
Chapter 1245

Chapter 1245
In the forbidden area of ​​Shenguan Temple, Yi Tian happened to meet Monk Liaoyuan who came to visit. It turned out that he was also here to wait for him for spiritual weapons and other matters.

When he took out the ten-scented black sandalwood fish and told the history, Yi Tian was taken aback. It turned out that this thing had a lot to do with him.

Immediately, he took out the nanmu fish and put it in front of the two people to judge first. After ten breaths, Yuan sighed and said, "Young brother is really good at craftsmanship. The spirit weapon proves that your identity is indeed the authentic lineage of the Daleiguang Temple," Yan Ba ​​stood up and bowed slowly to himself.

Yi Tian hurriedly stood up, then stretched out his hand to gently support Yuandao: "Senior brother, there is no need to do this. Buddhism says that all living beings are equal. It was just a coincidence that I was able to visit Da Neng and sit down."

After the two sat down again, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and gently pushed the nanmumuyu to Yuan's front, saying: "Brother is willing to exchange this thing for the ten-scented ebony woodfish. Senior brother can test the effect first. If it is unsatisfactory Please explain it.”

After hearing this, Liao Yuan didn't refuse, took the nanmu wood fish lightly, knocked on it, and then chanted the scriptures in his mouth.Liao Chen, who was sitting next to him, also complied casually, and after the two of them read the scriptures together, their bodies shone with golden light.

After the halo faded, Yuan Yuan turned around and nodded towards Yi Tian, ​​with a smile on his face, he said: "The poor monk dare not accept this gift, this thing has been warmed up by the junior brother with the Great Day Sutra for at least 500 yuan." Even though it fits well with my practice, a gentleman does not take away people's love."

"More than 500 years," Yi Tian was suspicious.It took less than 300 years for this nanmu wooden fish to be sacrificed for the first time, but it has become 500 years in Yuanzui.

Could it be that the Great Sun Sutra that I practiced has a special effect on warming and nourishing Buddhist utensils, or because of my own refining master, it is better to infuse Buddha power during refining than normal.

After thinking for a while, Jishou said: "To be honest, I refined this thing 200 years ago, and then re-smelted it more than ten years ago. It is far from the 500-year situation that my brother said, and the ten-scented black sandalwood fish itself It is also an excellent treasure material. Under the exchange of two phases, I took advantage of the senior brother, so I should ask the senior brother to serve as my subordinates."

Liao Chen, who was at the side, also hurriedly echoed: "I also asked Brother Yuan to accept it, I believe what Brother Yi said."

"In this case, I would be disrespectful, thank you junior brother," Liao Yuan saluted the two of them respectively.

After the three of them sat down again, Yi Tian explained in detail what happened during the trip, and Liao Chen and Liao Yuan, who were on the side, showed horror on their faces after hearing this.

In particular, Liaoyuan showed resentment on his face, and after Yi Tian finished speaking, he sighed and said, "I didn't expect that the Buddhist world will be peaceful for tens of thousands of years, and another catastrophe will come."

"Brother, I don't have a deep understanding of the past history of the Buddhist world, so please ask my brother to clarify my doubts," Yi Tian asked.

Liao Chen also didn't know much about this history, so he also turned his head to Yuandao: "Senior brother who said what happened today was in the ears of the two of us, there will never be a fourth person who will know about it, so please do your best, brother." Word."

It was only then that Yuanyuan settled down and said: "Actually, this evil Buddha from the mixed world is indeed a powerful ancestor of our Buddhist sect, who suddenly fell into the demon world about 4 years ago in the Middle Ages."

"4 years ago," Yi Tian remained silent after hearing this, but he couldn't help saying in his heart that it was more than 5000 years ago that the precept master fell into the demon world, how could it be at the same time as the evil Buddha in the mixed world? superior.

After listening to Yuan, he continued: "At the beginning, the eminent monk didn't know what kind of Zen practice he was practicing, and he didn't have any warning signs when he fell into the demon world. However, there are traces of his disciple Jiutara mentioned by Junior Brother Yi. Back then, he sneaked into the Buddhist world to release the evil Buddha's mount, which turned into a demonized Lingyaolong. It is a pity that several powerful members of the Buddhist sect sent elite monks to intercept this matter, and finally suppressed him in the depths of the wasteland Outside the forbidden land of the magic dragon."

"Judora's escape will definitely come back this time. With his strength, it is not difficult to restore his cultivation base," Yi Tian asked.

Liao Yuan waved his hands and said with a smile: "Juduoluo's predecessor was a member of the Youwen clan. If he wants to restore his cultivation to the fusion stage, he must at least take away the body of a monk of the distraction stage, and he must be a member of his clan. "

"Fellow Daoist Anfeng and I have mentioned this matter, presumably the Youwen people will increase their precautions in the future, and it will be difficult for Jiu Tuo Luo to succeed easily," Yi Tian said with a serious face.

Yaoyuan nodded and said: "I will notify the major sects of this matter as soon as possible, and ask them to send more people to find the trace of Kudala."

"I don't know what is the origin of the evil Buddha from the mixed world," Liao Chen asked suddenly.

This is also what Yi Tian is most concerned about at the moment. Since there is a discrepancy with the information from his own, it is best to ask clearly.

Liao Yuan bowed his head and said: "I don't know too much, I just know that this evil Buddha from the mixed world is just a name. When he fell into the demon world, his cultivation base was probably in the late stage of fusion, but he was stuck in the advanced Mahayana stage." It’s only because of the bottleneck that it’s been thousands of years that we haven’t made an inch of progress. It’s just a pitiful person.”

Hearing this, Yi Tian realized in his heart that the evil Buddha of the mixed world and the master of precepts must not be the same person.Back then when Master Jie Ding fell into the Demon Realm, his cultivation had already reached the Mahayana stage, but he didn't know what his motive was.

Now that he learned about this, his heart was pounding. It seemed that he had offended another group of people.It's just that I don't know which one is stronger, this evil Buddha from the mixed world or the master of precepts.

He couldn't help thinking in his heart, and his face showed a little sadness, Liao Yuan in front of him thought that Yi Tian had some scruples in his heart.Then he opened his mouth and said: "Junior brother, don't worry, the body of the evil Buddha from the mixed world is hiding in the depths of the demon world. He can't enter the Buddha world, at best, only people like Kudala."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's face softened a little, and then he asked: "I don't know, Senior Brother Yuan, how many great Buddhist sects have fallen into the demon world in the past tens of thousands of years?"

At this point, the round brows frowned slightly, looked at Yi Tian, ​​and then sighed: "It seems that the younger brother also knows some secrets. In fact, I only know two of them from the current recorded documents, and the first one is this one." An evil Buddha from the mixed world. It’s just that his strength was at the peak of the fusion stage back then, so it’s hard to pose a threat to my Buddhist world.”

Then he cleared his throat and said: "There is another great expert related to your Leiguang Temple, but there is not much news about it outside, and you need to investigate and clear this matter yourself, Junior Brother."

"Can the unknown have a name?" Yi Tian asked again.

"I've seen it in the literature in the temple, it seems to be called Mie Shi Mo Luo," Liao Yuan mentioned the name with a trace of fear on his face.

 Thanks sieyes for the monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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