
Chapter 1268 Golden Wheel

Chapter 1268 Golden Wheel
After solving the soil puppet from the passage, Yi Tian continued to move forward, and he reached the end of the passage in a short time.After walking out of it, I found myself as if I was in a huge ice city.

After unfolding his divine sense, he discovered that there was a faint force in the void that suppressed his divine sense within a radius of about one mile.And I seem to be on the edge of this ice castle, looking up, it doesn't look like it is located underground, but it looks like a special space opened up.

It is expected that Hexuan and Hexuan should have arrived at the exit of the passage at this time, and they are probably searching around for the location of the two spiritual weapons.After reaching out to take out the communication jade card, he glanced at it but did not see any reaction on it, and then Yi Tian directly searched around in the ice castle.

After walking through several long corridors, I searched around and found that the inside was much larger than I expected, and many rooms I passed along the way were empty.As he was walking, he suddenly saw a faint red light flashing in his eyes. He stopped and took a closer look and found that it was flashing from a certain stone room in front of him.

Yi Tian hurriedly walked forward and saw the sign of Lihuo Palace painted on the main entrance of the stone room, and restrictions were placed around it.Feeling happy in his heart, this place is his own territory, and according to the curse-breaking technique in the Lihuo Nine Transformations Kung Fu, Yi Tian broke the ban and pushed the half-opened stone door to the inside.

With a glance in his eyes, he saw that there was a pill furnace in the middle of the room, and the flame in it was still burning fiercely.

The red awn that I saw just now should be the flame in the pill furnace, but it seems that the pill furnace has not yet come out, but there is no scent of pill in the surrounding air.

Seeing this, Yi Tian slowly walked forward and walked around the stone room, and suddenly saw a jade slip placed on the stone table behind the alchemy furnace.Scanning the words recorded on the jade slips with his eyes, he found that all of them were written in spiritual script.After reading it carefully, his face was horrified, and his heart was beating.

The first title of this jade slip turned out to be Patriarch Wuye, apparently it was a letter from the great master of Buddhism to Lihuo Palace to Patriarch Wuye, which mentioned that there were demon generals sneaking into the Buddhist world.

It is reasonable to say that the place where the monks of the demon world are most unwilling to go is the Buddhist world. Under the double suppression of the power of the interface and the restraint of attributes, it is difficult to exert their own strength.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, Yi Tian continued to read and found a familiar word.After seeing the words "Evil Buddha of the Confused World", he seemed to have understood something.

Needless to say, the patriarch Wuye who was invited to the Buddhist world must have joined hands with the great powers of the Buddhist world, and finally drove the evil Buddha back to the demon world.

Turning to the follow-up part of the jade slip, Yi Tian also saw that it was mentioned that the Evil Buddha of the Hunshi was originally cultivated by the great power of the Buddha Sect after he fell into the demon world and received the infusion of demonic energy.Its strength far exceeds that of monks of the same level, and because of the particularity of its formation, the purification power of the Buddha Sect has no effect on it.

For this reason, after discussing with the Mahayana monks in the Buddhist world, they decided to send someone to take the risk to investigate the situation in the demon world.As for the person who was sent there, he had to take the risk of falling into the devil's way, and the last signature of this person was the Master of Precepts.

Gently closing the jade slip and putting it in the storage ring, Yi Tian sorted out his thoughts. It turns out that the ancestor of my family and the master of precepts have known each other for a long time.This can explain the situation where they fought in the spirit world during the catastrophe in the spirit world 9000 years ago.

Both of them are old friends, but when they met again after thousands of years, their relationship turned into rivals.

He sighed a few words in his mouth, he didn't expect good luck to trick people, and now he is gradually finding out their entanglement, he may not be deeply involved in it, but he is afraid that he will be to blame for the next time the evil disaster invades him, and he must contribute to the spirit world.

In a blink of an eye, he looked at the pill furnace in front of him, and Yi Tian's mouth twitched. If this was the place where Patriarch Wuye stayed, then the pill furnace in front of him should contain the pill that he hadn't had time to get out yet.

Not to mention here, it has been calcined and refined for thousands of years. I really don't know what is refined inside.

Out of curiosity, Yi Tian gently opened the corner of the alchemy furnace, popped out a bit of divine thoughts into it, and continued talking, after three breaths, a puzzled look appeared on his face.

This is obviously a alchemy furnace, but inside it is actually refining a five-inch-sized golden wheel spirit weapon.From the Sanskrit inscribed on the golden wheel, it is not difficult to see that this object is specially refined for Buddhist monks.

Thinking about it carefully, it's not difficult to tell that Patriarch Wuye seemed to be entrusted by someone to refine a handy weapon for him, and the other party was probably the Master of Precepts.

It's just that the spirit weapon has not yet been practiced and received the jade slip, so it is useless to leave the spirit treasure after such a person has left.Moreover, this thing is tailor-made, so it is naturally useless for the spiritual practice of Patriarch Wuye.

Visual inspection of the spirit weapons in the furnace seems to have almost been refined, and in the end there is only a little finishing work left, and the real fire can be released after quenching the real fire.Thinking of this, Yi Tian had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

Slowly walked forward and sat down in front of the alchemy furnace, stretched out his hand to sacrifice a trace of thunder and purple flames, and pinched the magic formula in his hand to cast the weapon refining technique passed down from Lihuo Palace.Later, he stretched out his hand to point to the furnace cover and slowly lifted it to reveal a gap, and then lightly flicked the purple flame in his hand into it.

After his own true flame went in, the whole alchemy furnace seemed to feel a little bit of external spiritual power and began to become a little unstable.Seeing this, Yi Tian hurriedly tied seals with both hands and played a few formulas to stabilize the pill furnace again.

After showing a gleam of joy on his face, he directly controlled his true flame to gradually devour the original Nanming Lihuo in the furnace.

Those Nanming Lihuo seemed to be a bit repulsive to the newcomers, but fortunately, everyone came from the same lineage, and soon under Yi Tian's continuous refining, the original Nanming Lihuo in the furnace was continuously absorbed by Zi Yan Merge into one.

After the entire furnace of Nanming Lihuo was assimilated, a gleam of light flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, and after making seals with both hands, he played a few spells at the alchemy furnace to complete the final refining process.

After quenching or finishing, reach out and point the alchemy furnace cover to retract all the inner true flames into the Niwan Palace.All of a sudden, he felt that after absorbing a large amount of Nanming Lihuo, the condensed level of his natal real fire had been further improved, and he was overjoyed and secretly thought that this trip was finally worthwhile.

Reaching out to lift the alchemy furnace, a dark golden light flew out of it, and then circled over the stone chamber.When Yi Tian saw it, he was shocked and quickly teleported to the door to block the way out.

He stretched out his hand to lay down a barrier to seal the gate, and then used the escape technique to chase the golden wheel in the midair of the stone chamber.

Obviously, the golden wheel was endowed with a lot of aura when it was refined, and it could almost be derived from the spirit of the weapon. Yi Tian also spent a lot of effort to chase and block it and force it to a corner before he was caught.

When I took the golden wheel in my hand, I glanced over and saw the four Sanskrit characters of 'Dari Golden Wheel' written on the handle.It is expected that it was the name given by the ancestor Wuye back then, so there is no need to change it.It's just that when he refined it, it was a handy weapon for monks in the Mahayana period, but now his own cultivation level is far from that of the weapon. I don't know how much worse the quality of the training is.

After carefully observing the Great Sun Golden Wheel, he found that this treasure was of a higher quality than any spirit weapon he had refined in the past, almost reaching the level of the mid-level Heavenly Tribulation.

But Yi Tian was not happy at all. If Patriarch Wu Ye did it himself, the finished product should be at least high-end or top-level.

 Thanks to Wanbei Taoist, lmxy's monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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