
Chapter 1260

Chapter 1260
It was only after Yi Tianlu met the monk Hexuan who blocked the road halfway within a few hundred miles of approaching Jiaxiu Temple that he realized that he had misunderstood his intention.

Fortunately, after some negotiation, it can be regarded as reaching an agreement with the other party. It is estimated that the other party wants to take advantage of the special features of the Soul Eater Hornet, and at the same time, the opportunity in his mouth is also quite attractive to him.

Facing the three people who were chasing after him again, Yi Tian made up his mind, even if the other party had a distracted cultivator in the later stage, he could wait for Kong Huan and Miao Di to be opponents of himself and He Xuan anyway.

After standing in the air and waiting for a while, I saw three escaping lights flying not far in front of me and then stopped.Later in the light, Kong Yun, Kong Huan and Miao Di appeared.

Kong Yun looked at the two people in front of him with a livid face and slowly flew forward and said, "I didn't expect that it was Junior Brother Yi who escorted the Buddha from the secret road of Shenxiu Temple this time, no wonder my junior and apprentice couldn't be found everywhere. "

"Brother Kongyun is very polite," Yi Tianji said, "At this time, the Buddha has already gone far, and I am afraid that he will reach Jiaxiu Temple in three or four hundred miles. Don't you want to give up, brother?"

After hearing this, Kong Yun didn't respond directly, but turned around and looked at Hexuan and asked casually: "Seeing that Taoist friends are like mixed-race monks of foreign race and monster race, people like you have no place in the two races. But To be able to cultivate to the state of distraction is considered a hero."

He Xuan glanced at Kong Yun, and then shifted his gaze to Kong Huan and Miao Di behind him, and replied indifferently: "I promise Yi Tian to stop the two people behind you, and resolve any grievances between you and him on the spot. I won't stop it."

After hearing this, Kong Yun's expression changed for three breaths, and he laughed again: "Junior Brother Yi is indeed very scheming and can find someone to help him punch, but how about I want to make a bet with you?"

"You are welcome," Yi Tian replied expressionlessly.

Kong Yun stretched out his hand to attract Miao Di, and then said: "Our two sects have an unwritten rule, as long as the Buddha has not entered the Jiaxiu Temple, you can make a move. As for the means used, the Buddha must be willing to switch to our Tantric sect. "

"Senior brother Kongyun means that he is not going to use force anymore," Yi Tian asked with a puzzled brow.

"That's natural," Kong Yun patted his chest and said, "If the Buddha's mind is not firm, he will naturally not be able to practice the supreme exercises. Isn't this ten thousand miles of walking just to prove it?"

Looking at Miaodi Yi Tianxin who was beside Kong Yun, he estimated that he still used the method of deceiving the mind to shake the Buddha's mind.If Hong Min is really determined enough, he can definitely resist Miao Di's charming voice.

Immediately nodded and replied: "Since brother Kong Yun said that there is no need to use force, it is naturally the best. I don't know how we can bet on fighting skills."

Kong Yun lightly pointed to Hong Min, who was walking fast on the ground in the distance, and said: "We wait for the four of us to stay still in the air, and only let my apprentice Miao Di take the shot. She just follows up and performs exercises in the air. If you reach Jiaxiu Temple The Buddha's voluntary surrender will save us from fighting."

Yi Tian thought for a while and then asked: "Your apprentice is a buddha, and his cultivation level is much higher than that of a buddha. I'm afraid that if something unexpected happens, I won't have time to help."

"Now the Buddha is less than three hundred miles away, Junior Brother Yi is still procrastinating, it's too scheming." Kong Yun also saw his plan and said straightforwardly: "Even if you and I do it, we will disturb you." One side is not at peace, so my proposal can be regarded as a decision made after patience and repetition, junior brother, don't push yourself further."

Although he said that he was not afraid of fighting at all, what Kong Yun said was that although the monks in the distraction stage were not as good as the old monsters in the fusion stage, they could still turn this place upside down for thousands of miles.The other party was holding him morally, thinking about it, Yi Tian nodded and replied: "It doesn't matter, but your apprentice can only cast spells in the air and cannot kidnap Buddha."

"It's a deal," Kong Yun replied impatiently.Immediately, he reached out and took out a golden bell to defend against Miao Di and said: "You fly up and hold the Huanxi golden bell to urge you to call out to the Buddha. It doesn't matter if it's okay or not. Being a teacher like this can be regarded as a chance for you."

Miao Di hurriedly said thanks after taking the golden bell, then glanced at Yi Tian and He Xuan in front of her in a blink of an eye, and then flew around from one side.

After ten breaths, I only heard a series of crisp bells coming from the distant sky, and Yi Tian secretly kept his mind to get rid of distracting thoughts after the last experience.

As for Hexuan, there was a little doubt in his eyes, but as a foreign race, he seemed not to be greatly affected by the ringtone.

As for Hong Min in the distance, it seems that he was sent by Yi Tian to bury his head and run fast, letting the heavenly Miao Di shake the golden bell above his head and recite the mantra of charm, but his unfortunate speed did not decrease at all, as if he was not affected at all. .

When Kong Yun saw it, a look of surprise appeared on his face, as if he had never encountered such a situation before.In other words, this time the Buddhist disciples in Shenxiu Temple were far more determined than ever before.

But the more Hong Min behaved like this, Kong Yun's face was ugly, and his hands were clenched tightly, as if he was holding a resentment in his heart.

Yi Tiansheng was afraid that he would forcibly make a move, and slowly flew forward to stop him, saying: "Brother Kong Yun seems to have lost his composure, but we agreed in advance. Could it be that brother has other ideas."

With such a reminder, Kong Yun also knew that he had lost his composure, watching Hong Min getting closer and closer to Jiaxiu Temple, but there was nothing he could do.

After more than half an hour, the ringing of the distant bell stopped silently. Yi Tian learned through the report of croaking that Hong Min had arrived at Jiaxiu Temple, and was received by the monks stationed at the precept hall at the city gate.

So relieved, he turned to look at Kong Yun and said, "Brother Suwen is a great master in the distraction stage of Tantric Buddhism, so please don't refuse me if I want to ask for advice."

After hearing this, Kong Yun's pent-up anger finally had an outlet to vent, he turned around and shouted: "Good boy, if you don't say anything, it's no wonder you came to the door today. I'll let you teach me."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and raised his hand to drink Kong Huan after retreating, and then took out a black spiritual weapon.

Yi Tian fixed his eyes and saw that it was the Moyu Jinlongduo, so heartbroken that it was so precious, he immediately took out the Red Sun Taiyuan Sword and sacrificed it in his hand.

I saw a three-foot-tall Dharma figure faintly appearing behind Kong Yun, and then the black jade golden dragon duo was controlled to rise slowly and then held in the right hand of the Dharma figure.

"The dharma form is condensed," Yi Tian said out of nowhere, this is the second stage of the dharma form body, and it is almost a supernatural power that only monks in the integrated stage can display.

Only the right arm of Kong Yun's dharma body is solid, and the rest of the dharma body is still a phantom, at most he can cast supernatural powers and esoteric techniques but cannot pick up the real thing.

But just like that, he was more powerful than his own dharma body. After thinking about it, he sacrificed Asura's dharma body after making mudras with his hands, and a red corona appeared behind his head at the same time.

After ten breaths, the dharma bodies of both sides shot at the same time, then sacrificed the spiritual weapons in their hands and flew out.

The aftermath of a "bang" that destroyed the world and the earth was blown thousands of miles away, even reaching Jiaxiu Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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