
Chapter 1262

Chapter 1262
After entering Jiaxiu Temple, Yi Tian found that Hong Min had been arranged among a group of young monks.He was surrounded by people of similar age and cultivation level, and they all entered from the front of the main hall in a neat line.

But Liaoyuan said at this time: "Junior Brother Yi has been very fortunate to escort the Buddha all the way here. There is a special cave in the back mountain of Bisi Temple for self-cultivation. Please rest for a while."

"To tell you the truth, I want to use your temple's ultra-long-distance teleportation array to go to Daleiguang Temple, and I would like to ask my brother to agree," Yi Tian clasped his hands together.

"This matter is not urgent. I see that my junior brother still has some mundane matters to attend to. I think the trip to Leiguang Temple will have to wait for a while," Liao Yuan replied with a smile.

Thinking that what the other party appointed was Na Hexuan's matter, I didn't know much about this person, but Yuan Yuan seemed to know a thing or two.Then he asked, "Brother, do you know Na Hexuan?"

"That half-demon alien race is also well-known among my generation. Since my junior brother can have some relationship with him, there is a chance. I don't know the specific situation. Junior brother can just be careful in everything," Yao Yuan said in a general way Said.

Putting this aside in advance, Yi Tian asked again: "Senior brother's use of the Dharma Aspect Body impresses me very much. I am not only fortunate, can I ask senior brother for some pointers."

"Junior brother will stay at Jiaxiu Temple for a while with peace of mind, and we will discuss it after all the Buddhist disciples have worshiped the master. If you need to travel during this period, you just need to go to the Discipline Hall to inform you," listened to Yuan Yuan. He didn't give a definite reply, instead he asked himself to settle down first.

Yi Tian thought in his heart that the agreement with Hexuan had not yet expired. During this period, it would be good to spend some time at Jiaxiu Temple, so Dang even nodded in agreement.

Half an hour later, he followed Liyuan to the territory of the back mountain of Jiaxiu Temple, and was arranged in a cave with strong spiritual power.

After staying in the cave and sitting down, he began to reflect on the encounters during this period of time.To be honest, Monk Kongyun's strength was indeed beyond his expectations.Coupled with the fact that he controlled the strength of Moyu Jinlongduo to stabilize himself, if it weren't for Liaoyuan's move, he might have suffered some dark losses.

In this way, he also put away his contempt for Tantra in his heart, and the Minglun Temple in Daxue Mountain has also stood in the Buddhist world for tens of thousands of years.There must be something extraordinary in it. Although I have learned the top skills of Buddhist sects such as the Great Sun Sutra by chance, I have always become a monk halfway, and I am much worse than them.

With the help of noble people this time, the crisis can be saved, but I don't know if I will have such good luck next time.

Immediately after sitting cross-legged, he placed isolation restrictions, and later fell into deep thought.Immersed the spiritual thoughts in my mind again into the exercises of the Great Sun Scripture and began to study it.

After more than ten days, when I opened my eyes again, there was a sliver of clarity. Every time I read the Great Day Sutra, I would have a deeper understanding of Buddhism, but my understanding of the use of Dharmakaya has not yet made the slightest progress.

When I was depressed, I suddenly heard a voice from the entrance of the cave: "The disciple respectfully invites the master to leave the customs."

After sneaking out his divine sense, he found a young monk in his twenties waiting outside the cave.Yi Tian immediately replied and put away the restraint, got up and walked out.

After going out, after asking, I found out that I was invited by Senior Brother Yuan to invite me to the back hall for a talk.

He hurried all the way to the outside of the back hall, but saw Yuan was already waiting outside, Yi Tian hurried up to Jishou and said: "How dare you let senior brother wait outside the hall, it's really a sin."

"You don't need to be too polite, Junior Brother. This time, Master wants to see you and I'm just in charge of letting you know." After speaking, Yuan waved his hand lightly to signal the disciples behind him to step back first.

Then he stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of the palace, and clasped his palms together towards the inside and said: "Master Yi, Junior Brother has arrived."

"Please come in," an old echo sounded from the hall.

Hearing this, Yuan Yuan hurriedly stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation, and Yi Tian walked in without hesitation when he saw it, and saw Yuan gently closing the palace door after a while.

Slowly walking into the hall, there was a [-]-year-old monk in a gray robe sitting cross-legged inside. When he saw himself coming in, he pointed to the futon next to him and said softly: "The old monk is very polite. Nephew Yi, please."

When Yi Tian saw it, he put his hands together and said: "The disciple dare not surpass in front of the senior."

"It's okay, you come and sit down first, and I will clear up your doubts later," Pushan said with a flash of light in his eyes.

After hearing this, Yi Tian nodded in response, and then walked forward slowly.It's just that the distance in front of him is only three or four feet away, but he couldn't reach Master Pushan after taking more than ten steps.

His face remained unchanged, but he was secretly surprised that he couldn't complete the journey in this seemingly narrow space.Turning around to look at Master Pushan, he looked at himself with a smile on his face and said: "This is the way of the heart. Everyone in the world is confused by appearances, but they don't know that only by looking at it with the eyes of the mind can they find the right way."

After being reminded by this, Yi Tian raised his brows immediately, then closed his eyes to restrain this divine thought, and then felt it with his heart.What suddenly came to mind was a winding path, and Master Pushan was sitting at the end looking at himself expectantly.

After confirming the direction of the road ahead, Yi Tian started to walk forward slowly, and after a while, he walked through the heart road to the front of Master Pushan at the end.After opening his eyes, he found that he had already walked to the side of the futon, and the master Pushan in front of him nodded in satisfaction and said: "Yes, it took you less than a quarter of an hour to get out of this area so far away, which proves your extraordinary talent. "

"Master Yi Tian didn't dare to take the credit for the reminder," Yi Tian sat down on the futon after replying.

After three breaths, Pushan asked again: "I heard Yuan said that you want to use the teleportation array of this temple to go to Daleiguang Temple."

After sitting for a while, Yi Tian was able to get a glimpse of Master Pushan's true cultivation, and there was not even a trace of mana exuding from him.He is completely like an ordinary person, but he rationally tells himself that Pushan is definitely a master in the fusion period.

And it is much stronger than the Roaring Sky I met before, even Qilinzi may not be his opponent in front of him.

Then he replied respectfully: "I have been entrusted by someone to go to the Daleiguang Temple, and I ask the master to agree."

"The use of the teleportation array in this temple also has rules. One is that there must be achievements of the temple, or tokens from the Great Leiguang Temple," Pu Shan said.

It is not difficult to obtain the achievements of Jiaxiu Temple, but it takes a lot of time.As for the token of the Daleiguang Temple that Pushan mentioned, could it be the Leiwen Muyu.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian directly vetoed this idea, then took out an amulet and handed it over gently: "I just got this thing in the Buddhist world, I don't know if it can be used."

Pushan didn't even look at it, but just replied, "I didn't expect you to be a registered disciple of Daleiguang Temple, so you can just hitch a ride when the formation can be used 30 years later."

(End of this chapter)

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