
Chapter 1272 Dragon Spirit

Chapter 1272 Dragon Spirit
After the four people chased them out, Yi Tian returned to the ice castle alone. The purpose of this trip was also very clear to get the ten thousand years of ice.

Walking all the way from the long corridor behind the main hall, I found that the surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and the surrounding roads were faintly covered with a layer of white frost.

Until a closed door at the end of the corridor, Yi Tian stabilized his figure and stretched out his hand to gently push it open.

With the sound of 'Kaka', a piercing cold wind blew out from the gap of the back door, blowing on Yitian's protective cover and making a 'ZiZi' sound.

After the cold wind dissipated, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pushed the door open, leaving a three-foot gap.Slowly walked in and then went to Neizhong.At this time, Yi Tian found that there was a radius of about [-] feet, the height of the hall was [-] feet, and in the middle was a huge white ice cube with a height of [-] feet.

There were bursts of cold air above, covering the surrounding stone walls with thick frost.The whole room is very strange, except for the ten thousand years of ice in front of it, the walls around it are octagonal.There is a giant portrait carved on each wall, and Yi Tian went up to check it once and found that four of them were figures depicting monks.

As for three of the remaining four pictures, they are of spiritual cultivation, and the last one is actually an Asura monk with three heads and six arms.

Ten breaths later, when my eyes glanced at the mark left on the mural, I was shocked. The eight people here turned out to be Mahayana monks.In addition, Patriarch Wuye and Master Jieding who are familiar to him are also included.

It is not uncommon to see such a large and generous portrait. It can be seen that it is estimated that the eight Mahayana monks gathered here to leave the portrait.

It's just that there is something that will make the eight Mahayana monks take action together, and what's more, they have invited the great powers of the Asura clan to participate.After thinking about it in his heart, a little cold sweat oozes from his forehead, even in such a cold environment, Yi Tian feels that the sweat on his back is still oozing out.

The eight portraits are all facing this piece of eternal ice in the middle, so there may be some mystery in it.

Walking to the front of the ice cube, raising the eyes of the Qingling Fa to stare at it, I only felt that there seemed to be a black shadow frozen inside the ice cube.

With a thought, he hurriedly pushed it aside, and then stared at the ice cube in front of him.

Visually, what should be sealed in it is not a good thing. If I broke in for no reason, if I let it out, I am afraid that I will not be fully sure to deal with him.

If you think about it, you should simply stop and try to get out of here first.A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, and he is still in awe of the things stored in the place where the eight Mahayana monks gather. Avoid if you can.

But when I walked to the gate, the front door suddenly closed for no reason, and the half-foot-thick stone gate closed the room completely with a click.Yi Tian stepped forward and reached out to try to open the gate, but he couldn't move the stone gate even with all his strength.

Then, a cyan aura suddenly flashed in the ten thousand years of ice behind him, and flew to the ice and turned into a phantom.Yi Tian turned his head and looked at it, and found that the phantom turned out to be a three-foot-long green dragon, which was looking up at him with its teeth and claws open.

I remembered that Kong Yun mentioned before that there was a dragon-shaped spiritual pet sitting down on the Mahayana monk. I don't know what it has to do with the green dragon in front of him.

All of a sudden, I only felt some movement in the storage ring, and after scanning with my spiritual sense, I found that there was movement in the animal control bag released from the Taiqing Pavilion before the demon saint prince sat down and sat down as his spiritual pet.

After stretching out his hand to summon him, he turned around in the stone room for a few times and finally landed beside him, raised his head, stared at the phantom green dragon in front of him, and said, "Why have you arrived at the Arhat Hall of the Great Leiguang Temple? What's going on with the phantom green dragon in front of you?"

Yi Tian didn't hesitate to briefly describe the situation he came in with Suan Ni, and finally said: "After dealing with these things, I will go to Daleiguang Temple, and then you can return to your hometown."

Suan Ni just lowered his head and roared, and then stared at the huge portrait of Master Jie Ding, completely ignoring the Qinglong in front of him.

Yi Tian was also speechless for a while. He thought it could help a little after it had a reaction, but now it looks completely useless.

At this time, the phantom of the green dragon also turned his head to stare at Suan Ni for three breaths, then raised his head and said a dragon chant, the dragon power in that voice shocked Yi Tian and made him feel timid.

After readjusting, Yi Tian silently recited the Bodhi Concentrating Mantra to get rid of the timidity in his heart, then slowly raised his head and locked his eyes on the phantom of the green dragon in front of him.

Later, I only heard it spit out human words: "Who are you, why are you here? Where are Wuye, Jieding and others?"

When he heard that the other party could tell the names of the two patriarchs, Yi Tian replied with a serious face: "The patriarchs have already left, I don't know how to call them seniors?"

"Are they all gone, then who will fulfill their promise back then," Qinglong roared angrily.

The Suan Ni who was on the side did turn his head and shouted at Qinglong with disdain on his face: "You are just a trace of the true spirit, so if you are yelling here, be careful to offend grandpa, I will take you, the only true spirit!" Swallowed."

Qinglong tossed on the ice for thousands of years and then sneered: "You are just a alien species with the blood of the dragon clan, dare to speak to me like this. If you see my body in the fairyland, I'm afraid it's just the dragon's prestige." You can't bear it."

"Immortal World," Yi Tian's face was horrified when he heard this, he didn't expect that the true soul of the gods in front of him had such a big background.It can be seen that the conspiracy of the eight Mahayana monks gathered here was not small.Although it is not the final situation, it seems that after summoning the Qinglong God in front of him, there is no more content.

I don't like the behavior of several patriarchs like this, but it's not the time to pursue this matter.Turning to Qinglong True Soul, he said: "I am a disciple of Lihuo Palace, since you are the true spirit summoned by the patriarch, why don't you join me, and when the time is right, I can send you back to where you came from."

Although I don't know the real strength of the other party, it must be unique to be able to use him for my own use.

Unexpectedly, Qinglong True Soul snorted out of his nostrils and continued: "It's too presumptuous for you to dare to utter wild words and ask me to attach yourself to you just because you are a mere distracted cultivator."

After speaking, he opened his mouth and spit out a blue thunder light that struck Yi Tian's head.

Facing the surprise attack for no reason, Yi Tian also became angry, and reached out to take out the dragon scale shield to block Jinglei in front of him.Then he reached out and took out the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan, held it in his hand and lightly flashed towards the phantom of the green dragon, and the purple true flame turned into a fire dragon and surrounded it in an instant.

Suan Ni on the side shouted: "You are just a dragon soul that has absorbed a trace of fairy spirit into your body. I am tired of daring to be so arrogant in front of Master Jie Ding's heirs."

 Thanks for the reward from my two dogs

(End of this chapter)

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