
Chapter 1258

Chapter 1258
After Kong Huan and Miao Di left until the divine sense could not be detected, Yi Tiancai slowly appeared.After falling into the formation, he found Hong Min's position and flew over.

Not long after, I saw the little monk sitting cross-legged by the river, chanting scriptures tirelessly.Listen carefully to the magical power of the Heavenly Thunder Eight-tone Secret Method that I passed on to him.

It's just that after he recited the mantra, a faint golden light formed within five inches around him to protect himself.Yi Tian walked up to secretly luck Da Ri Zhen Jing's exercises and said softly in his mouth: "Master nephew, wake up soon," the words implied a little real power that directly woke him up.

Later, Hong Min asked with a confused face: "Can Master Uncle go?"

"Did you hear someone asking in the air when you were sitting cross-legged just now?" Yi Tian asked.

"That's not the case," Hong Min hurriedly replied, "Just now, the disciple discovered that he could block out all the external noises by chanting the Heavenly Thunder Eight-tone Secret Technique, so he didn't hear any other voices except for the uncle's words. .”

"There is such a thing," Yi Tian said calmly, but there was still some puzzlement in his eyes.Turning his head, he secretly asked Guagua through voice transmission: "Did you see any abnormalities when you were by his side the whole time just now?"

"No, just after you left, the little monk began to chant sutras and then wrapped himself in golden light," Guagua replied.

Yi Tian then asked: "Then did you react when you heard the ringing of the bell that day?"

"It's what I really want to eat, but I didn't see any lunch around. Speaking of it, I really feel a little hungry," Guagua said with a frustrated face.

"One wanted to eat, and the other didn't hear at all," Yi Tian rejoiced secretly after thinking about it.The ringtone can arouse the desire in people's hearts, and even affect themselves, but it has no effect on the two people in front of them.

Speaking of which, the desire in one's heart after the transformation is at most only the desire for food and drink, and the other is completely isolated after using the secret technique.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian said again via voice transmission: "Take a look to see if we have been marked by someone, it may be the smell left by some kind of precious material."

Guagua heard the words and jumped to Hong Min's side, sniffed it lightly, then jumped on his head and stuck out his tongue to lick his forehead.

Then he turned his head and quietly replied: "It seems to be the imprint left by the ecstasy mustard. This kind of precious material is colorless and odorless, and it is suitable for tracking."

"Okay, we're going to set off right away, and the road ahead will be difficult. You may come back first and let you guard the little monk later," Yi Tian said, stretching out his finger and taking the direct call of Guagua back into the beast-controlling bag.

Seeing this, Hong Min went straight up and knelt down to him and said: "Master's uncle's strength is far more than foundation building. I think it should be called Master Uncle. It was Master Abbot who invited Master Uncle along the way. Guard mine."

Yi Tian didn't change his face but replied: "Is this your guess or where did I show my feet?"

"The runes drawn by my uncle are profound. I have seen my master draw a similar simple array map. Also, the exercises you taught are more subtle than those taught by your master, so this disciple will make rash judgments," Hong Min stood up. Then respectfully replied.

After shaking his head helplessly, Yi Tian waved his hands and said: "Okay, since you guessed it, I won't hide it from you. Abbot Liaochen is indeed my senior brother. This time, he asked me to escort you to Jiaxiu Temple along the way." Yes. It’s just that along the way, I felt that your pure nature and pure nature are a beautiful jade for practicing Buddhism, so I moved my heart to pass on my exercises to you.”

Hong Min's face showed ecstasy when he heard this, and he clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha, thank you for your kindness, my disciple will definitely practice this prajna bitter meditation diligently. Disappointed."

"Get up, let's talk as we walk," Yi Tian gestured, then reached out and wiped away all the rune circles on the ground.Then the two continued to walk down the mountain road one after the other.

During the period, Yi Tian briefly told Hong Min about the situation he met with those two people just now, and later saw his face change greatly and he begged in tears: "Master, uncle and disciple are all devoted to the Buddha and never want to switch to the joyful meditation method. , please look at the disciple Zhouquan who can be protected for the sake of the master."

Yi Tian also said with a solemn face: "At this time, I should do my best, but it is beyond my expectation that you can resist the happy ringtone with the magic power of Tianlei eight-tone secret technique. You must know that Konghuan But the incarnation cultivation level is four levels higher than yours, and you still have a spiritual weapon in your hand that you can't control. You can see that your luck is so strong and extraordinary. When you arrive at Jiaxiu Temple in the future, you will definitely be able to kill it. The number of direct successors selected by the encirclement."

"Thank you for your words, master and uncle, but there is still a long way to go, and you have to go to the disciples of Jiaxiu Temple to feel at ease," Hong Min said with a face full of hope.

Sighing, Yi Tian just said: "Let's go, don't try to steal and play tricks for the rest of the journey. I promised Brother Chen to protect you, but this whole journey must be during your walk. Don't expect any help from me on the road."

Hearing this, Hong Min didn't show any disappointment on his face. Instead, he replied: "It's a great opportunity for me to be favored by my master and uncle. Naturally, I don't dare to have other extravagant hopes. The master warned that thousands of miles away Walking begins with a single step, and this journey should not be done to others. Only by doing it personally can I show my sincere heart of seeking Buddha."

Seeing that he has such an awareness, Yi Tian is also very pleased with the boss, but feels that he has not taught him the martial arts and supernatural powers in vain.For the rest of the journey, the two of them traveled non-stop over mountains and ridges towards the direction of Jiaxiu Temple.

Yi Tian opened up his mind and walked through the barren mountains and forests, avoiding all areas that might be intercepted by monks of other races.After leaving the area where the alien races gather, the next road is not difficult, but in the divine sense, I noticed several spiritual pressure fluctuations three or four thousand miles away, shuttling back and forth without interruption.Although he didn't track down Hong Min's whereabouts, he could tell that two of the breaths were Huanxi Zongkonghuan and Miaodi.

For this reason, with a thought, he took out a Feiyu cloak to make Hong Min legendary, so that he could confuse his original aura with the Feiyu tribe, and he showed his true self, with the Buddha's power restrained on his body and only steal Come out with spiritual power.

In this way, they didn't pay attention to meeting the cultivator Youhuashen again within a thousand miles ahead, and the two of them traveled more than 8000 miles in three months without incident.

It wasn't until Jiaxiu City was less than [-] miles away that Yi Tian breathed a sigh of relief. The two dared not stay for a moment for fear of accidents, and dared to go towards Jiaxiu City.

Not long after walking, Yi Tian frowned and felt that someone was flying behind him, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body were not weaker than his own.

At the moment, I thought, 'It's not good, the person who comes has no fear must be a master of the middle class'.

He bowed his head and said through voice transmission: "You go first, the road ahead also needs to be faced by yourself. I can't protect you for the rest of my life."

Hong Min's complexion changed several times, seeing that he had never been so dignified, then something was wrong with the governor.Before he could speak to him, Yi Tian raised his hand and summoned Guagua, put it on Hong Min's shoulder and said, "Be careful all the way, Guagua will guide you the way forward, remember to stick to your heart so you don't fall into the wrong door."

(End of this chapter)

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