
Chapter 1246 Help

Chapter 1246 Help
After sending Liyuan away, Yi Tian went back to his cave to rest for the time being.This trip was also a rewarding experience. Not only did we harvest Leiwen bamboo, but it was also nearly 4000 years old.

Before, Liao Yuan had mentioned the two great powers, the Evil Buddha of Chaos World and Mie Shi Mo Luo. Presumably, the latter was the real body of the Master of Precepts after falling into the Demon Realm.But no matter which one it is, I can't shake it now. For now, I can only endure it temporarily.Let's wait until Daleiguang Temple finds out the ins and outs of the matter.

As for the ten-scented black sandalwood fish that was exchanged, it is also a spirit weapon refined from quasi-heaven-level treasures. Although it has been damaged for many years and lost its aura, it is also a rare treasure to be used to refine other spirit weapons.

Moreover, the quality of the Taiyuan sword he used has not been improved for a long time, so it is a bit dwarfed when he meets such a master as Jiuduoluo performing the swordsmanship.

Although I can still use the tricks of my life's real fire to activate the Lihuo Palace, after all, the situation is not very clear now, and it is inconvenient for me to easily expose the real skills unless it is a last resort.

After thinking about it, I decided to strengthen the Taiyuan Sword first, and then refine the Brahma Golden Bell.Although I don't have the nanmumuyu in my hands, relying on the Brahma Golden Bell to cast the eight sounds of thunder can more than double the power.

Yi Tian spent some thought on this Thunder Pattern Bamboo, this thing is worthy of being a treasure that can seal and suppress Kudala's body.It has been calcined with Nanming Lihuo for a full seventy-seven and 49 days, but it can only be burned to a softened state. If you want to use it to refine spiritual weapons, it still has a lack of heat.

Fortunately, after unleashing the astonishing power of his natal true fire, Thunder Flame and Purple Flame, he wrapped this Thunder Bamboo and completely restrained the power of thunder inside without leaking a single bit.

After cultivating in the cave for a long time without going out, Yi Tian walked out helplessly after the cave door was opened one day two years later.

The purpose of this retreat is also very strong, but it has not been able to do all the work.After refining the ten-scented sandalwood wood fish, he incorporated it into the Taiyuan Sword, and then refined it into the Taiyuan Red Sun Sword according to the records of the Great Sun Scripture.

This sword uses the Taiyuan sword as the sword embryo and inscribes two sets of front and back patterns inscribed with the refining method of the Buddhist Red Sun Sword.Now not only the swordsmanship of the spirit world, but also the tricks of the Da Ri Zhen Jing can be easily blessed.

It's just that the tricks used by the Red Sun Curse Sword are all defensive-oriented, and the limited lethality is regarded as the biggest shortcoming.

As for the Brahma Golden Bell, it has not been successfully refined, and there is a full set of materials in hand.It is because the Leiwen Bamboo is too old that the grade of other auxiliary materials is not enough.I have simulated it in my mind several times, but I can't completely refine it. It seems that I still need to find some suitable treasure materials to assist.

After tidying up these things, I remembered that there was an agreement with Lei Fuhong of the Thunderbird clan back then. Thinking about the time limit for escorting the Buddha's son was just around the corner, I must want to deal with these matters.

After leaving the cave, he took out the feather, activated it and gently sent it out, and then the feather turned into a blue light and directly escaped from the seal of the forbidden place.

Speaking of Lei Fuhong's appearance back then, it was also interesting. The white jade lotus root can naturally revitalize the muscles and remove blood stasis, but the other party asked for a lot of it. It seems that the situation of the poisoned person is not optimistic.

Not less than half an hour later, a blue halo flew to the sky, and Yi Tian used his pupil technique to look closely, and it should be the reply from the other party.Opening the restriction and letting the messenger feather fly in front of him, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to take it and glanced at it lightly, but there was a displeasure on his face.

Lei Fuhong left a message asking him to meet him in Shenguan City, but he also mentioned that he would bring his fellow clansmen to wait for him.The Baihua Yulu Pill I gave him last time was indeed effective, but this pill did not cure the symptoms of the root cause, but failed to completely remove the toxins from his junior.

So this time he didn't want to bother the second master personally to come to the door to ask him to help.

Seeing this, Yi Tian was not angry, it was just a temporary idea.Speaking of which, Lei Wenzhu is also dispensable to me now, I didn't want to get into trouble for no reason.

But after thinking about it, he had no choice but to nod his head. He was already waiting in Shenguan City.If it weren't for Liaochen's scruples, he might have come to the door by now.

After the figure slowly disappeared in place, Yi Tian flew directly into the midair towards Shenguan City.

Speaking of which, I have been here for some years, but except for Shenguan Temple, I have never really visited anywhere in the city.After a while, he restrained his breath and walked slowly on the street in the city towards the gathering point of the demon clan.

Although foreign races can't help in Shenguan City, they are also divided and ruled.It is not uncommon for a spiritual cultivator like myself to swagger to the Yaozu territory.

But when those juniors of the Yaozu looked at him, they all avoided.It seems to be the same as ordinary mortals, but the fluctuation of spiritual power has not revealed the slightest bit.

After walking a few streets, I came to a shop, looked up and looked at the signboard with the words 'Thunderbolt'.But he said disdainfully in his heart: "Thunderbirds are very arrogant, but this is also related to their racial talent. I didn't expect such an interesting store to exist in the downtown again." '

After walking in, I found that this is a specialty store for thunder-type treasure materials, and many of the items are relatively rare among low-end products.

A boy from the monster clan came up to greet him and made a fuss, Yi Tian didn't say much, just took out Lei Fuhong's messenger feather.

Immediately, the shopkeeper in the shop came forward to greet him personally, and led him to the backyard.After passing through several long corridors, we came to the last courtyard, then turned around and said respectfully: "Please Senior Yi, Special Envoy Lei has been waiting inside for a long time."

After entering the door, he saw Lei Fuhong sitting in the gazebo in the courtyard, with two clansmen behind him serving him.There was a girl in her teens playing in the yard, but Yi Tian saw a trace of black air between her brows, which seemed to be suppressed.

Seeing people coming, Lei Fuhong hurriedly stood up and then shielded the left and right, then bowed to Yi Tian and said: "Senior Yi is here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Slowly walking into the pavilion, Yi Tian stretched out his hand politely and directed the other party to sit down and talk, but Lei Fuhong replied: "In front of Senior Yi, I'd better stand and answer, the hidden senior of the Youwen clan I have been informed early in the morning, and the younger generation dare not go beyond."

"I'm usually annoyed by the red tape. If you think about it, don't let me look down on you. Sit down and talk slowly if you have something to say," Yi Tian said in a leisurely manner.

After hearing this, Lei Fuhong thanked again, then sat down in front of him and said, "Dare to ask senior to help my daughter Lei Tingting." After speaking, he waved to the girl in the courtyard and summoned her.

Yi Tiancai considered Lei Tingting carefully when he walked up to him. Lei Tingting's cultivation should be between level five and level six.It's just that after using the shape-changing secret method, you can refine the horizontal bone in advance. Originally, such aptitude is considered rare in the monster clan.If there is no accident in the middle, it is not impossible to reach the peak of the eighth level, or even the ninth level.

It's just that the black air between her eyebrows looks a little strange, and I can't judge the cause of it for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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