
Chapter 1256

Chapter 1256
After the cargo ship arrived in Mayfly Town, Yi Tian and Hong Min disembarked among the monks.Although Mayfly Town is the gathering place of the Mayfly tribe, it is the gateway to the gathering place of foreign races. The entire town covers an area of ​​[-] miles, which is considered the size of a primary cultivation city.

Since the two got off the boat, Yi Tian detected in his mind that at least three groups of people were staring at him.To be precise, he was eyeing the little monk Hong Min, and with his own cultivation level, he naturally couldn't deter these low-level monks.

The highest cultivator in Mayfly Town is only in the late Yuanying period. If I let myself out here, I am afraid that the whole town will not be peaceful.

Thinking of what Wan Jiaoxin mentioned before, she might pass by the boundary of Huanxizong, and she might be blocked by Tantricism at that time.Up to this point, Yi Tian is also thinking hard about the countermeasures. After all, he is guarding against accidents. If someone entangles him, he can easily come to a late-stage cultivator of the mainframe and clean up Hong Min easily.

Fortunately, no matter what I said, I was born as a craftsman and always had some stock in my hand. Before I got off the boat, I specially took out a jade pendant and handed it to Hong Min, asking him to sacrifice blood in front of my face.

The two traveled through the town and bought a map, then found their way out from the side door, and then followed the directions on the map to detour to the border of the alien gathering area.

Although I am not afraid at all, but with a burden around me, it is better to have one more thing than one less thing.

After the two left the town, they walked all the way to hundreds of miles away without encountering any obstacles, but Yi Tian realized in his mind that there were three groups of people following behind him.

After they left the town, they couldn't wait to fly and chase after them, with a clear goal of targeting Hong Min.

Ke Yitian was suspicious and logically said that the two of them hadn't offended anyone when they first arrived in Mayfly Town, but there must be something wrong with the other party's ability to pinpoint the two of them so accurately.

After thinking for a while, looking at the sky, he turned and said to Hong Min: "It's a bit far away from us entering the deep mountains. It's getting late today, let's find a place to rest."

"Uncle Master is trying to be lazy, it's just past noon and it's still dark, we still need to hurry," Hong Min said with a smirk.

He thought he wanted to be lazy, but he didn't know that the next three waves could catch up, and he would be caught up within half an hour with his footsteps.

Yi Tian grimaced and snorted coldly: "Have you forgotten your master's instructions before going out?"

Seeing this, Hong Min hastily said: "Pay attention to safety on the road, and obey the arrangement of the master when you encounter problems."

"Okay, there is an open space by the stream not far ahead, let's rest there and then go on the road," Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed.

"Yes, I would like to listen to my uncle's arrangement," Hong Min said with a helpless look on his face, then bowed his head and walked quickly to the place he pointed.

Little did they know that after he left, billowing mist dispersed where the two of them were standing, covering the surrounding area within a radius of ten miles in a short while.In the white mist, the aura of the two of them was completely isolated, and the people who were following them also lost their tracking targets at the same time.

When the two of them were sitting cross-legged by the stream to rest, three waves of people flew from the sky.Among them, two groups of people probed the white mist in front of them and plunged in.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged by the stream, tucked his hands into his cuffs, and held the disk in his hand as it shrunk down to a three-inch disk.Then gently reached out and clicked on it a few times.

The sky was originally clear and the weather was suddenly covered by white mist. Seeing this, Hong Min hurriedly asked: "Uncle Master really has the ability to foretell. There is something unexpected today. If there is such a thick fog in the mountains, what if we go forward rashly?" I’m afraid it’s easy to get lost.”

"Wait a minute, usually the fog doesn't last more than three to five hours, and it's okay for us to walk at night when the fog clears." Yi Tian pretended to be serious and replied: "You take a rest for a while, and I will pass on a piece of Prajna to you." You are so good at understanding the Kuzen Cultivation Technique, I will check your homework from time to time in the future."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and gently handed over the jade slips that he had prepared early in the morning. After taking the hand, Hong Min showed a puzzled look on his face and said, "Could it be that the martial arts master uncle has comprehended is different from the Kalan Sutra of Shenguan Temple? Is it?"

Yi Tian laughed lightly when he heard this and said: "Actually, all the exercises of the Mahayana sect have similar approaches and the same effect. The Prajna Sutra Zen I taught you is most suitable for ascetic monks. After you rest, you can reflect each other. The benefits of experience are endless.”

After hearing this, Hong Ming showed a gleam of joy on his face, put away his lazy expression, sat cross-legged by the stream, opened the encounter and began to comprehend.

Yi Tian, ​​on the other hand, remained silent, but controlled the formation disk in his hands and blocked it within ten feet around the area where the two were located.

I don't want to do more crimes, so I set up a formation and then the pursuers behind entered the formation to investigate wantonly.

Not long after, in the divine sense, it was found that there were six people entering the trap, and the group of four were all monks in the early stage of foundation establishment.The other two are slightly higher cultivation bases, but there is a foreign monk at the golden core stage who has not entered the formation outside the formation, and these seven people are the three groups of people closely following behind.

After figuring out the person's situation, Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then lightly cast a spell to extend the range of the trap here for half a moment, and then included the Golden Core cultivator in the formation.

With their cultivation base, if they didn't withdraw the formation by themselves, they might not be able to get out of it in this life. After doing this, they turned around and looked at Hong Min, and saw that he was concentrating on reading the jade slip exercises.Then there seemed to be a golden Buddha's light on his body, which was obviously worshiped unintentionally after reading.

Yi Tian showed helpless envy on his face, and it would take him several months to reach Hong Min's state after referring to the Prajna Kuzen.

Obviously, he has the blessing of Buddha power and spiritual wisdom from his previous life to have this special ability, which is beyond his own reach.

It is conceivable that if he can quickly comprehend the Prajna Kuzen, he can teach him the secret method of Tianlei Eight Sounds, and at this point, he will also have an extra magical spell by his side.Thinking of this, there was a knowing smile on his face, and he closed his eyes and meditated.

Unexpectedly, this sitting lasted for three days, during which I only heard the voice of Hong Min constantly flipping through the pages.During this period, he has watched it three or four times from beginning to end, and there seems to be some doubts on his face that he hasn't explained yet.

In his divine sense, he realized that the seven people who had entered the formation had been trapped by the formation and failed to escape after several collisions.At this point, Yi Tian was secretly proud, opened his eyes and glanced at Hong Min and said: "It's been a few days since you comprehended the Prajna Kuzen, if there is anything you don't understand, please tell me as much as possible."

After hearing this, Hong Min hurriedly turned around and gave a salute to himself, and later explained the confusion in comprehending the exercises.Yi Tian also knew everything and said everything to explain his doubts. After asking and answering, another day passed before he knew it.

Then Yi Tian took out another jade slip and handed it to Hong Min, saying, "You are talented and intelligent enough to be able to comprehend so quickly the introduction to Prajna Kuzen. There are two supernatural powers and esoteric techniques here. One is the bodhi concentrating mantra, which can attract demons, and the other is heaven. Lei Bayin is a sonic supernatural power that can shock people's hearts, so you should be able to comprehend it at least until you have reached a small level of practice, and then we will set off."

(End of this chapter)

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