
Chapter 1257

Chapter 1257
Three days later, when Hong Min set off again, Yi Tian obviously found that his cultivation base had made great progress. Although he didn't know how the cultivation of the eight-tone secret method of Tianlei was, the effect of the Bodhi Concentrating Mantra was the same as that of himself. You can feel it.

When Hong Min was casting the Concentration Mantra, sitting three feet away from him, he could clearly feel a quiet and peaceful Buddha power slowly spreading around, and at the same time, it could also affect his own body. mood.

Thinking back then that I couldn't reach this state until after the stage of transformation, I was really angry.

The three waves of people following behind were still trapped in the magic circle at this time.If you don't take action to release them, I'm afraid you can only rely on external forces to break the formation and rescue them.

There was a look of disdain in Yi Tian's eyes, these people were originally the generation who deliberately tried to find out, but it was a pity that they bumped into him.Fortunately, after being in contact with the little monk Hong Min during this period, he found that his hostility was gradually weakening, and before leaving, he just quietly opened a hole in the formation and let these people out.

They must have been sleepy for three or four days and they would have noticed something was wrong, and it would be unwise to keep up.

The following routes are all led by Hong Min. Presumably, he was reminded before to know how to find the route.I followed behind him all the way, probing out my divine sense from time to time and monitoring the surrounding situation.

The two walked along the road in peace, and if they found out early that there were monks from other races who might block the way, they would propose to Hong Min to correct the route in time as appropriate and try not to cause trouble.

After walking like this for more than half a month, it seemed that they were about to detour through the alien race area. On that day, when the two were walking on foot, Yi Tian suddenly frowned and found two strong spiritual pressure fluctuations coming from three thousand miles away.One of them is about that of the stage of transforming gods, and the other is about the cultivation level of the buddha's stage.

Hoping in his heart that they would not come towards him, Yi Tian immediately informed Hong Min, and the two quickened their pace and walked towards the path in the mountain.

Walking and walking, Yi Tian's divine sense never stopped, and after half a moment, he could detect that the distance between the two parties was shortened to about a thousand miles.There is no need to ask the other party to lock on the target and come here, but I am wondering why the other party has locked on the target so quickly without seeing any mistakes along the way.

Seeing that the purpose of the visitor is clear, if he keeps avoiding it, he will definitely be at a disadvantage, but he has kept in mind Chen's order not to make a move unless it is absolutely necessary. This road is also Hong Min's practice in the world.

After thinking for a while, he turned around and said to Hong Min: "Let's go here today, I'm a little tired. There is a water source half a mile ahead, let's rest there for a while."

This was the second time he called for a stop during this trip. Although Hong Min had doubts on his face, he didn't dare to speak out against it directly, so he ran forward quickly according to his own will.

After a while, the two came to sit down by the stream in the mountain, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to summon Quack out and gave a few words of advice.Later, he took out the formation plate and set up another formation to hide the two of them again, then turned his head to Hong Min and said, "Recite the Bodhi Concentration Mantra I taught you several times, and be careful. No matter what happens, don't go out of the formation. And Guagua will protect you, if your mind is disturbed, you can use the secret art of heavenly thunder and eight notes to drive away the demons in your heart."

After hearing this, Hong Min's face changed slightly, and then he clasped his hands together and said, "I will obey Master's uncle's decree."

Immediately, Yi Tian reached out and took out the rune pen and quickly wrote several spells on the ground beside Hong Min, and let Guagua sit on the eye of the formation.

After finishing all this, he reached out his hand to hide Hong Min's figure in the white mist, and then flew into the air to hide his figure.

After half a moment, he saw two rays of light flying towards him from the sky, and when he was ten miles away, he stabilized his figure in the air.Then the monk in the distracted stage slowly flew forward to look at the environment in front of the ground below, then opened his mouth and said softly: "Can the fellow Taoist in front show up."

Yi Tian hid in the air and looked carefully, and found that the other party was also a monk of the Buddhist sect, and just as Wan Jiaoxin reminded himself before, this man had a fat head, big ears, and a rich appearance, and he was wearing the clothes of the Huanxi sect.

And behind him was a beautiful female cultivator of a foreign race, who should be a Meizu cultivator by her appearance.There was a seductive aura exuding from all over his body, and it was obvious that the other party's thoughts were self-evident, if the little monk Hong Min fell into their hands, it would be bad luck.

The Huanxizong monk yelled three times and didn't look annoyed when no one spoke to him.Then put his hands together and said: "The poor monk Huanxi sect disciple Kong Huan came to welcome the Buddha into the sect."

His voice is so magnetic that people can't help feeling good after listening to it, and even De Yitian's mind shakes a little after hearing it.He secretly said something bad: "This monk has displayed such supernatural powers since he came up. I don't know if Hong Min can handle it."

After Kong Huan finished speaking, the Meizu female cultivator behind her also flew forward and opened her mouth and said, "Huanxi Zongmiaodi welcomes Buddha."

Hearing this simple sentence, Yi Tian felt that his Dao heart had received a big impact. With his cultivation level, he had to cast the Bodhi Concentration Mantra to stabilize his mind. I am afraid that Hong Min and Xiaohe may not be able to do it yet. Get through this.

Later, the spiritual sense found that Hong Min was sitting in the formation below and seemed to be completely unaffected, and he kept repeating the mantra mantra of the eight-tone thunder.Only in this way did I feel a little relieved, but I didn't expect that Hong Min's performance far exceeded my expectations.

Turning around and looking at the other party, anger came out of his mouth, and he thought to himself: "Kong Huan seems to have come prepared, and if this goes on, he must have a counter move. Should I make a direct move or do it again?" Wait."

Just as he was thinking about it, Kong Huan suddenly took out a golden bell and shook it slowly in his hand, and after propelled by his cultivation level at the stage of transformation into a god, it released a series of crisp ringtones.

Yi Tian became irritable when he found the golden light wave passing over him, and then he couldn't help but think of the past when he was with Liu Piaopiao, Shi Qianwei and others in the lower realm.

He silently recited the Bodhi Concentration Mantra in his heart, and quickly suppressed his impetuous mood. He turned his head to see that there seemed to be no response for a long time in the formation, and secretly wondered in his heart, could it be that something happened to the little monk Hong Min.

Before I even set off, I noticed Kong Huan's divine sense sweeping around, and after going deep into the white mist, I searched for a long time, but I didn't see any joy in him.On the contrary, the wrinkles on his forehead were getting deeper and deeper, and there seemed to be an incredible look in his eyes.

After sweeping for a while with his divine sense, he turned around and said to Miao Di behind him: "The person who is not here must have used some kind of mysterious magic power to escape, which is strange, and logically there will be nothing wrong with following the scent all the way. "

"Since master is sure that the disciples of Shenguan Temple are not here, they must have found another way. It is not too late, let's go back and meet with master before making any plans," Miao Di replied.

(End of this chapter)

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