
Chapter 1249 Ambush

Chapter 1249 Ambush
Bingling Mountain is shrouded in wind and snow all the year round. It is located thousands of miles south of the gathering place of the Youwen tribe. On that day, three spiritual lights flew over the top of the mountain, stayed in the air for half a moment, and then limited a valley before falling down.

Three of them were Lei Xiaotian, Yi Tian, ​​and a dragon rhinoceros monk.This person was invited by Lei Xiaotian to help him, his name is Xing Dali, and his cultivation is at the top of the eighth level, which is about the same as the spiritual cultivation of the clone in the later stage.

This time it was clear that Lei Xiaotian was offended, and the person who made the move must be well aware of the events of the An Tian Conference and the enemy of the Thunderbird clan.

After falling into the valley, Yi Tian first surveyed the surrounding area, then took out the sundial, Luo Geng, and began to measure it. After a while, he turned his head and said to the two of them: "I have surveyed, the location is good, and we can set up an array. But Fellow Daoist Lei is sure. Can you attract the other party? You must know that if there is a slight mistake, there will be a lot of hidden dangers."

"Friend Daoist Yi, don't worry about setting up the formation. From what I know about that person, he must be very concerned about it. Since the Gu worm has the characteristic of being afraid of the cold, the other party's Gu refiner will definitely follow and refine a copy of it. Heart-eating Gu is not easy, and the person who refines Gu and the Gu worm are connected and will never give up lightly," Lei Xiaotian replied.

After hearing this, Yi Tian didn't hesitate to take out the Four Spirit Formation cards, put them in his hands and gently raised them up, then flew into the air and embed the formation cards into the surrounding cliffs one by one.

Later, he took out the formation plate and made seals with both hands, and then put several spells on it to activate the formation.The entire valley shook slightly, and the hillside seemed to be covered with a layer of aura, and then disappeared into the ground.

Yi Tian bowed his head and said to the two people below: "I'm ready, as long as the opponent enters the range of the large formation, I can trap him for a while."

"Yi Daoyou, then you can hide at the side now, and wait for me to cast a spell to attract the other party," Lei Xiaotian replied.

Since he didn't need to do anything himself, Yi Tian naturally wished for it, and after his figure slowly disappeared in the air, he restrained his breath and waited quietly in the air.

As for the ground, Lei Xiaotian stretched out his hand and summoned the bull, and then two blue auras aroused from his hands, and directly patted on the bull's head.

After a while, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the bull's body, which shrunk down to the size of a child and looked exactly like Lei Tingting.

Then Xing Dali took out a white bead and his whole body disappeared in the ice and snow in an instant.

After waiting in the air for less than half a day, Yi Tian suddenly saw two escaping lights flashing in the distance, and he didn't dare to poke out his divine sense, but just by looking at it with his eyes, he could find that the coming person's cultivation base was above the middle stage of distraction.

Not long after, the two rays of light flew to the top of the valley and stopped. After the lights faded, a middle-aged monk was revealed, but there were still some undegenerated feathers on his head, which indicated that this person should be a monster.

As for the other person, he was a monk wearing a mask and a cloak. From his breath, it was not difficult to tell that he was not a demon cultivator.Unsurprisingly, this person should be the person who played the voodoo, hiding his head and showing his tail this time is nothing more than not wanting to reveal his identity.

Lei Xiaotian opened his mouth below and shouted: "Dan Jinlei is indeed your fault, do you really want our Thunderbird clan to never have a bright future?"

"Brother, why did you say that?" the Yaozu monk said with a smile: "If I were to lead the Thunderbird clan and attached themselves to the Daxue Mountain Minglun Temple in the Buddhist world, let alone return to the Yaozu, other walks of life will also feel free to do so." go."

"How many benefits did they give you to make you do this?" Lei Xiaotian scolded angrily, "You know the fate of the vassals. My Thunderbird clan was originally a branch of the Bailing clan. How can I forget my ancestors. This time it was so hard Opportunity has emerged at the Antiy Conference, why do you want to harm the younger generation of the clan."

"If you cut off your hopes, you can stay here with peace of mind, otherwise you will still have wishful thinking about returning to your hometown all day long," Gan Jinlei said angrily.

Having said that, it was obvious that the two of them were already tearing their skins apart, and then Lei Xiaotian's figure flashed to the center of his hand and sacrificed a blue light to protect Lei Tingting.

The two people in the air descended from the clouds one after the other, sandwiching the two of them in the middle. After three breaths, Gan Jinlei took the lead, and after his figure flashed quickly, two blue lightning lights from his hands shot towards the heads of the two in the middle. .

Suddenly, there was a slight vibration in the valley, and the surrounding spiritual power was mobilized to cover a radius of a hundred miles, forming a transparent film of light.Lei Xiaotian knew that this was the formation effect inspired by Yi Tian, ​​so he immediately let go of his hands and feet, and jumped to meet Qian Jinlei in front of him.

Both of them were born in the Thunderbird clan, so they knew each other's strength thoroughly, and they had already fought against each other, and they seemed to be determined not to give up.

On one side, the blue light of thunder and lightning scattered in all directions, causing snowflakes to fly all over the mountains and plains, while on the other side, the masked and cloaked monk flew straight forward, trying to break through Lei Tingting's defense.

It's just that when his hand touched it, his expression changed immediately and he said: "It's broken, beware of fraud."

Before he finished speaking, Xing Dali, who was hiding on the side, suddenly appeared with his hands clenched into fists, stirred up a spiritual pressure arc in the air, rushed forward, and met the man hand-to-hand.

Yi Tian saw it clearly in the air. Although he didn't quite agree with Yaozu's method of relying on physical instinct to fight, the effect was immediate.

The four monks in the distraction stage fought fiercely two on two in the snowy ridge, but it was obvious that Lei Xiaotian and Qian Jinlei were both really angry.Moreover, Lei Xiaotian seemed to be determined to keep the opponent this time, so he completely traded injuries for injuries, forcing Qian Jinlei to be unable to dodge and had to forcibly fight.

As for that Gu refining master, he was completely invited to help out, and there was no need to really risk his life with others.After being attacked by Xing Dali, he immediately fell into a disadvantage, but he was quick to take the hostage first.

But after breaking through the lightning cage, he found that the person in front of him suddenly turned into a ten-foot-long bull.But judging from the connection between the Gu mother and the Heart-biting Gu, the Gu he cast might have been cracked long ago.

Fortunately, he wore a mask to hide the anger on his face, only to hear him say indignantly: "You guys are deceiving people too much, and even moved my priceless Gu worm to this stupid cow."

Xing Dali didn't talk too much with him, and Shi Shi was informed of the specific situation, and he must have discussed countermeasures before coming here.

Yi Tian could see clearly in the air, holding the array plate in his hands, and then he continued to use magic formulas to mobilize the vitality of the world, so that the four people below could instantly feel the changes in the environment.

Lei Xiaotian only felt that the calligraphy in his hand was three points smoother than before with the spiritual power rushing towards him from all around.Under the ups and downs, Gan Jinlei shouted angrily: "I never thought that you would spend such a big price, brother, and find so many people to help you, it's so irritating to me."

"The matter between us should be settled," Lei Xiaotian yelled towards the sky, "You Daoist Yi let that person go, just let Gan Jinlei and I be in the formation."

Xing Dali then stopped his offensive and retreated to the side to make way.The Gu refining master looked at the situation in front of him and said: "Don't think that I will accept your love, don't let me encounter this situation again in the future, or everyone will die forever." After saying that, he didn't turn his head Flying in the direction it came from.

Yi Tian stared at him for a while, then stretched out his hand to place the formation plate in the air, but he chased after him with a flickering figure.Although Lei Xiaotian didn't want to mess with this gu master for the sake of his clansmen, he himself was different, and he also found that the man's escaping supernatural power seemed familiar, but he couldn't be sure in his heart, so he had to chase after him to check it out.

(End of this chapter)

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