
Chapter 1265 Ice Worm

Chapter 1265 Ice Worm
Starting from Jiaxiu City, Hexuan took Yi Tian and others all the way to the north and flew straight to the north. After a few days, they actually entered the area of ​​Daxue Mountain.Yi Tian took out the map to check that the location of the three people is almost the edge of Minglun Temple. Fortunately, the destination this time is the ruins of Xuanbing Castle in the north.

Although there will be a certain distance passing the boundary of Minglun Temple, the three of them have exercised the greatest restraint and will not deliberately attack.Even if you saw the low-level disciples of the Tantric sect patrolling in the air from a distance, they tried to avoid them as much as possible.

The name of the third supporter is He Lianbo, who is said to be an authentic Yasha clansman.Speaking of which, it is strange that the Yaksha tribe has a main line in the demon world, and a branch line in the hell world.

At least I didn't notice a trace of demonic aura in both of them at all, but Hexuan's body was mixed with a trace of demonic aura.

And even though the two belonged to the same clan, Na Hexuan always seemed to maintain a delicate relationship with He Lianbo.Originally, I was worried about being marginalized by the two, but now I am relieved. At least at this stage, it seems that my existence is no different from creating a three-legged situation, which makes both of them have scruples.

It was obvious that He Xuan was still being polite to him, but He Lianbo had been lukewarm along the way and ignored him.

Yi Tian didn't make much judgment on this, and after flying tens of thousands of miles away with the two of them, he finally saw the ruins of a dilapidated ice castle standing on the ice field.

When He Xuan saw it, he hurriedly sent a voice transmission to know: "It's almost here. After we go down, we should pay attention to the fact that there may be some ice scythes lurking here. Although they are not strong, they like to lurk under the ice and wait for the opportunity to attack visitors."

"Everything is done according to what Fellow Daoist He Xuan wants, and then we can all act together," Yi Tian replied unhurriedly.

As for He Lianbo who was beside him, he frowned and said: "Your talent of the monster clan can accurately find the location of those ice scythes. Then you will lead the way."

Hexuan nodded without changing his face, and flew out immediately after waiting for a response.Later, a blue light flashed slightly in his eyes and began to monitor the distant area.

It's just that Yi Tian inadvertently discovered that when Hexuan heard the four words Yaozu talent, a trace of unwillingness and helplessness flashed in Hexuan's eyes.And He Lianbo's tone seemed weird and completely unlike the equal dialogue, always a bit arrogant and prejudiced.

After the three of them flew over the hailstone, Yi Tian looked down and observed carefully. The ruins here cover an area of ​​about a hundred miles.Obviously, it should have been a small comprehension town before, and the remains of the original city defense pattern can still be vaguely seen on the ruins.

When the three of them landed on the open space in the ice castle, Hexuan took out a map and checked it, then turned around and said, "The ice-burning cave should be nearby."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of "Xi Xi Suo Suo" from the ground, and then the ground cracked several holes, and several streams of cold air spewed out from them.In an instant, hundreds of shadows flew out of it, and Hexuan blurted out immediately: "It's ice scythes, there are a lot of them, let's deal with them quickly."

As soon as the words were finished, the other two people reached out and took out two steel forks to sacrifice, and then filed out and intercepted the flying black shadow halfway.After Yi Tian stepped aside, his divine sense swept over and found that the black shadows were full of white stick insects half a foot in size.

The bursts of cold air spit out from their open mouths condensed into icicles in the air and flew towards the position of the three of them.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and took out the Red Sun Taiyuan Sword to sacrifice. After turning into thousands of filaments in his hand, he hit the ice scythe rushing not far away.

The sharp sword light directly penetrated their carapaces upon contact, and countless ice scythes fell powerlessly in the air in an instant.Turning around to see He Lianbo, not to be outdone, stretched out his hand to sacrifice the Yaksha Ghost Blade and turned it into a gray shield around him, shooting down all the incoming enemies.

After Yi Tian saw it, he frowned slightly, wondering if he wanted to preserve his strength by doing this.Shaoqing then heard He Xuan shout: "We quickly evacuate this place, it is estimated that the movement just now will attract the King of Ice Scythe."

Although the ice scythes in front of him were only at the Nascent Soul stage, but Yi Tian didn't dare to trust him, after hearing He Xuan's words, he hurriedly flew to the two of them and prepared to break out.

Suddenly the cold air above the ground shrank back suddenly, and the ice scythes couldn't wait to drill back into the ground.Before the three of them could leave in the future, they only felt a faint vibration coming from under their feet.

"The insect king is here," He Xuan said with a serious face.

"It's ten feet below the ground, let's go to the air to see the situation first," He Lianbo said with a slightly nervous expression at this time when he rarely spoke.

When the three of them flew to the mid-air, they saw that the ground below them had sunk within a hundred feet, and two giant ice scythes that were ten feet long and one foot thick drilled out of it.Yi Tian looked carefully in the air and couldn't help but take a breath, the monster in front of him was about as strong as in the middle of distraction.

Before he could ask anything in the future, Hexuan who was on the side suddenly shouted with a livid face: "It's troublesome, these ice scythes have blocked the entrance of Qiongyao's ice cave. If they don't get rid of them, I'm afraid they won't be able to enter."

Following Hexuan's finger, Yi Tian glanced over and saw a stone door beside the stone wall in the cave-in below the two giant ice scythes.There are only two keyholes in the middle of the stone gate, but that place has now become the lair of ice scythes. If you want to enter, you have to solve the troubles in front of you.

Before he could reply to He Lianbo, he said angrily: "Then what are you waiting for, Hexuan, you two deal with the male worm, and leave the female worm to me."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the two to agree, the figure flashed to one side, and the Yaksha Ghost Blade in his hand turned into a gray aura and slashed towards the head of the female insect below.

So Yi Tian and He Xuan looked at each other and said unanimously: "Do it."

Several green lights flew out from the body and immediately stabbed at the vital joints of the male worm, but unexpectedly, the carapace of the male worm was extremely hard.The originally extremely sharp sword wires were bounced off one after another, leaving only a few traces at most.

This action instantly angered the Ice Scythe King, he raised his head and roared angrily, then opened his mouth and let out a few streams of cold air.

If the cold air touches something in the air, it can be frozen into ice cubes, and Yi Tian's sword silk is no exception. Under the erosion of cold air, a large amount of sword silk is frozen in the ice cube, and no matter how he manipulates it, he can't get out .

At this time, two black thorns flew out obliquely and hit the ice cubes to release the sword threads one by one. Looking back, it was He Xuan who made the move.

"Attack the abdomen and neck of the ice sickle, which is their life gate," Hexuan said in a deep voice.

After taking back the Taiyuan Sword, Yi Tian hurriedly changed his moves, took out several ghost-faced flower seeds to sacrifice, and then flew out with ten fingers.Seeing that, the ice scythes around rushed forward one by one and thrust the flower seeds into their stomachs, but within ten breaths, the spiritual light in their stomachs flashed, and then stretched out arm-thick vines from their mouths, and the rhizomes of the ghost face flower were even stronger. It took root after the ice sickle's body exploded and grew rapidly.

 Thanks for the monthly ticket announced by Yang Jiaichiro in Zhonggukou.

(End of this chapter)

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