
Chapter 1252

Chapter 1252
In Shenguan Temple, the Buddhist escort hall held every 500 years is being held. This time, the escort is a young monk with a fat head and big ears, about 20 years old.

The monks who came to watch the ceremony filled the entire hall, and even the square outside the hall was crowded with heads.The one who presided over this ceremony was the abbot of Shenguan Temple who presided over the abbot Chen, and all the disciples from the surrounding sects arrived.

After the whole ceremony, Chen Chen also handed over a jade slip to the young monk in front of him, and taught the opportunity in front of everyone.Then, led by the disciples of the buddha stage who had been selected a long time ago, they set off from the main gate, making a grand appearance along the way for fear that others would not know.

At this time, those monks of other races in Shenguan City also went to watch the excitement outside Shenguan Temple, but it is unknown how many of them would harbor evil intentions.

As for the fact that Yi Tian didn't appear in the entire escort ceremony, the deity was staying in closed-door retreat in the Jindi cave at this time.It didn't take long before there was a message that the jade slips flew into the restriction. Yi Tian reached out and took it, glanced at it, and then put away all the visiting jade slips in front of him, and called the quack who was hiding aside to the spirit beast bag middle.

After ten breaths, he stood up and walked out of the cave slowly towards a dilapidated monk's room in Shenguan Temple.Not long after walking, I heard the sound of Taoist chanting in the house ahead, but outside the house was Monk Liaochen standing at the door, with infinite love and expectant eyes on his face.

Seeing that he was coming, he stretched out his hand, made a soft gesture, and then said through voice transmission: "Junior brother is here, come and see the Buddhist disciple Hong Min that I sent this time from Shenguan Temple."

Yi Tian looked at it in a blink of an eye, and then his eyes were full of puzzlement. After staring carefully for a long time, he sighed softly: "It really is the reincarnation of a great sage, brother Liaochen is really good enough to find such a disciple , although he is only thirteen or fourteen years old, but his cultivation has reached the early stage of foundation establishment, he must be very talented."

"I'm ashamed that Hong Min was my master in his previous life, and he passed away only after reaching the later stage of his avatar, so the merits and blessings left by him in his previous life are naturally extraordinary," Liao Chen continued.

After Yi Tian heard this, a blue light flashed in his eyes, and then he used his pupil technique to look up and down Hong Min, only to see that he was over five feet tall, and his face was full of greenness, and he looked like an underage child.It's just that there is already some faint golden light of Buddha power secretly blessing around him, even if he doesn't use the pupil technique, he can't detect it.

Thinking that after more than a hundred years of practicing the Great Sun Sutra, the golden light of Buddhist rituals on my body is not so strong, and I am shocked and deeply admired that this Buddhist reincarnation and re-cultivation method really has unique advantages.

Thinking about it, Chen will also take this path in the future. If he has no progress in cultivation, he may choose to pass away and reincarnate to rebuild.

Then he turned around, bowed his head lightly to himself, and then said: "Actually, I also have a little selfishness, this time I entrusted everything to my junior."

"Brother, don't worry, I will do my best to protect Hong Min during this trip, but I don't know how to go along the way?" Yi Tian hurriedly asked after returning the gift.

"Junior brother, don't worry, this trip is only more than [-] li. I have informed Hong Min about the general route, and let him walk the entire distance in a down-to-earth way," Liao Chen replied without changing his face.

After the two finished talking, they heard the sound of chanting in the inner room had ended, and then a great monk in the buddha stage was explaining something to Hong Min.Presumably this person should be Hong Min's mentor and also Liao Chen's disciple.

Later, Yi Tian restrained his spiritual power and suppressed his cultivation base in the late stage of foundation establishment, and then changed into a Ku Toutuo and walked in slowly.At the same time, Chen's words came from my ears: "This is my disciple Shi Quan, he will directly arrange the next thing later."

After listening to Yi Tian, ​​he found that the figure of Liaochen disappeared behind him. I'm afraid he will practice in seclusion again afterwards.After turning around and saluting Jishou towards the forbidden area, Yi Tian walked into the room slowly.

Shi Quan got Chen's entrustment, of course he knew the identity of the person in front of him, just as he was about to bow to Jishou, he saw Yi Tian stretching out his hand with a smile on his face to signal.Then he brought Hong Min out and handed it to him, and then repeatedly told Hong Min what to pay attention to along the way.

Half an hour later, Yi Tian took Hong Min out from the side gate of Shenguan Temple, and the two hurried to the port by the river outside the city to wait for the boat.

According to Liao Chen, he couldn't fly in the air along the way, he could only walk the thousand miles on foot.It's just that Yi Tian thinks that walking by land and water is the same and it's not a foul.

As for the young monk Hong Min, who had been taught face-to-face by his master Shi Quandian in advance, he knew that the person in front of him was also a Kutoutuo in the late stage of foundation establishment, and he was responsible for taking care of his daily life along the way.But when you go out for the first time, there are always some plots that you can’t let go of your homeland, and you are quite uneasy when you are surrounded by people you don’t know well.

After the two got on the boat, they waited for half an hour before the ferry slowly opened. It started from the river outside Shenguan City to the mouth of the river ten miles away, and then changed to a large merchant ship again.

Fortunately, I bought a boat ticket before going out, but according to Hong Min's meaning, monks should do their best and shouldn't bring any money with them.Along the way, he showed his sincerity by relying on his own cultivation and physical fitness.

Yi Tian didn't know about this, but he just promised him to take the boat for a while, and then he would not take the boat after the next stop in the foreign town.

At this point, Hong Min saw that he couldn't help but nodded in agreement, and then found a free place in the public warehouse to sit cross-legged and close his eyes to rest.

When Yi Tian saw it, he silently let out his divine thoughts and scanned the surrounding area, and later found that the most powerful monk on this ship was only in the Golden Core stage, and he was also a foreigner.

More than half of the entire ship was contracted to the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce to deliver supplies. Fortunately, most of the people here are of low cultivation and it is impossible to see through their disguise.

While rejoicing, a soft voice suddenly came from my ear: "Boater, our Chamber of Commerce still has a batch of supplies to deliver."

The ship owner obviously didn't expect this unexpected situation, then looked at it and shouted: "There is no room in the main warehouse, let the people in the big warehouse squeeze together, and pile up everything that can't fit in the big warehouse."

Yi Tian looked up and saw that the person from the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce was a female cultivator dressed in her 20s and her strength was in the late stage of Jindan, but her face looked a bit similar to Wanjiaolan, and it probably had something to do with it.

Hearing that everyone around her called her the shopkeeper Wan Er, she was probably Wan Jiaolan's younger sister.And the large bags of supplies they brought up were ordinary low-level spiritual plants, which were not even considered human-level materials in their own eyes.

On the other hand, Hong Min, who was on the sidelines, slowly got up and moved to the bow deck together with everyone. Looking back, the large cabin was quickly filled with supplies, and there was only less than a third of the place to sit. .

Yi Tian also shook his head helplessly and followed Hong Min directly to the open space on the deck and sat down first. After the cabin was filled with cargo, the boatman sounded the ship and set sail in an hour.

 Thank you Xiangqing, the monthly ticket for the invincible tutor.

(End of this chapter)

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