
Chapter 1247 The reason

Chapter 1247 The reason
Yi Tian saw Lei Fuhong and Lei Tingting father and daughter in Thunderbolt's backyard. What he didn't expect was that the Thunderbird clan also had secret magic powers that could allow the younger generation to refine and transform into human beings in advance.

It's just that there seems to be something wrong with Lei Tingting in my own eyes. She seems to have a normal complexion, but there is always a black aura between her brows.

Lei Fuhong explained on the side: "Senior Yi, please see if the condition of the little girl is extremely poisoned, and whether it can be cured."

Ignoring the other party, Yi Tian just gently raised his hand to sacrifice a bit of spiritual power, then gently invaded from Lei Tingting's nostrils, and then walked around along the meridians in her body.

After drawing out the spiritual power later, he stared at it carefully before gently dispelling it and said: "It doesn't look like being poisoned, the meridians in the body are running very normally."

"Impossible," Lei Fuhong said with disbelief on his face, "My little girl has been doing well for the past few years. Since she took senior's elixir, the toxicity in her body has been suppressed, so she can get out of bed and go out for a walk."

"Then what do you need white jade lotus root for?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

Lei Fuhong sighed and said: "Before I got the white jade lotus root, my little girl had several rotten spots on her body. I used magic to remove them and then applied the white jade lotus root to revitalize the affected spots."

Yi Tian shook his head and said: "It's a pity that it's a temporary solution but not the root cause. The toxins should have a place to go when they overflow from the body surface, but if you keep the toxins in your body alive, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome to eradicate them."

Hearing what he said, Lei Fuhong's face immediately changed drastically, he turned his head to look at his daughter, and said with some determination: "I must have seen all kinds of strange things with the ability of seniors, please tell the truth. I can pay any price for my daughter, I brought all the Lei Wenzhu that senior asked for, each of which is over a thousand years old, and asking senior to sell it is a panacea, and this junior is very grateful."

Looking at Lei Fuhong's appearance, Yi Tian sighed and said, "It's not because I don't help you, but it's unwise for me to offend a Gu refiner for no reason."

"Gu master, could it be that the little girl has been bewitched by someone?" Lei Fuhong exclaimed in shock.

"Indeed, I checked your daughter's condition just now, and there is no abnormality in the meridians. There is no problem with the spiritual energy, but there is a trace of faint black energy near the heart, which is very similar," said Yi Tian Directly using the method of sound transmission into secrets, he said softly: "Heart-eating worm."

Lei Fuhong's face changed when he heard the words, and after getting familiar with it, his face flushed as if he was on the verge of an explosion.Yi Tian then reached out his hand and signaled for him to have a secret conversation through voice transmission, and Lei Fuhong would know how to forcibly suppress the excitement and quietly asked through voice transmission: "Senior, why are you doing this?"

"The Heart Eater is very spiritual and can understand human speech. If his name is mentioned, it will definitely let him know our intentions," Yi Tian explained.

Lei Fuhong nodded hastily, and then there was a trace of joy in his eyes and said: "Since the senior can find the problem, there must be a way to get rid of the Gu insects, and I ask the senior to do it. Afterwards, I will definitely report to the ancestors of the Ming family to kill the Gu worms." If the Gu people find the corpse and break it into thousands of pieces, it will definitely not make it difficult for seniors."

"The person who cast the Gu is an old hand, and I can't pull out the Gu worm directly, so as not to overwhelm the snake." Yi Tian thought for a while before saying: "I need to find a monster with similar cultivation level as your daughter to move the Gu worm away. The past will not be seen through by the other party."

"This matter is easy, I will notify my ancestors to help," Lei Fuhong hurriedly replied.

"Not busy, there are still many things to prepare," Yi Tian took out a bottle of Baihua honey wine and handed it over: "This bottle contains three ounces of spiritual wine, and let your daughter drink it six times every hour one serving."

Lei Fuhong finally lifted the lid of the wine bottle and smelled it, and then said with a surprised face: "Senior's spiritual wine is too high, I'm afraid the child will get drunk."

"It's easy to get the Gu when you're drunk, and at least [-]% to [-]% of the alcohol's power will be absorbed by the Gu insect, but I can cast spells to repel the insects when it is drunk," Yi Tianda replied meaningfully.

When Lei Fuhong heard the words, he nodded and replied: "Then what preparations do you need to make when expelling the insects? Please tell the senior that I can make preparations."

"It's best to find an ice cave, a fifth-level monster, and I will first set up a stealth array to drive out insects in the array to shield the perception of the voodoo," Yi Tian said his requirements one by one.

Lei Fu kept in mind that later he took out a messenger feather and arranged all the necessary things.Then he called Lei Tingting over and fed her a sip of spirit wine.

The entire backyard of Thunderbolt Shop immediately became busy. Half a day later, when Lei Tingting drank the last spirit wine, her little face turned red, her eyes were blurred, and she passed out after a while.

Seeing this, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to sacrifice a spiritual light to cover her body, then turned around and said: "It's almost there, I checked that the heart eater drank a lot of spiritual wine and was already drunk in the lair on the side of the atrium. It's not appropriate Later we can leave quickly."

Lei Fuhong, who was at the side, said happily: "Thank you senior, Tingting is the future of my Thunderbird clan, please let me ask you this time. My ancestor has already been waiting in the hinterland of the Youwen clan, please come with me, Senior Yi. "

Immediately, Yi Tian took Lei Tingting and Lei Fuhong to sneak out of the city from the secret passage of the shop, and then set up the escape light and flew towards the gathering place of the Youwen tribe.

I think that the extremely cold place nearby is occupied by the Youwen tribe, and I have also understood the deployment of the Youwen tribe here after the last fall.On weekdays, An Yue presided over it, while An Feng hid behind his back, but now An Feng might have returned to the Netherworld long ago, and those who stayed here to preside over the overall situation should be his cronies or the like.

After flying in the air for a long time, he finally arrived at the destination. According to his visual inspection, he was no more than three hundred miles away from the last trade fair.

After falling down from the clouds, they came to a cliff, where the Youwen people had been waiting for a long time.Following the secret path on the cliff, he slowly went deep down, and after walking for more than ten miles, he came to the door of an ice cave.

At this time, there was an eagle-headed demon monk sitting there cross-legged. When he saw someone coming, he opened his eyes and stood up.After looking at the first three people below, he yelled at Lei Fu: "Are you sure? This time is related to the future direction of our clan. If you are not sure, it is better to find another way."

Lei Fuhong did go up and bowed his head before saying: "Tingting's aptitude is the best in this generation, presumably as long as she can recover and stand out at the Antiy Conference to be appreciated by that adult, then I will be mine, Lei Fuhong." It's time for the Bird Clan to rise again, and I ask the ancestors to help."

The eagle-headed monster clan didn't say much after hearing this, turned around and said: "My humble patriarch of the Thunderbird clan, Lei Xiaotian, is very polite. Fellow Daoist Yi is a senior disciple of the Buddhist sect and understands Gu art. This matter is a lot of trouble. After it is done, the person who cast the Gu will not need the help of a fellow Taoist to take care of it."

"That's all right, let's go in, in this extremely cold environment, Gu worms will enter a hibernation state, which is the best time for us to get Gu," Yi Tian replied.

 Thank you for the monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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