
Chapter 1269 Encounter

Chapter 1269 Encounter
Putting away the big sun golden wheel in his hand, Yi Tian calmed down, turned around and began to examine the pill furnace in front of him.To be honest, compared to the Great Sun Golden Wheel, this alchemy furnace is a veritable top-level spiritual weapon.

My own Leiyan Ziyan, and Patriarch Wuye's Nanming Lihuo are all the true flames of my life that have been honed through thousands of years.But this pill furnace can carry two kinds of flames at the same time. There is no doubt that its true level is definitely not comparable to any spiritual weapon in my hand.

It was only after watching around that they found out that this alchemy furnace was placed indoors, and there were array patterns on the ground.After carefully inspecting the pattern patterns on the ground with the pupil technique, there was a look of helplessness on his face.

This thing was originally built together with the pill furnace, and the pill furnace happened to be placed on the formation eye of the pattern.If you want to put away the pill furnace, you have to uproot the entire formation, otherwise once you open the eyes of the formation and take the trend of the pill furnace, you will be backlashed by the big formation.

Needless to say, Patriarch Wuye gave up refining directly when the situation was urgent, and he must have known that it would take time to take out the pill furnace array, and the situation at that time must not allow him to waste time here .

After giving up collecting the alchemy furnace, Yi Tian walked slowly to the center, sacrificed his mana, and directly activated the formation patterns where the alchemy furnace was sitting, and then stepped out of the stone room.Looking back, I saw a white halo above the stone gate, sealing the entire stone room.

After finishing these, he turned around and walked towards the depths of the ice castle. Not far away, he suddenly heard a thunderous sound.Then there was a flash of light on the jade tablet in his hand, and Hexuan's voice came out again: "You Daoist Yi hurried to the outside of the main hall, there are foreign enemies invading."

"Foreign enemies," Yi Tian muttered with his head down, with an inconceivable expression on his face, he thought to himself: "I have always been careful to avoid the monks on the road since this trip, how could there be any invasion by foreign enemies. "

But hearing Hexuan's eagerness on the Jade Talisman of Communication didn't seem like a fake, his face sank immediately, he exerted his strength, and hurriedly searched for the direction of the sound.

Not long after, he walked through several long corridors and walked along the passage to the square outside the main hall of the ice castle. In a blink of an eye, he saw Hexuan Helianbo and two monks confronting each other.

Taking a closer look, those two turned out to be his old rivals Kong Yun and Kong Xing.

Meeting the other party at this time and place also froze for a moment, and then looked at the first three people vigilantly.But Kong Yun yelled: "Why is it you again?"

Yi Tian stepped forward and said to He Xuan and the others: "What's going on, how did they get in?"

Hexuan also showed surprise and looked around after seeing Yi Tian's tense expression, which seemed to be different from the two in front of him, improved.

After thinking for a while, he replied: "I don't know how they got in, and it's obvious that they are far more familiar with this place than we are."

"Hmph, just because you're waiting, you want to peek at my Buddhist sect's most precious purification bottle and the Xuanguang mirror," Kong Yun said with a sneer.

Hearing that they were able to name the two spiritual weapons, Yi Tian was silent but felt extremely troubled about it.Obviously, they all came prepared, but for some reason they were able to step into the ice castle first.

Hexuan, who was on the side, said with embarrassment on his face, "It seems that you must be disciples of the Tantric sect, but how did you get here before us?"

"Looking at you, you should be the descendant of the three demon dragons back then. Unfortunately, it was useless for him to keep the access control keys separately in the Yasha clan." The key can open the secret path of the Bagua Formation and go directly to the main hall of Qiongyao Ice Grotto."

After Yi Tian heard this, he looked at He Xuan in a blink of an eye, and it was self-evident to use it.I also don't want to be taken for a fool, since so many people know the secret here, it's obvious that He Xuan didn't tell the truth.

The latter hurriedly explained in embarrassment: "You Daoist Yi doesn't know that this place was originally left behind by the ancestors and the disciples of the Tantric sect. I didn't expect that we kept the key, but the other party left another map."

After hearing this, Yi Tian felt relieved, it was obvious that Kong Yun, who was in front of He Xuan, was a brother and not the same.This way, we can continue to deal with it. After thinking about it, Wei Wei nodded and replied: "Since this is the case, let's figure out what to do next. We are looking for treasures and money, not fighting each other to the death."

Hearing these words, the tension on Kong Yun's face eased a little. Everyone came here to find the things left by senior Da Neng.Even if you want to do it, you have to wait until the things are picked up. It is unwise to act rashly on this matter.

After He Xuan heard this, He Lianbo on the same side looked at each other and said helplessly: "In that case, let's go into the palace together, five of us, but after we go in, let's each get the treasure according to our ability."

"Okay, what I'm waiting for is your words," Kong Yun said without showing any weakness: "After entering, everyone will use their own methods, so as not to be unconvinced and cause some troubles."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and led Kong Xing up from the west side of the main hall, while the three of Hexuan rushed forward from the east side.

Before the five people came to the main entrance, they found that there was another gate in front of the passage of the main hall, and there was a square groove in the middle besides the two keyholes.

Hexuan and Hexuan reached out to take out the key and walked forward to insert it into the keyhole. Kong Yun who was on the side saw him and sneered unremittingly: "It seems that God wants us to go in together."

After speaking, he took out the array and manipulated it and gently placed it in the groove in the middle.Immediately, the spiritual inscription on the front door was activated quickly, and after ten breaths, there was a counting sound of '咔咚咚', which meant that the door slowly opened to both sides automatically.

Seeing this, Kong Yun was the first to fly in, and then He Xuan and the others couldn't wait to follow, while Yi Tian was the last one walking alone.At this time, there was a little doubt on his face, he thought in his heart that he had already found the stone room where Patriarch Wu Ye used to forge weapons and took out the treasure inside, but he didn't know that there was something more important left in the main hall.

When you enter the main hall, you will suddenly see a three-foot-square pool in front of you. Under the pool, there is a three-foot-high jade bottle placed in the center.

When Hexuan and Kong Yun saw it, their faces were filled with excitement, and they said the three words "Purifying Spirit Bottle" in unison.

Yi Tian looked at the underwater Jingling bottle, but he was extremely surprised.Compared with the one on my body, this spiritual purification bottle is exactly the same in terms of appearance and the pattern on it.

The one in front of them is simply a large version of the spirit purification bottle. I really don't know why they are so excited to see this thing.I have been holding the spirit purification bottle for hundreds of years, and it is only used to contain spiritual liquid. I have never found that this thing has other uses.

"This is Tianyi heavy water, and it's not so easy to get a bottle," He Lianbo said with a serious face after seeing it.

(End of this chapter)

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