weapon in front of him is also an imitation of the thunder pattern wooden fish.

Thinking that there must be something strange about this matter, Yi Tian turned his gaze back and asked: "This thing seems to have gone through a few years, and the original material is the ten-scented ebony, which is a treasure of heaven, and the craftsmanship is also very exquisite. It is a whole piece. It was carved out of wood, but nowadays it is very difficult to repair a missing corner.”

After some words, Yuanyuan also showed a mixed look of worry and joy on his face, and then said: "Junior Brother Yi is indeed an expert. You can see the problem with this spiritual weapon at a glance. This thing belongs to my master. After he passed away, it was passed on to me. It is said that he went to Daleiguang Zen Temple to attend meditation and was instructed by Da Neng monks, and then entrusted others to refine the spiritual weapon. It was only after a great battle in Jiaxiu Temple thousands of years ago The spiritual weapon has been damaged, and it is no longer able to exert [-]% of its former power."

It was something from the Daleiguang Temple again, Yi Tian was startled and even guessed that this thing must be an imitation of the Leiwen wooden fish.Although the material is not bad, the person who refines it must not be a monk of the Buddhist sect, so there are many deficiencies in the step of infusing the body with Buddhist power.

After thinking about it, a faint smile appeared on his face and said: "With all due respect, it is extremely difficult to repair this spiritual weapon."

"Why did Junior Brother say that?" Liao Yuan asked in confusion.

"Originally, when refining, the focus was on the Buddha's power of the master. After the spiritual weapon was damaged, the Buddha's power disappeared, so this situation was caused." Yi Tian stretched out his hand and said: "You must know that the Buddha's power is the most important. It is even more handy to use one's own Buddha power to nourish it, and its power can be increased to more than [-]%."

After speaking, he reached out and took out the nanmumuyu and placed it next to the ten-scented blackwood fish.

At this time, Liao Yuan's eyes flashed brightly, and even De Chen was surprised and looked at them before saying: "Junior Brother, the auras on these two spirit weapons are very similar, I think they belong to the same origin."

"Both are imitations of the precious thunder-patterned wooden fish from the Arhat Hall of the Daleiguang Temple," Yi Tianxin said, "You two can feel the Buddha power left on it before making a judgment."

 Thanks to Yang Jiayilang for his support
(End of this chapter)

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