
Chapter 1267 Pathway

Chapter 1267 Pathway
From the ice cave passage all the way down, Yi Tian paid attention to the surrounding area, and the three of them walked in a long and narrow passage.Not long after, he came to the transit passage, his eyes swept over the six passages in front of him, and Hexuan showed a bit of bitterness on his face.

As for He Lianbo, he used his divine sense to probe in and then said: "There is something strange here, it seems that there is a layer of aura that isolates my divine sense. It can extend to two or three miles away, so I can't check it again." explored."

"What should we do now, is it possible for us to explore these six roads one by one?" Yi Tian asked.

"Let's go separately," Hexuan didn't expect such a situation to happen, and sighed after thinking for a while: "There should be two counterfeit spiritual artifacts left in the Qiongyao Ice Cave. It takes a little luck to find it.”

"Then how can I contact you if you find it?" Yi Tian asked.

He Xuan took out a round jade token, divided it into three and handed it to Yi Tian and He Lianbo, saying: "This is a communication talisman, as long as the jade tokens in the hands of the other two are activated, there will be a response."

After going to one area, He Lianbo chose a path and went straight in. As for Hexuan, he shook his head and turned to Yi Tian and said, "After we find the two spiritual artifacts, we need the help of the wasps raised by fellow Taoists to remove them." Take it out."

"There is something that I always have doubts in my heart, and I hope Fellow Daoist Hexuan can tell the truth?" Yi Tian said without reason.

Hexuan frowned and stared at it for a while before replying helplessly: "You Daoist Yi, do you have doubts about the situation here?"

"That's right, it's the first time seeing Fellow Daoist He, how can you know that the hornet in my hand can help you take out the spiritual weapon," Yi Tianda asked meaningfully.If there is no reasonable explanation for this issue, the subsequent cooperation will inevitably become incoherent.

"The news about Neizhong here came from my father. My ancestors were spiritual pets who were powerful in the spirit world, so they learned about Neizhong Xinmi," He Xuan thought for a while and still pointed at him. The situation is briefly described.

It turns out that this is the cave where the Mahayana monks stayed for a while, and the only ones who can know the secrets inside are those spiritual pets or disciples of the same period.

It's just that He Xuan is a descendant of that person, so he has the key to open the door in his hand.As for the one in He Lianbo's hand, it is probably left by the Yasha clan.

Yi Tian nodded slightly after hearing this, and then chose a road and walked in alone. As for Hexuan, he didn't waste any time and directly chose the third road and went in.

After taking it away for half a mile, Yuan Yitian found that his divine sense could no longer detect the other two, and it is estimated that they would feel the same way.

After slowing down his pace, he thought about it quietly in his heart. The layout of this cave seemed to be seen somewhere.Moreover, the six pathways in front of him were not dug out at will.

Since it is the place where the ancestors of Mahayana monks lived temporarily, isn't there any formation or guardian mechanism in it?Besides, in the passageway just now, I have noticed that the whole passageway seems to be arranged in the form of a gossip array, but there are only seven paths along with the way I came in.Obviously there is a shortcut hidden, Hexuan's family ancestor is just a spiritual pet, so naturally he can't see the mystery of this formation.

But thinking about it, it would not be too late for me to go back and break the formation, so I turned around and wanted to go back.

But after taking three breaths, his expression froze and he found that the passage in front of him became a little blurred, as if some Han Qi came from behind and cut off the way back.Shaking his head helplessly, he had no choice but to turn around and walk forward again.

Not long after the three of them entered a fork in the road, two figures walked out of the original passage.If Yi Tian was to do it again, he would definitely recognize Kong Xing and Kong Yun who had fought against him back then.

After the two entered the ice cave and looked at the passage below, Kong Yun said with a smile: "Three people came in before, and they chose the three paths of Gen, Kun, and Zhen respectively."

"Senior brother, how did you see it?" Kong Xing asked in confusion.

"This is the resting place of my ancestors of Minglun Temple and the great powers of the spirit world. I also left an illustration book of formations back then. I will naturally recognize it after looking it up," Kong Yun said proudly.

"Then senior brother, why don't you go quickly to avoid being preempted by these three people," Kong Xing said hastily.

"No hurry, since I know the illustrated book of formations, of course I understand that there is still a shortcut, but the treasure in the cave is not easy to obtain, and it needs to be obtained by those who are destined," Kong Yun said.

"Isn't this destined person just you and me?" Kong Xing said with a smile.

"No, it is estimated that the three people in front must have keys in their hands, so they can open the door. Maybe the poor monk will have to try to deal with them next time," Kong Yun said, reaching out and taking out a formation map to sacrifice. Afterwards, he cast the Dao Jue towards the top of the ice cave passage in front of him.

After the sound of "Kakaka" came from the wall, a seventh road appeared above the six passages.

"Let's go, this is the right way." After a pause, Kong Yun's figure flew straight forward and submerged into the passage, and then Kong Xing hurried forward to follow, and the two figures disappeared in the blink of an eye.After ten breaths, the stone gate of the passage was closed again, hiding the passage on the stone wall.

In the passage, Yi Tian had no idea that there were two uninvited guests coming behind him at this time, but instead met a soil puppet blocking the way in the passage in front of him.After stretching out his hand to sacrifice the Taiyuan Sword and defeating them all, he did not expect that these soil puppets would regroup again.This situation is very similar to the blood-refined flesh block monster that I met in the Fallen Land back then.

It's just that these soil puppets don't have the slightest magic energy on them, but they are full of spiritual power. At first glance, they are the guards of the ice cave left behind.

After the 'bang bang bang' crushed them again, Yi Tian's eyelids trembled a few times. This soil puppet seemed to be more and more courageous after fighting, and it could re-merge and block the passage after several times.

Moreover, its ability to resist blows is obviously continuously improving, and the spiritual energy consumed by its previous shots has also gradually increased.After carefully looking at it, Yi Tian sacrificed the spirit sword again, but took out a few nanmuzi with his left hand to sacrifice and save it for later use.

The extremely sharp sword light flashed again and cut the soil puppet in front of it into several sections. At the same time, the left hand gently ejected the seeds and submerged them together with the soil puppet's healed body.

When Yi Tian saw it, his face was overjoyed, and he hurriedly pressed his hands on the puppet several times, but the action of the other party did not stop at all.Take a step forward and come to yourself.

Under the hand-to-hand combat, the huge fist slammed into his face, and Yi Tian snorted coldly without showing any weakness, and then his body glowed with golden light.After using Jin Yang's movement technique, he confronted the soil puppet in front of him.

It seems that the strength of these earth puppets is not low, but their physical and physical defense is stronger.When the fist hit his body, he shook slightly, and Yi Tian's fist and kick could directly shake the opponent three feet away.

After fighting continuously for about half a moment, Yi Tian suddenly found that the clay puppet in front of him was not moving as fast as before, and the power of his fists also weakened sharply.From the soil puppet's body, it can be seen that many green branches grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then absorb spiritual power to restrict its movements.

(End of this chapter)

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