
Chapter 1263

Chapter 1263
After receiving Master Pushan's promise, Yi Tian was determined. Although he didn't know why the ultra-long-distance teleportation array could only be opened after 30 years, this period of time was just a short nap for him.

And right now, He Xuan has promised to go to the appointment within ten years, and the time is just in time.

Under the secret joy in his heart, his face was calm, and then he clasped his hands together and saluted Pu Shanxing: "Thank you, master, for agreeing."

After finishing speaking, he was about to step back, when suddenly Pu Shan's voice came from his ear: "Nephew, this doesn't seem to be your real face, does it?"

Yi Tian was startled and realized that he had always shown himself as Kutoutuo since he was escorting the Buddha, and it was the same at the last time at the Xinxin Dharma Conference.Although it was hidden from the circle, there is naturally nothing to hide in front of the monks in the fit period.

Furthermore, if I still show this face to others, I really feel a little uncomfortable. After hearing this, I hurriedly got up and said to Master Pushan: "Master Mingjian, on behalf of the disciples, restore the deity and then go forward to answer."

"It doesn't matter, the Buddhist principle is cloudless, nameless, colorless, and formless, but my nephew understands it." Pu Shan stretched out his hand to indicate that there is no need to do so, but continued: "Since my nephew has a Buddha in his heart, why should we stick to appearances?"

After hearing this, Yi Tian was startled and fell into deep thought. After ten breaths, there was a trace of clarity in his eyes, he turned around and saluted Master Pushan: "Thank you, Master, for your guidance. Dare I ask how to condense my own Dharma to display supreme supernatural powers? My disciple sees Kong Yun and reconciled." Brother Yuan's methods are quite different, but they all have their own strengths."

"Phases come from the heart, your Dharma appearance is nothing more than the appearance of your heart, and supernatural powers are the Dharma gates you have cultivated and used." Pu Shan said with a smile: "As for the different methods, it is just that the people who cast the spells have different thoughts. If you practice more in the future, you will definitely gain further experience.”

Next, Yi Tian sat down and asked Master Pushan about his cultivation experience, and later found that the knowledge of the monks in the integration stage was much better than his own.From beginning to end, Master Pushan did not give a single teaching on the cultivation method, but he kept talking with himself about the power of heaven and earth.

Although Yi Tian had some doubts about this, as time went by, he gradually used the essence of his words in his own cultivation, and soon entered a state of selflessness.A layer of spiritual light gradually emerged around the body, and the corona at the back of the head also automatically appeared unconsciously.

Yi Tiancai slowly opened his eyes after sitting in the hall with his eyes closed for an unknown amount of time. In a blink of an eye, he saw that the surroundings were already empty, and he was the only one left in the entire hall.

Suddenly a figure stepped out of the darkness in front of him, and after careful scrutiny, it turned out to be his true self.He lowered his head to look at his body, but he still looked like Ku Toutuo.

I saw the deity came forward and said, "Who are you and why do you pretend to be me?"

"I am me, but you are the obsession in my heart," Yi Tian replied naturally after opening his mouth.

Just after saying this sentence, I had some doubts in my heart, wondering whether this was my inner world, or whether it was Master Pushan who let me fall into meditation under the guidance of Master Pushan.

It didn't take three breaths to see a phantom emerging from behind the deity on the opposite side and gathered to form the appearance of the dharma body. After careful inspection, it was slightly different from the appearance of the Asura dharma body with three heads and six arms.

There is no peaceful, peaceful and wise signature face on the three heads at all, replaced by the brutal and bloody face of the original Asura clan.

It seems that he felt the opponent's oppression, and Yi Tian himself also showed his Dharma body, but he just wanted to compare his Dharma body with three points weaker than the deity's Dharma body in terms of momentum.

After a while of silence on the scene, the deity made his move first, and under the seal of his hands, the body behind his back unexpectedly moved six arms at the same time, forming three different seals. .

And not to be outdone, he hastily raised his hand to cast a spell, and at the same time, the dharma body behind him sacrificed the technique of heavenly thunder and eight sounds. The mantra characters spit out from his mouth turned into golden lights to protect himself.

After a while, I saw Wan Dao's sword silk falling and hitting the golden light shield, making a burst of crisp sound. Before the sword rain fell, raging fire suddenly appeared around him sitting cross-legged on the ground, surrounding him, and the red flames were constantly attacking. shield and emit a 'buzzing' beeping sound.

Before he could react, a purple light flashed in front of him, and he saw a huge sword light chopping down from his head, vowing to split his protective shield from it.Yi Tian was shocked, and wanted to deal with it after his hands were sealed.

Suddenly, he seemed to see a white halo flashing from the deity's body, but the unknown was in the middle of his forehead.And the same halo flashed on his forehead, but the color was black.

"That's the kindness in my deity's heart, but here I have some evil thoughts corresponding to each other," Yi Tian blurted out.

Seeing the Zixiao sword that was about to fall, Yi Tian withdrew the seal on his hand, then stood up and faced the sword blade. With a loud 'Ziz' sound, the Purple Night Sword seemed to have directly hit the black awn on the forehead, shattering it, and the purple flame completely enveloped itself.

After three breaths, I saw Yi Tianfei's two figures overlapping again, and the two Dharma bodies above his head also began to overlap.After the two figures were completely fused, the dharma body in the sky showed a one-sided trend, and the evil dharma body of the original deity was actually assimilated by his own dharma body.

In the end, it completely transformed into a three-foot-tall Asura dharma body, which was exactly the same as his real body, and the deity was completely integrated by Ku Toutuo's appearance.

Yi Tian suddenly opened his eyes and found that his back was soaked with sweat, but at this moment he was still sitting on the same spot. Master Pu Shan in front of him was sitting cross-legged like an old monk in meditation.

After taking out the hourglass and checking the time, it was less than half a quarter of an hour after I entered the house.Yi Tianna couldn't understand that it was Master Pushan who cast a spell to guide him to understand the true meaning of the Dharma Body, so he got up and kowtowed nine times to him as a gift of apprenticeship.

Suddenly, Master Pushan replied: "Good and evil are one and the same, how can there be good without evil, and remember to remember the Buddha and the devil."

Yi Tian was startled and thought to himself, isn't this the Zen of Good and Evil that Master Jie Ding had comprehended, so he followed his steps and began to practice unknowingly, thinking about it is a bit helpless.

Then Master Pushan said again: "My nephew's comprehension is really different, the road ahead is still up to you, go."

"Thank you, master, for pointing out the mystery of this method," Yi Tian replied, and when he looked up to see that there was no one in front of him, it must be that Master Pushan had already left.

Later, after slowly exiting the main hall, Liao Yuan, who was waiting outside the hall, stepped forward and said, "Congratulations, junior brother, for improving your cultivation."

"Thank you, senior brother, for your success. Yi Tian is very grateful." After speaking, his figure appeared in his real body and said, "Please don't blame the senior brother, this is the true nature of the senior fellow."

"Colorless, nameless, and formless. Junior is still junior, so why bother?" Liao Yuan said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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