
Chapter 1254

Chapter 1254
On the way to send Buddha to Jiaxiu City, a boat with the wind should have saved a lot of time, but I didn't expect to encounter water bandits.

Obviously, the other party waited for the opportunity to attack after receiving the news that the cat had approved the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce. As for the owner of the boat owner, he looked like he had nothing to do with himself.In this way, the shopkeeper Wan would be at a disadvantage with one enemy and two, and the result would be no more than a loss of travel expenses or a loss of the goods on board.

Yi Tianren was below, but he listened to the contents of the negotiations of the four above without saying a word.This time the Meilan Water Bandits withstood a few pieces of goods delivered by the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce, and they more or less wanted a share of the action.

But the shipowner didn't seem to get involved too much, just sit on the wall and shut it down, and then the shopkeeper Nawan negotiated with one of the water bandit leaders for a gambling fight.

Most of the monks on the boat were at the Foundation Establishment Stage, and some were at the Qi Refining Stage, so they naturally kept a close eye on the Golden Core Stage monks in the sky.Even the little monk Hong Min who was standing beside him was staring up at the two fighting in the sky.

If shopkeeper Wan loses, they will be implicated to some extent. The Manjiao Chamber of Commerce will naturally bear the brunt, and the boat owner will also suffer a little loss.

Seeing that the two Golden Core monks in the sky began to fight each other, they sacrificed their spiritual weapons to attack each other. The shopkeeper Wan took out a red and blue spiritual sword, and the person on the opposite side took out two claw-like spiritual weapons. After a few tricks, it was on par.

All of a sudden, I saw that the sky was covered with cloudy clouds, and it turned out that another Meilan water bandit was on the side, calling the wind and calling the rain, and it started to drizzle within a radius of three miles.Immediately, the balance of power on the scene was broken, and it was obvious that the tricks in Master Wan's hands were limited by the environment and could barely maintain the offensive.

But the opponent's tricks relied on the weather and the power suddenly became stronger by three points. In an instant, the situation on the court showed a one-sided trend.

All the surrounding people also uttered gossips to point out that the Meilan Water Bandit was acting unreasonably and behind the scenes to disrupt the battle situation, but these were completely ignored by the people above.

Hong Min frowned and asked through voice transmission: "Master, it seems that the shopkeeper Wan can't hold on anymore, and she will inevitably be ridiculed by the Meilan water bandits when she falls into a disadvantage later. Could it be that there are so many people on our boat? No one willing to stand up?"

"Nephew's words are wrong. You must know that strength is the most respected in the cultivation world. All the monks in the sky are Jindan stage monks, even if they are in the early stage of Jindan stage, they can easily solve most of the people on this boat," Yi Tian explained. : "I'm afraid that after the Meilan water bandits win, they will have to board the boat to get a ticket. Then everyone present will inevitably have to pay some protection fees to pass."

"How can we pay the protection fee for ascetic monks without any property?" Hong Min continued to ask.

"If you can't hand it over, you will have to be dragged to do hard work. I think there are a lot of watermen in the Meilan Water Bandit who work for a few years with the body of their nephew, which can be regarded as an exercise," Yi Tian joked.

Unexpectedly, Hong Min nodded and muttered silently in the air, although the voice was so soft that only he could hear it.But Yi Tian's cultivation level is too different from that of him, and he can see every little thing in his eyes, and he can hear everything he said in a short while.He smiled secretly in his heart: "Hong Min has the foresight, but he is talking about that he would like to suffer more and ask the Buddha to bless him in the future and have a chance to return to the pure place of Buddhism."

Putting his hands in his sleeves, he lightly tapped the shopkeeper Wan above twice, and suddenly his body trembled, and then a spiritual power of the late Jindan stage emerged from her body.The power of the spell in his hand suddenly doubled, and after splitting the surrounding rain coefficient, the spirit sword in his hand burst into an extremely dazzling light in the air.

After three breaths, when the halo faded, the body of the Meilan water bandit in front of him fell weakly, and the body of the person on the other side split into two and fell down.

The instant anti-kill turning point made cheers burst out on the deck of the cargo ship, and the atmosphere immediately became active.When most people were talking about it, they saw Hong Min walking to the bow of the boat and looking at the bodies of the two people who had fallen and remained silent.After ten breaths, he sat up cross-legged and began to recite the chanting sutras.

Seeing this, Yi Tian had no choice but to go forward and sit cross-legged beside him, closing his eyes and resting his mind. Although he had been through the battlefield for a long time, such scenes were commonplace, but Hong Min probably never saw them.

It's just that his approach is open to discussion, and he doesn't agree with it, but he has no power to oppose it.

A little later, the two Golden Core cultivators in the sky landed on the bow and returned directly to the main cabin. Not long after, the waterman on board set aside the two Dragon Tooth Boats.At this time, the Meilan water bandits on the ship had already run away and disappeared. Half an hour later, the two fast boats were tied to the rear as tugboats, and then only felt a little vibration on the deck, indicating that the cargo ship set sail again.

After sitting on the bow for half a day, Yi Tian suddenly found that Hong Min in front of him had finished chanting, then turned around as if he had something to say, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that his face was full of doubts.

After a long while, he heard him ask: "Master and disciple have something to ask."

"You want to talk about the fact that the water bandit was robbed and killed by shopkeeper Wan?" Yi Tian said lightly.

"The disciple wants to ask whether the shopkeeper Wan is doing the right thing today?"

"From her own point of view, it is natural to fight back when someone hits the door," Yi Tian replied.

However, Hong Min shook his head and said, "Will Shopkeeper Wan have evil thoughts in his heart when he made the move, and will punishing evil with evil in this way go against people's original intention?"

"Most people abstain from good and evil based on their own hearts, but they can't take into account other people's judgments," Yi Tian explained, and then a flash of light flashed in his mind.

What Hong Min said was similar to the Zen of Good and Evil that Master Jie Ding had comprehended, and I was unknowingly drawn back by the topic he mentioned.Thinking about it, Yizhen was thinking hard about similar issues in the Daleiguang Zen Temple at this time.

After carefully tasting Hong Min's words in his mind, he found that his understanding of Buddhism is far superior to his own. From point to point, he can extend and understand the little things happening around him, which shows his excellence.

It's just that the Dao heart I pursue directly points out that although Changsheng's heart has good and evil, but there are no martial arts and supernatural powers, it all depends on who is using it.I have already understood this question thoroughly, and when I heard the little monk Hong Min say it, I explained it to him directly.

It's just that he seems to have a different perception of this, and his thoughts haven't jumped out of his pattern.

Later, I saw that he was silent and began to enter the state of meditation again, but Yi Tian didn't care so much, but many people around him showed joy on their faces, as if they were still talking about the confrontation just now.

Not long after, the door of the main cabin opened, and shopkeeper Wan stepped out of it, and slowly inspected the deck.Everyone was naturally respectful to her, but Yi Tian knew in her heart that she had long realized that there was someone on board secretly helping her, and this time she was here to find someone to help.

It's just that I don't want to make more troubles, so I immediately pretended to be Ku Toutuo and kept my face.It's just that when she passed by, she could clearly feel her body shaking, and the shock in her eyes flashed away.

After they left, people from the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce came to invite themselves and Hong Min into the main cabin for a talk.

(End of this chapter)

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