
Chapter 1261

Chapter 1261
After the appearance of the two phantoms above the sky, the supernatural powers lit up the sky, and on one side was the drizzle formed by thousands of golden light filaments.On the other side, a black halo danced in the air and turned into a black dragon.

As the two spells struck at each other, there was a deafening roar, and the golden thread and golden light and the black dragon intertwined with each other, forming a balance in the air.

As for He Xuan and Kong Huan, they both got the news and hurriedly withdrew hundreds of miles away to avoid the spiritual storm in the central area.

From a distance, in addition to the interlacing lights and roars in the air, the two spiritual forces seemed to form a hurricane column soaring into the sky, and wherever they went, they smashed the coefficients of the surrounding mountains, rocks and trees on the ground.

Yi Tian felt a little regretful at this time, he didn't expect the opponent's strength to be so strong, and he really underestimated Minglun Temple Kongyun.Although he could resist the spells of the opponent's later stage cultivation with his strength in the early stage of distraction, he still miscalculated.

The onlookers don't know, but I know in my heart that at this time it seems to be evenly divided, but my tricks are still unable to break through the encirclement, and I am completely led by the nose by the opponent.

It's just that he used the pupil technique in his eyes to see that the level of truth on Kong Yun's face at this time was no less than his own. He didn't expect that with one move, he would only be slightly improved.

With his cultivation level, it is natural that he has lost in such a situation, but it is too embarrassing to stop like this with a dull face.After much deliberation, I still can only hold on, after all, there is no turning back after shooting the bow, and there is only one way to go to the dark.

The entire hurricane column was slowly pressing towards the direction of Jiaxiu Temple, and Yi Tian was also full of bitterness. He was still inferior to the opponent, not to mention that he was definitely not Kongyun's opponent in the use of the Dharma Body.

When he was depressed, suddenly a Taoist light flew out from Jiaxiu Temple behind him, and then stopped ten miles away in the air.After three breaths, a majestic aura emerged spontaneously, and a dharma image phantom rose rapidly and turned into an angry-eyed King Kong.

After waving the double maces in both hands, it turned into two golden lights and flew out. The golden lights rolled in the air and turned into two golden dragons with teeth and claws, rushing directly into the hurricane column.

In an instant, the whole world was once again exposed to an incomparably dazzling light, almost several suns were shining on the earth at the same time, the surrounding temperature rose sharply, and the tree wreckage on the ground immediately burst into flames without name.

After getting familiar with it, in the golden light, three spiritual lights flew out and changed back to their respective spiritual weapons and fell into the hands.After Yi Tian took the Red Sun Taiyuan Sword, he carefully looked at the aura on the sword's body, which seemed to have dimmed a bit.

However, being able to fight against the famous treasure of Minglun Temple, Moyu Jinlongduo, shows that his refining level has also made great progress.

After putting away the method, he turned around and glanced over his face, showing a calm smile. The person who shot was none other than Senior Brother Liao Yuan from Jiaxiu Temple.It is obvious that his strength is three points stronger than Kong Yun in front of him, almost at the peak of the distraction period.

But Kong Yun looked at it coldly, then put away Moyu Jinlongduo and said, "Why did you come all this time?"

Asking questions knowingly at any time, but he still looks righteous, and it is unheard of for Yi Tian to watch and secretly admire his thick skin.

Liao Yuan flew forward and made a gesture of reassurance to himself, and then turned his head to Kong Yun and said, "The two fight again and spread to Jiaxiu Temple, so the poor monk will naturally try to dissuade him. Besides, the Buddha The son has already entered the temple, this time the process of seeing him off is over."

The fat on Kong Yun's face trembled when he heard this, but later he saw Miao Di flying back from one side, holding the Happy Golden Bell in her hand, but her face was full of frustration.

After seeing Kongyun, he hastily saluted and said, "Disciple is incompetent and failed to keep the Buddha, let Master down."

Kong Yun snorted coldly and turned his head away, he didn't have a good face because he failed at both ends this time.

When it was time, Yuan looked at Miao Di carefully, then sighed and said: "Junior Kong Yun is really good at calculating, your disciple had a relationship with Hong Min's Buddhist disciples in the past life, I'm afraid there will be involvement in this life. Let's wait for Hong Min to cultivate to Buddha baby Later, I invite Miao Di to come to Jiaxiu Temple to study Buddhism with Hong Min, but how was the marriage in the previous life?"

Speaking of this, Miao Di showed a trace of joy on her face, and in a blink of an eye, Kong Yun also calmed down a little.

Immediately, Yuan took out a jade tablet, left a mark on it, handed it over to Miao Di gently, and said, "Come to Jiaxiu Temple with this jade tablet in 500 years."

After taking it, Miao Di held it in her hand and looked at it, then put it away, turned around and bowed three times in the right circle.

Half a moment later, Kong Yun and the three turned around and headed back to the original road. Fortunately, Yuan made a move to give them a step down this time, otherwise Yi Tian would find it difficult if the stalemate continued.

After taking them away, Yi Tian hurriedly sent a message to He Xuantong, and he made an appointment for the next meeting. Although there was still a deadline of about ten years, he still had to cultivate those wasps well during this period.

After the person left, he slowly flew forward to Yuan Jishou and said, "Thank you, brother, for your rescue this time, otherwise I'm afraid I will suffer some dark losses."

"Junior Brother, you don't need to be too polite. Your ability to fight against Kongyun's Moyu Jinlongduo shows that your strength is extraordinary, and I think that if you really use your strength to the fullest, it may be difficult to predict the outcome," said Yuan Da meaningfully. Said.

"Senior brother is absurd, how can I overwhelm Kong Yun with my cultivation base," Yi Tian said modestly: "What's more, his Dharma body is already condensed into reality, even if he only has one arm, he is much stronger than me."

"Junior brother's words are good, but Kong Yun's skills don't stop there. In terms of potential, it's even worse. What junior brother lacks is the understanding and use of his Dharma body image," Liao Yuan explained. .

"Oh, is that really the case?" Yi Tian's face was overjoyed, and he secretly recalled the situation of Liao Yuan's shot just now, and later understood the various meanings.Then he asked: "Senior brother's understanding of Dharma body statues is far superior to mine. I would like to take this opportunity to spend some time in Jiaxiu Temple to ask senior brother the true meaning of supernatural powers and spells."

"I'm so happy, Junior Brother, come with me first, don't keep Buddha waiting for too long," Liao Yuan said with a smile on his face.

Half a minute later, when I arrived at Jiaxiu Temple, I found that Hong Min was waiting outside the main hall at this time. After seeing the two of them falling into the clouds, he hurried forward to pay homage.

The croak on his shoulder turned into an aura and flew out, and then flew back directly into the beast-controlling bag.

After Yi Tian looked at it, he gave a few instructions, telling him to practice hard in the temple in the future.However, thinking about Miao Di's matter, she also somewhat disagrees with Yuan's approach.

Unable to ask in front of Hong Min, after the person left, he quietly transmitted the voice: "Why did senior brother agree to Kong Yun, and give another chance to that Miao Di?"

Liao Yuan sighed helplessly and replied: "The reasons for these past lives need to be solved by themselves. It is also a test for Hong Min. Kong Yun used the dream-returning method to detect the Buddha's past life. Entanglements can be targeted, but being able to pass this level will also be a great help to Hong Min's practice in the future. This matter is not something that you and I can do, and everything depends on his own good luck."

 Thanks for voting, my family has a monthly ticket for Ergou
(End of this chapter)

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