
Chapter 1259

Chapter 1259
Although [-] miles is only a short distance to me, it may take several hours for the little monk Hong Min to walk.

At this time, Yi Tian was still worried about the chasing soldier, and it was obvious that the spirit pressure fluctuations of the cultivator chasing up from behind this time were slightly stronger than his own.

Counting it down, it seems that the Huanxi Sect will not have such a powerful person, and it seems a bit too cheap for a monk in the distraction period to make a special move.In addition, in the past, Tantric sects were kidnapped and robbed by monks from other races.

Sure enough, the monk who came from afar locked on to him immediately, and then flew towards this side impartially.

Half a moment later, a blue light flew from the sky and stopped a hundred feet away in front of Yi Tian, ​​revealing a figure of a burly monk.It's just that the elder's two horns on top of his head, but the skin on his body is slightly blue.Yi Tian saw that he looked a bit like the blood of the monster clan and a little bit of the Raksha clan.

Immediately, his heart was not good. If this person had the blood of two races, he would definitely be able to use the supernatural powers and secret methods of the two races.It's obvious that standing up is taking advantage of it. I really don't know how the Tantric monks can invite such a powerful character.

After thinking about it, I had to bite the bullet and ask: "Poor monk Yi Tian is being polite, why did fellow Taoists lock us all the way? You must know that this is a trivial matter between the two lines of the Buddhist sect. It is not right to intervene rashly as your lord." Smart move."

I saw the person on the opposite side sized himself up, and then checked the surroundings and said, "Which monastery are you a monk from? Why do I detect a familiar smell on you?"

Fortunately, at this time, I used the Thousand Faces Technique to incarnate Ku Toutuo's appearance. In the Buddhist world, if a foreigner wants to make a move, he must first see the opponent's identity clearly. Think again.

"Dare to ask You Gao's name, but he was entrusted by the Esoteric Sect to intercept the Buddha?" Yi Tian also felt that something was unexpected when he heard his words, but since the situation was unclear, he moved out the name of Jiaxiu Temple first. Hold each other down.

"My seat, Hexuan, has never dealt with monks of Tantric Buddhism," replied the foreigner on the opposite side.

Yi Tian showed a puzzled look on his face and said, "Why did fellow Daoist come so actively?"

Hexuan also stared at it for a while before saying in a deep voice: "I noticed a trace of aura on you, have you seen the Gu master Lazan?"

I was taken aback for a moment, so I might have misunderstood the meaning, I didn't expect that the other party came here for the matter of the Gu refining master before.But this person doesn't know what relationship he has with Lazan, and if he makes an inadvertent answer, he will meet with him in battle.

Ke Yitian also knew that since Hexuan was able to lock himself and had his own unique method, it would be useless to deny it in every possible way at this time.

After thinking about it, he replied calmly: "The poor monk was entrusted by Lei Xiaotian of the Thunderbird clan to help him, and there is indeed a Gu refiner named Lazan among the opponents."

"What about others?" He Xuan said impatiently: "I have been looking for him for a long time but failed, but I found the breath of a soul-eating hornet on your body."

"Soul-devouring hornet," Yi Tian's calm face did make a conclusion, and it turned out that what the other party was referring to was the demonized hornet.It's just that those were completely purified and obliterated by myself before, and the rest are the original wasp spirits that were not polluted by the magic energy.

Gently took out a royal bee sac to summon the wasps inside, and then flew past the opponent, and then explained: "This is the bee swarm in the hands of the poor monk, just like the soul eater that the Taoist said. Hornets are a little bit off."

Hexuan also frowned and looked at it, then shook his head and said, "It seems to be very different from the soul-eating bee bug I asked for, but its breath is somewhat similar."

After thinking for a while, Hexuan asked again: "Since you have met Lazan, what about other people?"

"As you can see, since I got the young wasp seed in his hand, it will naturally purify him, not to mention that he has already been filled with demonic energy and is a mouse that everyone shouts and beats in the Buddhist world. There is no shirking the responsibility," Yi Tian replied confidently.

Since the other party was not entrusted by the Tantric sect to snatch people, then I have to deal with him in another way. After all, no matter how powerful you are in the Buddhist world, you have to be courteous when you meet monks.

"You killed Lazan and ruined my big business." Hexuan twitched his face and showed a little anger, and after a while he looked at himself and said, "I don't make it difficult for you. What if it is exposed?"

After hearing this, Yi Tian put away the swarm of bees in his hand and said displeasedly: "Fellow Daoist seems to be a little bit unreasonable, I have no grievances with you. It is too cheap to fight for such trivial matters, you must know that this place is not far from Jiaxiu Temple Even if you can beat me, you may not be my senior brother Liao Yuan's opponent, please think again."

At this time, he moved out of Jiaxiu Temple and came under the name of Yuanyuan, and the other party seemed to have a difficult expression when he heard it.Originally, it was because of his strength that he wanted to overwhelm others, but Yi Tian's words were not unreasonable. After all, this place is only a thousand miles away from Jiaxiu Temple. It's not a good place for him to use strength.

After a while, his face calmed down and he looked at Yi Tian and asked suddenly: "How can you also drive the soul-eating hornets?"

"So what?" Yi Tian relied on his experience in raising purple jade bees when he was in the sect, but harvested some wasps to prepare honey.But the other party mentioned this matter again and again, there must be a lot of articles, and immediately asked casually: "Although the art of controlling bees is not top-notch, I think it is not inferior to Lazan, a second-rate Gu master."

"That's all right, anyway, I'm looking for help, as long as you know how to control bees," He Xuan said with a look of joy on his face.

Seeing that he wanted something from him, Yi Tian replied calmly: "The poor monk still has sect affairs that have not been dealt with, and the friend's request is too abrupt. Forgive the poor monk for not being able to accept it now."

After hearing this, He Xuan was angry at first, then calmed down and said: "I know Jiaxiu Temple escorting the Buddha's son is very important. At this time, we and other races naturally know the priorities. Let's wait until you finish the escort. Just find me in Jiaxiu City, I have a great opportunity for you."

"The chance is the chance, I'm afraid the real purpose of fellow daoist is to use the hornet in my hand," Yi Tian said with a twitch.

"It's all for everyone to get what they need. You must know that it is difficult for us to improve our cultivation level after reaching the distraction stage. If there is no chance, we will be stuck at certain checkpoints for thousands of years. My best wishes are easy to say You can still think about it," He Xuan said with a relaxed tone and lowered his posture.

Yi Tian lowered his head and pondered for a while, just as he was about to open his mouth, he suddenly raised his head and found that there were three more auras flying towards him in the distance. This time, he can be sure that two of them are the Kong Huan and Miao Di that he met before, but the first one is a distraction period. monk.

Immediately, with a decision in his heart, he turned around and said, "Okay, I promise you, to show my sincerity, can I ask Fellow Daoist He to cooperate and stop the three people behind?"

(End of this chapter)

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