
Chapter 1248

Chapter 1248
The Thunderbird clan headed by Lei Fuhong is actually just a branch of the Thunderbird clan in the demon world.

Then he wandered to the Buddhist world and took root and took a temporary rest. Unexpectedly, this stop lasted for thousands of years.In fact, after several rounds of replacements, the Thunderbirds believed that they were the monster clan rooted in the Buddhist world.

In fact, in the eyes of the ancestors in the clan, they still belong to foreigners and have no sense of belonging. Their purpose is to wait for the opportunity to return to the demon world and return to their hometown.

Both Lei Xiaotian and Lei Fuhong were outspoken about this point, and they didn't care about Yi Tian's identity, so they clarified the internal situation one by one.

Originally dormant in the Buddhist world for three to four thousand years, even Lei Fuhong felt that there was no hope, but a hundred years ago, news suddenly came from the demon world that the king of the hundred spirits returned.For this reason, the Shenfeng Clan widely issued invitations to hold the Antiy Conference. As for the Thunderbird Clan, although they are offshoots, they also have the opportunity to attend. Naturally, Lei Fuhong and others were also invited to attend the Antin Conference.

Moreover, it was stated in the invitation card of the Antian Conference that the newly returned tribe intends to accept disciples.However, all juniors from the Qingluan Huofeng and even the Thunderbird clan with excellent aptitude can participate.The threshold for entry is limited to less than six levels, regardless of whether it is transformed or not.

So far, Lei Fuhong thinks that the miracle of his team returning to the demon world has come. As long as he can show his talents at the Antiy Conference and win the favor of the lord, he can naturally return to the demon world.

Seeing that the Antiy Conference was held for only 200 years, it was unexpected that Lei Tingting would suddenly be poisoned after going out once, and then her cultivation stagnated.

This made Lei Fuhong and the rest of the tribe very anxious. Originally, Lei Tingting had the best aptitude in this generation and had the best chance of being favored by that lord.In this way, it is not so easy to find a second candidate among the clans.

Yi Tian shook his head helplessly after hearing the secrets of the Thunderbird clan, saying that every family has scriptures that are hard to recite, but he didn't expect that the Thunderbird clan would have such troublesome things.

After Lei Fuhong was stationed outside, Yi Tian and Lei Xiaotian led the sleeping Lei Tingting slowly into the forbidden area of ​​the Youwen tribe's ice cave.Then Lei Xiaotian brought out a Level [-] wild bull, sealed it with restraints so that it couldn't move, and placed it on the side of the cave.

"Fellow Daoist Lei, wait a moment, I can get the Gu after I set up the Heaven-Switching Formation," Yi Tian explained.

Lei Xiaotian was informed early in the morning, of course he understood all kinds of reasons, so he replied calmly: "Friend Yi Daoist, please go ahead, I just wait here."

After reaching out his hand to take out the spirit ink of the talisman pen, Yi Tian began to draw formations on the ground of the ice cave. The cave is actually empty with a space of more than ten feet.The Stealing the Sky and Changing the Sun array drawn by his subordinates only occupied about half of the area.

After the drawing was finished, he signaled for Lei Xiaotian to place Lei Tingting at the eye of the formation. As for the fifth-level wild bull, he was led and placed on the other end of the formation.

Later, Yi Tian started to drive the formation, and after making seals with both hands, he played a few formulas against the formation, instantly activating the formation.Then the temperature in the formation dropped sharply, as if it absorbed a large amount of cold air from the surrounding ice caves to create an extremely cold and freezing environment.

The fifth-level wild bull was also shivering from the cold at this time. Fortunately, Yi Tian didn't want to take his life. Just pass out."

Lei Xiaotian waved a wave of blue spiritual light from behind and injected it directly into the top of the bull's head, so that it could withstand the extremely cold environment around it even with the spiritual power empowerment.

Yi Tian made another move to remove the spiritual shield on Lei Tingting's body, and then took out the Red Sun Taiyuan Sword to sacrifice in his hand, shrunk it to half an inch in size, and then manipulated it to stab lightly above her chest and heart.

The Hongri Taiyuan sword broke Lei Tingting's ribs and hit the wormhole in the heart, then gently gouged out a fingernail-sized piece of meat on the atrium, and then flew out of the body quickly with the piece of meat in her mouth.Holding the prepared white jade lotus root in his hand with the elixir for skin regeneration and skin revitalization, he gently smoothed the wound.

Then lightly sacrificed Dao spiritual power to protect Lei Tingting's body, and heard her heavy breathing after ten breaths, Yi Tian felt relieved.

At the same time, after finishing all these, Yi Tian's figure flashed to the side of the wild bull, and his left hand lightly brushed the position outside the heart of its abdomen, and then directly planted the piece of heart flesh cut out by the Taiyuan sword. outside the atrium.

After finishing these, the spiritual liquid prepared with white jade lotus root was also dripped gently into the wound, and after a short while, it healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After doing this, Yi Tian slowly withdrew from the formation and stopped the formation, then turned to Lei Xiaotian and said, "Fortunately, it's not a disgrace, the next thing is to adjust. It is estimated that it will be back to normal in seven days."

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Yi, for your help." Lei Xiaotian stepped forward to look at Lei Tingting and then said with a pleasant smile, "In this way, with Tingting's qualifications, she will definitely be able to win the favor of that adult at the Antiy Conference , My Thunderbird clan in the Buddha Realm can also fulfill their wish to return to their homeland."

"I don't know if the king of the larks that you are talking about has Meng as his surname?" Yi Tian asked tentatively, after all, he learned from them that this clansman might be Meng Xin.

"Exactly," Lei Xiaotian replied without doubting him, "The lord has disappeared in the demon world for many years, and after returning to the clan, he will definitely recruit disciples. We also went for this opportunity."

It turned out that it was to send Mengxin's apprentice there, but I knew that it was not easy to be fooled.In the lower realms back then, there was no way but to make a compromise and entrust it to myself.Now that she has returned to the Yaozu, she should restore her former power, but she doesn't know to what extent her strength has recovered now.

If you want to trust Mengxin, Lei Tingting in front of you is naturally an excellent candidate, after thinking about it, you have a plan in mind.

Putting this aside in advance, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed at the wild bull and said: "The problem is half solved now, but I still have some concerns in my heart. You should know what I mean."

"That's natural. It's a serious problem for my heart to stay awake at night if the dog doesn't get rid of like a thorn," Lei Xiaotian said sharply.

"Presumably with the knowledge of a fellow daoist, you should be able to guess who did it. I intend to ask for something extra," Yi Tian said untimely.

Lei Xiaotian nodded and signaled, and Yi Tian continued: "I will set off to escort the Buddha to Jiaxiu Temple in a short time, so far I don't want to cause any trouble during this period. So for now, this matter still needs to be resolved." Hurry up and deal with it, and I can help you if necessary."

"With the help of Daoist Yi, I think it will be a matter of course. After we get out, we will make a long-term plan. Later, I would like to ask an old friend to help us catch the culprit in one fell swoop." Lei Xiaotian replied.

(End of this chapter)

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