
Chapter 1273 Open

Chapter 1273 Open
In the secret room, Suan Ni's roar reminded Yi Tian, ​​and he turned around and looked at the Qinglong True Soul in front of him, although it seemed powerful, but he always felt a little weird.

According to Suan Ni's statement, the dragon soul in front of him must be useful, and it must have been a conspiracy to gather the Mahayana monks for a meeting back then.And this dragon soul should be the top priority.

I didn't expect to be shocked by his few words. If I think about it carefully, I really want to take the real soul of the Qinglong from the upper realm. If I see it, I have to run away with my head in my arms. That Longwei alone is enough to drink a pot. How can I stand here? dialogue.

After the purple flame wind and thunder fan in his hand was sacrificed, the flames from the fan instantly dominated the dragon spirit, but it seemed that the environment created by the ten thousand years of ice in front of him had restrained the power of the spirit fire.

Even so, Zi Yan surrounded Long Ling and wrapped it in the middle, Shaoqing saw that phantom hastily fled back into the ice to hide and refused to come out.

Unexpectedly, the other party is a soft bone and only bluffs, Yi Tian waved the Ziyan wind and thunder fan in his hand and retrieved Zhenyan.After putting away the spirit weapon, he turned around and began to look at the piece of eternal ice in front of him.

After wandering around in a circle, Suan Ni slowly walked over and stared at the ice in front of him, then said: "There is a remnant of the precept here. Although it is old, I will not admit it."

Yi Tian raised his head and looked at the surrounding stone walls, stretched out his hand and pointed: "Did you find any residual aura left in the portrait of Master Jie Ding?"

Suan Ni nodded and replied: "That's right, and there are other auras left by the other seven great powers around here, three of whom I have met before are monks from the Great Leiguang Temple. As for the other three, they are I have come into contact with it during the fierce battle in the spiritual world." After speaking, he stretched out his finger and pointed at the murals of the three powerful spiritual monks in front of him.

Needless to say, when the devil prince Qiu Yu invaded the spirit world, he was against Patriarch Wuye and others, and Suan Ni, as Qiu Yu's spiritual pet, was naturally lucky enough to meet him.

After carefully looking at these seven murals, Yi Tian focused his attention on the last mural of the Asura power, and pointed to it: "I don't know if you know this alien power?"

"Asura King Luo Qin, this person is the most powerful among the Mahayana monks, ruling the Asura world, but this person disappeared ten thousand years ago," Suan Ni replied solemnly.

It seems that Suan Ni's expression became a little unnatural when mentioning Ashura King Luo Qin. Yi Tian knew from his eyes that he must be an insider in the circle.After thinking for a while, he asked tentatively: "Since you all know each other, do you know how strong this Ashura King Luo Qin is?"

"Very strong," Suan Ni replied after shaking her body in a jerky spirit: "At least I know that Master Jie Ding is no match for him just relying on supernatural powers. its opponent."

"But the Asura clan also seems to have their own secret treasures combined with supernatural powers and spells. It should be easy to deal with Master Jieding and Patriarch Wuye with one enemy two at the same time," Yi Tian sighed.

Looking back at the Ten Thousand Years of Ice in front of him, although the black shadow in the middle of the ice has not changed much, it must be closely related to the dragon soul rising from it.

Suan Ni also turned around and walked around the ice twice, opened his mouth and roared twice, and then spit out a red dragon's breath to dissolve the ice cave.But the dragon's breath didn't seem to work at all, and the surface layer didn't even show the slightest sign of melting after skimming over the ten thousand-year-old ice.

On the contrary, Yi Tian seemed to see some way out of it, turned around and yelled at Suan Ni and said, "Here, there is an ice formation of sky frost on the ground, and there is a large formation of sky fire outside the stone chamber. At first, I couldn't figure it out, but now I understand it a little bit. It can be used as a monk's intention."

"How do you say that?" Suan Ni was at a loss, after all, these spirit beasts' use of the spirit formations was still at the stage of cognition.

Yi Tian then explained: "The Tianhuo Formation was originally famous for its siege seal, and the Tianshuang Ice Formation was set up for long-term storage of the eternal ice and the frozen things inside. .”

"Let's talk in a human way," Suan Ni said disdainfully.

After seeing it blankly, Yi Tian walked slowly to the huge portrait of Patriarch Wuye, stretched out his hand and pressed on the portrait, and said, "No wonder the power of my moves is limited, it is the result of being faintly suppressed by this formation."

"Does it mean that to break through the ice, you need to undo the formation first," Suan Ni asked.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome," Yi Tian smiled, and then slowly injected the spiritual power in his palm into the portrait in front of him.After three breaths, the phantom of Patriarch Wuye slowly emerged from the portrait, and then he stretched out his finger and tapped the Wanzai Bing in front of him.

With a "click", a crack suddenly appeared on the top of the ice cube, and as the sound became louder, the crack extended vertically to the bottom of the ice cube.After a while, the crack split the Wanzai Ice into two.

Seeing this, Yi Tian reached out and took out the Great Sun Golden Wheel and smashed it at the position of the crack. After a crisp 'bang', the ten thousand years of ice in front of him split into two pieces along the position of the crack.

The invisible black shadow that was originally in the center was seen again.

Yi Tian stood on the spot and scanned with his divine sense, and found that it was a three-inch jade box, and the front of the jade box was a Tai Chi diagram sealing the formation.On top of it was a broken black banner, on which was embroidered a blue dragon.

I didn't expect that there was such a thing here, needless to say that the Qinglong True Spirit should be the weapon spirit hiding on the black banner.

Before I could react, I saw that the black banner suddenly stood up and released a strong wind in the air, and then the dragon spirit who had escaped into the ice just now appeared in front of him again.At this time, it seemed that it was not as stubborn as before, and opened its mouth and shouted urgently: "Are you trying to drag this world into an endless dark abyss by breaking the monster that the eight great powers have finally banned?"

With a raised brow, his face changed several times, and Yitian checked the jade box in front of him, but he didn't find any breath of life remaining in it.

On the contrary, there was a strong demonic evil spirit remaining on the black banner, and his face changed greatly, and he reprimanded: "If you, dragon spirit, want to mislead me, it seems that the black banner you parasitize is a magic weapon, but I am curious. Why can you, a dragon soul in the spirit world, parasitize in such a spiritual weapon."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand to fetch the black banner, and after examining it carefully, he found that there was still a trace of true spirit in this spiritual weapon, but the evil spirit around him did not know where it came from.

"Both things are weird," said Suan Ni at the side, "Since these two things are frozen here at the same time, it must be the will of eight powerful monks. I think you'd better handle them carefully."

"Be careful," Long Ling yelled loudly: "You have opened the seal of ten thousand years of ice, and you have taken out the power of the sealed magic source. You are really desperate. I don't have time to mess around with you." After finishing speaking Turning around, it turned into a blue spiritual force and flew back into the black banner.

(End of this chapter)

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