
Chapter 1264

Chapter 1264
The scale of Jiaxiu City can be regarded as larger than that of a prefecture-level cultivation town in the spiritual world, and Jiaxiu Temple is built on a large spiritual vein.The territory of the temple occupies seven or eight out of ten of the available spiritual land, leaving two or three points to build the city.

But this does not affect the importance of its location at all. Foreign monks who come and go, and monks from other worlds who come to travel will stop here for a while.

In Jiaxiu City, there is a special product called silver nitrate vermilion leaf, which is the main medicine for refining the exorcism and concentration pill.The only use of this kind of elixir is to get rid of demons, and it can be used by monks from the Nascent Soul stage to the distraction stage.

Buddhist monks already have multiple mystical powers, so there is not much demand for them. Therefore, monks from all sides, monster races, spirit races, and even Asura races will come to bid for them.

There are many elixir shops in Jiaxiu City, most of which are opened with Jiaxiu Temple as the background, and there are also many shops for foreigners who also have appropriate grades of silver nitric vermilion leaves for purchase.

As for the high-level ones, they will only rarely appear in auctions or pawn shops in the city.

On this day, Yitian came to the meeting place according to the agreement with Hexuan ten years ago.During the ten years in Jiaxiu Temple, I spent most of my time in the cave to practice painstakingly. Although the time was not long, I had a further understanding and application of the supernatural powers of Dharma after the reminder of Master Pushan.

In addition, there are those hornets that can select hundreds of adult worker bees to drive after ten years of cultivation.As for the batch of honey on hand, I intend to brew it into wine, but I still lack a few precious materials on hand, so I can only delay it first.

After arriving at the agreed place named 'Cyclamen', Yi Tian walked in slowly, and saw that the store was empty and there was no customer there.A waiter had already come forward to inquire, and after Yi Tian explained his purpose, he was led directly to the side room on the second floor.

After pushing open the door and walking in, he found that Hexuan had already been waiting, but there were three teacups on the table.Seeing himself coming, He Xuan stood up and cupped his hands and said, "You Daoist Yi really keeps his word, come and sit down and talk."

After looking away, Yi Tian said lightly: "It seems that fellow Taoist is waiting for more than the next person." He pointed to the three teacups on the table with a little questioning expression on his face.

"Exactly, besides Daoyou Yi, I also invited another person to go with me. This person and I each have half a key," Hexuan said with a helpless look on his face.

Since the other party told the truth, Yi Tian nodded and then went forward to sit on the side, and asked a little later: "I don't know what the opportunity that Fellow Daoist Hexuan mentioned back then? Can you tell me a thing or two."

"I don't know if fellow Daoist Yi has heard of the legends about the spirit-gathering bottle and the Xuanguang mirror?" He Xuan said.

"Spirit Gathering Bottle, Xuanguang Mirror," Yi Tian was obviously stunned after hearing this, but he went through the names of these two treasures in his mind but couldn't find the corresponding source or any information.

Hexuan also did not expect Yi Tian's reaction. After three breaths, he came back to his senses and said meaningfully: "It seems that Taoist Yi was not born in the Buddhist world, so he is very unfamiliar with these two spiritual treasures."

"I would like to hear the details," Yi Tian naturally wanted to understand what he didn't know, and it must be very important for He Xuan, who is also a monk in the distraction period, to think about these two spiritual weapons.

Later, I only heard him explain, "Actually, these two spirit treasures are also from your spirit world. They were originally brought by two powerful monks 3 years ago. They were lost here after the battle with the blood demon. Somewhere in the world, I don’t know why the two masters rushed back to the spirit world so they kept this treasure.”

It turned out that something from the spirit world must have come from Lihuo Palace or the other two sects, Yi Tian thought in his heart that it was inextricably related to him in the end.It's good that the things left by the ancestors are worth seeing, and then he replied: "Could it be that fellow Taoist Hexuan has found its whereabouts, such a treasure is too hot to hold."

"That's not true," Hexuan replied proudly, "I'm afraid even a cultivator in the fit stage will be moved by such a treasure, so let's share it when we get it."

With a look of impatience on his face, Yi Tian snorted coldly and said, "Did fellow Daoist mention this to make me happy?"

"No, no," He Xuan waved his hands and said, "Actually, the owner of the cave at the destination of this trip has some relationship with these two things. Maybe we can find some clues from them, but we don't know."

"I'm afraid there is something in this cave that you must have, and that is the real purpose of this trip," Yi Tian said calmly.

He Xuan also nodded and replied: "I have only one request. There is an imitation of the spirit treasure in this cave, which is the main purpose of my trip to purify the spirit bottle."

"Purifying spirit bottle," Yi Tian muttered slowly, but he dared not reveal the degree of surprise in his heart.In my hand, I have a spiritual artifact of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, also called Jingling Bottle, left by Qian Lingzi back then.

Could it be that these two things were made by the same person, or that there were two imitations of the spirit-gathering bottles back then.

Seeing himself pondering quietly, He Xuan thought that his request was really too difficult.Now he said in a deep voice: "The spirit purification bottle is something I must have. For this reason, I would like to make a big promise after I ask you to make a move. Or give the same amount of property to the Taoist in advance, and then pay the other half after the matter is completed." how?"

"You can be sure that there is indeed an imitation of this spirit treasure in the cave, but the three of us are traveling together, and I am afraid that something will happen if the distribution is uneven afterwards," Yi Tianyu said earnestly.

This exploration is most afraid of uneven distribution, and there will be many things where everyone will turn against each other, so Yi Tian also wants to clarify this matter to avoid entanglements after the event.

He Xuan didn't expect him to say such a thing, so he thought for a while before replying: "I only ask for the spirit purification bottle, and I don't want to take anything else found in the cave. If Fellow Daoist Yi fails to get it inside I can offer two heavenly treasures as compensation for anything."

After hearing the words, Yi Tian didn't agree directly. After thinking about it for a while, he pretended to be reluctant and nodded: "Forget it, since fellow Taoist said that this is up, it's too mean for me not to agree. I don't know what I said before. What is the chance?"

"Ten thousand years of ice crystals," Hexuan replied in a deep voice, "I know there must be another copy in the cave. This object has an irreplaceable role in improving the cold-type kung fu monks. If such a monk can find someone to Refining it into Ten Thousand Years of Ice Congealing Pill, taking it and refining it will also greatly improve the fellow Taoists. And its biggest function is that you don’t need to be afraid of being refined by the magic flame at the interface when you travel through the passage of the demon world.”

"There is such a thing," Yi Tian said in surprise: "I originally thought that the entrance to the Demon Realm was the same as the rest of the interface, but I didn't expect to have to go through the refining process of the Demon Flame."

Just as he was talking about someone knocking on the door, he opened it and walked in a Yasha monk. After looking at the two of them, he said to Hexuan, "When are you leaving?"

(End of this chapter)

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