
Chapter 1253

Chapter 1253
Sitting on the deck of the cargo ship was crowded with people, and many of them were monks in Qi training or foundation building stage.Speaking of it, many low-level monks are unwilling to fly in the sky, mainly because there are too many monks here and there in the air.

Most of them are from the Golden Core or even the Nascent Soul stage, and even monks from the distraction stage can often see some of them.Therefore, in order not to attract attention, low-level monks would rather choose to walk on the ground or shuttle at low altitude.

As for traveling by boat, it is another good choice. Unfortunately, the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce interfered with it this time, otherwise the journey would be more comfortable.

But in the Buddhist world, those alien races are still very careful, and they will make it convenient for them to meet wandering monks.Even if they don't pay, they can take a boat. After all, many low-level ascetic monks come here, and this world is a world of Buddhist monks. Naturally, they don't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face to give them face.

Second, there may be many high-level monks who need to practice penance to enter the world. Usually, they will choose to walk or take a ferry.Those alien races are naturally open to all the monks to save their lives. Who knows if there will be a few masters in the buddha stage deliberately pretending to be pigs and eating tigers.

The supplies of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce fit nearly half of the ship's space, but the leader of the Chamber of Commerce naturally went to rest in the main cabin of the cargo ship.As for those outside, they are all servants of the Foundation Establishment Stage, but in this case, their strength is much stronger than that of the passengers on the ship.

The big ship sailed all the way down the Meilan River to Mayfly Town, where the alien races gather, where Mayfly Town is a small stronghold controlled by the Mayfly tribe.Although the territory is not large, it is the gateway to the gathering place of foreign races. In addition, the gentle nature of the Mayfly tribe is the best choice for handing over to the Buddha sect town.

It is precisely because of this that the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce has opened up an exclusive route to transport golden thread grass, Manjiao Banyan and other spiritual plants between the two places.

Yi Tian had checked all the cargo on this ship a long time ago, basically all the medicinal materials in the foundation building period, but the amount is too large and there is no need to use storage bags.

On the edge of the bow deck, the little monk Hong Min just sat with his eyes closed and chanted scriptures back and forth.At this time, Yi Tian was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed like an old monk in meditation, but he was actually reading the Great Day Sutra in his mind.

It's strange to say that although I have carefully read and practiced according to the exercises recorded above, there is actually a big discrepancy with the records of the exercises.

For example, the three fingering methods recorded in the Great Sun Sutra, I only practice the fur of the non-phase finger. As for the most powerful flower finger, I have never been able to find a proper way to practice it. untie.

Now after meeting Hong Min, this matter will come to mind again intentionally or unintentionally, perhaps this may be an opportunity or a chance.

Originally, I wanted to try to chat with Hong Min along the way, but I found that he seemed to be wary of me.No wonder he was going out for the first time and he was not familiar with him. He said that he was entrusted by his master, but he still had some doubts in his heart.

After the cargo ship sailed for two days, it suddenly rained heavily, and many monks on the open deck hid in the cabin to avoid the rain.Yi Tian originally wanted to go in, but seeing Hong Min's appearance, he didn't move at all.Later, the heavy raindrops hit him and drenched him directly. Yi Tian wanted to use his power to isolate the rain, but he considered that doing so would inevitably reveal the strength of his discord.

In desperation, he just sat cross-legged on the deck like Hong Min and let the rain fall to drench himself thoroughly.During the period, he heard Hong Min chanting Buddhist scriptures non-stop, and then found that his cultivation of Buddhist power seemed to have increased a little.

This kind of phenomenon can only be seen by using the pupil technique, Yi Tian immediately thought secretly: "Could it be that this kind of understanding can also increase the understanding of Buddhism."

At the moment, he was still sitting cross-legged and silently chanting the Bodhi Concentrating Mantra, using his body to bear the rainstorm.I don't know how long I sat in the wind and rain, and I don't know how long the rainstorm lasted. Under the continuous chanting, Yi Tian's body was continuously washed by the rain, and the Lingtai remained clear.

After the rain gradually subsided and a round of red sun rose again, Yi Tian realized that it had been raining for a whole night.After looking up at the red sun, I felt that there seemed to be a little enlightenment on the Qingming Lingtai, but I was secretly happy to experience it with my heart, and found that this was the result of the physical body having experienced the impact of the torrential rain.

And he seemed to have found an opportunity from the situation where he had no clue, so he turned around and saw that the little monk Hong Min was sitting cross-legged and slowly exercising to evaporate all the rain moisture from his body.Seeing this, Yi Tian chatted with him directly through voice transmission, because he was faintly aware that this trip might be a great opportunity for him, and he didn't understand Buddhism enough and didn't have a suitable way to understand it.

Although the young monk Hong Min in front of him is not very cultivated, but the eminent monk in the late stage of distraction in his previous life is naturally much better at understanding Buddhism than himself.

So far, Yi Tian didn't dare to call himself a senior, so he quietly chatted with Hong Min through voice transmission.

In this way, the two chatted one after another, and Yi Tian learned a lot of ways to understand Buddhism from Hong Min.In fact, most of them use their bodies to comprehend everything in this world with their hearts.

The two were chatting, and suddenly there was a sharp and long howling sound above the river.The people on the boat all turned their eyes sideways to follow the roar, and saw two dragon-tooth boats on the river, heading towards the cargo ship.

This is very rare, Yi Tian immediately listened attentively to the sailors on the disembarkation as if they were whispering that the origin of the Dragon Tooth Boat was Meilan Shuiba's speedboat.

Shen Nian quietly reached out and scanned, and found that the two opposite boats were driven by two aliens at the early stage of Jindan.In addition to the captain on the cargo ship, there is also Chairman Wan of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce with the same cultivation level.

With such similar strength, the other party naturally had nothing to offer.

Ascetic monks like myself and Hong Min are naturally excluded from the scope of robbery.As long as there are not too many things, the other party will turn a blind eye and close one eye, and no one will only trouble Buddhist monks in the Buddhist world.

As expected, he felt two slight vibrations under his feet, which were the crashing sound of Longya Zhou coming up against the cargo ship.

Then two water bandits at the Jindan stage flew into the air and shouted to the main cabin: "Stop being a coward, the master, come out and talk to me."

Eat less and flew out two beams of light from the main cabin into the mid-air. The two seemed to have a bad expression on their faces, but their sound transmission codes were naturally heard clearly by Yi Tian.

But unexpectedly, the boss of the ship is not in tune with the shopkeeper Wan, and the other party is aggressive and asks them to pay the toll.

After the four of them couldn't settle down, the Meilan water bandit even proposed to fight with shopkeeper Wan.As for the boss of the boat, he didn't want to offend both sides, so he just came to a standstill.

There was a thunderous roar from Shaoqing's sky, and Hong Min who was at the side quietly asked, "Uncle Yi, what do you think of the outcome of this matter?"

In a blink of an eye, he thought that his cultivation of Buddhism was advanced, but he had not yet entered the world and didn't know the dangers of the world. Yi Tian finally calmed down a lot, and said with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "I guess it's just a few tricks. Don't you see that there are so many monks on board?" Here we are. We don’t have to be afraid to sail again after they decide the winner.”

(End of this chapter)

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