
Chapter 1266 Pack up

Chapter 1266 Pack up
Above the crypt deep in the ice castle, the three of Yi Tian encountered a pair of ice sickle insect kings, and the three of them divided into two groups to deal with the two insect kings.

Yi Tian's Yaolinghuaqian swordsmanship was of no use to the male insect, and the coefficient of the sword thread hitting the male insect's carapace was bounced off by it.

It was only after Hexuan's prompt that he learned the fate of the Ice Scythe King, but after Yi Tian tried a trick, he sacrificed the ghost-faced flower seeds again to trap the male worm.

After the ghost-faced flower seeds fell to the ground and took root, they tightly entangled the nearby ice sickle insects. Later, the wrist-thick vines grew rapidly from the ground and interlaced several times to firmly lock the back half of the ice sickle king. In the crypt.

After doing all this, Yi Tiancai shouted: "You Daoist He, you have to wait until you make a move."

After hearing this, He Xuan stretched out his hand to sacrifice two tridents, slashed across the air to the blue light, and aimed at the abdomen and throat of the ice sickle king respectively.

After several 'clicks', the two spiritual weapons pierced the ice scythe queen, but they were stuck outside, and no matter how Hexuan manipulated them, they couldn't pull them out.

Yi Tian took a closer look, it turned out that there was a thin layer of ice chains outside the skin of the ice sickle as a protection.Although his ghost-faced flower vines entangled the ice sickle insect king, they seemed to be protected by the layer of ice chains.

Although it entangled the opponent, it failed to really cause substantial damage to it.Moreover, the protective ice chains of the Ice Sickle King seemed to have frozen the vines of the ghost face flower, and a layer of white frost had been attached to the emerald green vines.

After hearing the roar of the Ice Scythe King Chongtian, he opened his mouth and spit out a cold wind towards Yi Tian and He Xuan.

Knowing that this move is not weak, Yi Tian hastily launched a hundred feet in the air, looked at the opponent later and shouted: "Friend He, please attract its attention, I will try to attack its lower body."

"Its lower body is completely covered with hard insect armor, Yi Daoyou, is it appropriate for you to give up its weakness and attack the lower body by force?" Hexuan couldn't help asking after flying out of the attack range.

"It's up to man, let's give it a try, besides, I think there should be a way to break through its ice armor defense," Yi Tian replied in a deep voice.

Seeing that he was so persistent, He Xuan only tried it first, stretched out his hand to sacrifice the steel fork, and then gathered two blue lights in the air.After a few flashes in the air, the trident suddenly appeared on both sides of the Ice Sickle King's head, and then hit the sides of his neck directly after passing through the blue light.

The Ice Scythe King howled again after suffering the pain, just about to open his mouth to breathe out the freezing air, when suddenly a red flame flashed behind him.

At this time, Yi Tian held the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan, sacrificed his spiritual power all over his body, and then slammed it fiercely towards the Ice Sickle King.A little red flame rolled in the air, and after flying thirty feet away, it suddenly split into two groups and flew towards the lower body and head of the Ice Sickle King.

After the fireball hit its head with a 'bang', it immediately emitted a burnt smell. This is not counting that the flame below the attack fell directly on the ghost-faced flower vine, and the fire entwined around the ice scythe king. The ghost-faced flower vines on the lower body followed the trend and directly ignited a raging fire.

The little bugs around were burnt by the flames and quickly scorched into lumps of scorched flesh.The Ice Scythe King was also roasted and kept howling, and saw it open its mouth and spit out a large amount of freezing air, freezing the vine veins on its lower body.

But those flames were not extinguished after being frozen into ice cubes, and after ten breaths, the thick ice layer was burned and split from it.

After He Xuan saw it, he was overjoyed and hurriedly manipulated the trident in his hand to attack twice, aiming at the soft underbelly of the ice sickle insect king's abdomen.

With two beeps, the body of the Ice Scythe King, without the defense of the ice chain armor, was hit by two huge holes in the trident.

The blood in the Zongwang's body was spurted out and scattered on the ground, instantly congealed into red blood plasma lumps.

After the first blow, Yi Tian didn't hesitate to put away the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan, took out the Taiyuan Sword again, sacrificed the sword thread, synthesized a blue lightsaber, and aimed at the reverse scale of the insect king's throat.

The current insect king is firmly fixed in the crypt and cannot move, and the ice armor on his body has been broken, and it looks like a living target for the two to do whatever they want.

With a 'crack' sound, the Taiyuan Sword actually broke through the worm's belly vertically, almost splitting the ice sickle worm king in two.

Now only the head and tail of this giant ice scythe are still connected, and the body is broken into two halves.A large amount of blood gushed out and spread out, covering the surface of the crypt with blood-colored ice cubes.

He Xuan manipulated the spiritual weapon in his hand and smashed his head open while attacking non-stop.

With a 'plop' sound, a demon pill the size of a baby's fist rolled out of its cracked forehead, and after a while, the Ice Sickle King slumped down like a deflated ball.

After the two finished cleaning up the male worm, they turned their eyes and looked into the distance, He Lianbo was in a stalemate with the female worm.In a blink of an eye, the two of them had already finished their work, and their expressions became unnatural.

It's just that the enemy didn't care about face anymore, and immediately shouted: "Two come quickly and help clean up this female insect."

At this time, his previous arrogance was gone in his voice, and Yi Tian forgot to go to Hexuan in a blink of an eye, only to see him nodding his head and recovering: "Yi Daoyou, let's go, let's fight quickly."

Under the combination of the three of them, the female worm was able to resist for half a moment before being breached. The ice chain armor was cut horizontally from the weak spot of the throat.

This time, He Lianbo also made a series of ruthless and spicy moves, and then smashed the female insect's head to pieces before stopping.

After the two ice scythes were dealt with, the three of them sat on the ground and shared the spoils. This time, Yi Tian made the most effort to break the public insect's defense.Later, he opened his mouth and went to the corpses of the two ice scythes. Their carapaces were so hard that he had been eyeing them early in the morning.As for the two demon pills, they were directly distributed to He Xuan and He Lianbo, and He Lianbo accepted them unceremoniously. As for He Xuan, after looking at them, he finally gave them to Yi Tian.

As for the reason, I don't know, but we can guess one or two from whether He Lianbo is talking about the body of a half-demon.

After dealing with the matter in front of them, the three of them came to the wall at the bottom of the crypt, and looked up to see that there was a double door on the wall, and there were two keyholes on the door.

Hexuan reached out and opened it, took out a key, walked forward and inserted it into the keyhole of the left door, and then turned it gently to activate the runes on the half door.

Then He Lianbo followed suit and took out the other key it held to open the rune on the right door. After the sound of 'Ka Ka Ka' came from behind the door, He Lianbo reached out and pushed the two doors open forcefully.

"Let's go," He Xuan walked in the front without saying a word, He Lianbo followed behind him without saying a word, and Yi Tian walked in the end.

Little did they know that less than an hour after the three of them entered the Qiongyao Ice Grotto, two escaping lights flew from the sky and fell directly down to the cave. After checking the gate of the cave, they went straight in.

(End of this chapter)

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