
Chapter 1275 Relief

Chapter 1275 Relief
After coming out of the ice castle, Yi Tian returned the same way, and the Suanni beast told all the information it knew, and then returned to the beast sack again.

And Yan Ming hoped that he could go to Da Lei Guang Temple as soon as possible so that he could send him back to Arhat Hall.Yi Tian just dealt with this with a faint smile. Anyway, he was already in the Buddhist world, and going to the Daleiguang Temple was also a scheduled itinerary.

After leaving the passage of the ice castle, he went to the outside crypt, and suddenly his spiritual thoughts dispersed and he noticed that there were four strands of spiritual power fighting fiercely in the air.

Needless to say, this must be the two brothers Hexuan and brother Kongyun who escaped beforehand.Originally, I was a little displeased with Hexuan's actions. Although we were all in the same boat, there was an ulterior secret for the two of them to get away in a hurry after getting the spirit purification bottle.

Moreover, he left himself alone in the ice castle, and it seemed that he didn't care about his own life or death.It's true that people who are not of my race will have a different heart, and I can see the other party's intentions clearly, so I don't want to make more troubles.

Moreover, the entrance to Qiongyao Ice Grotto has been sealed again, and now no one else can enter again except for the key and map in his hand.

Aware of the situation in the air, Yi Tian actively restrained his breath and prepared to sneak away from the side.Just as he flew into the air and wanted to evacuate from the battlefield, he heard Hexuan shouting loudly in the distance: "Yi Daoyou, you have come out, please help me again, my brothers are very grateful."

This time, the original face on the side was quite lonely. He Lianbo also spoke: "Fellow Daoist Yi, please stay. We will go back together if we came together. Besides, I will apologize to Fellow Daoist again for the offenses I made before. After this matter is over, there will be generous gifts.”

Although the remuneration given by the Yasha tribe is considered very generous, but staying is to offend Kong Yun and the others again.I have shown some kindness and emptiness before, so it is not a matter of all previous efforts being wasted.

Later, I saw the four people in the air separated and confronted each other in twos, and my blending in like this stopped the chaotic battle situation.

It's just that Kong Yun also said with an unhappy expression at this time: "Boy, you have ruined my important affairs over and over again, and I didn't care too much about you, but this time the Jingling bottle in the hands of these two people is a must-have for my esoteric sect. If you try to meddle with the matter again, I will definitely report to Shangfeng, even if you are a disciple of the Great Leiguang Temple, you must give me an explanation of the Tantric sect."

Having said that, Yi Tian's face changed a few times, and then he stabilized his figure in the air and looked at the four people in front of him quietly.Obviously, the matter of the spirit purification bottle this time is of great importance, so Kong Yun made such harsh words.

So Yi Tian asked again: "Fellow Daoist He, I don't know what you want this spirit purification bottle for?"

Seeing that his position had loosened, He Xuan also complained secretly, but now the two of them are at a disadvantage against Shang Kong Yun and Kong Xing, and if this continues, it will be a matter of time before they lose.It just so happened that the appearance of Yi Tian gave them a glimmer of hope, so naturally they would not give up easily.

After looking at Yi Tian's attitude, Hexuan flew forward and said quietly: "The biggest use of this spirit purification bottle is to concentrate spiritual power, I need this thing to concentrate the ethereal energy of my family and refine it. "

"What is Ethereal Qi?" Yi Tian asked after hearing this name for the first time and didn't know what it was, "Can it be condensed and synthesized only with the Spirit Purifying Bottle?"

Hexuan nodded and replied: "That's natural. This ethereal air contains a hint of the aftertaste of the fairy world. It will be of great benefit to us after being refined, and even ancestor monks can use it."

It turned out that it had something to do with the spirit spirit again, no wonder they kept staring at the Spirit Purifying Bottle.Having a spiritual weapon is equivalent to advancing and having a guarantee, so naturally you won't let it go easily.

"Then how much ethereal energy can the nobleman refine as a spare?" Yi Tian asked again.

Hexuan twitched his face and smiled awkwardly, and the sound transmission replied: "To be honest, there is only one wisp every thousand years, and it is usually used up directly and cannot be kept as a spare."

It turns out that the output here is so low and the usage efficiency of the Jingling bottle is also extremely low. In my opinion, it is equivalent to nothing.

After thinking about it for a while, I realized that I could use the gas cylinder back then.Although the spirit energy inside has already been extracted by him, nine out of ten have been stored in his own spirit purification bottle.But there is always a little bit left, and this thing can be traded.

After thinking about it, he took out a gas bottle and handed it gently, then moved his lips a few times, as if he was talking about something with Hexuan.

At first, Hexuan waved his hands and shook his head with a livid face, as if he couldn't approve Yi Tian's conditions.But after receiving the gas cylinder, he stretched it in with his spiritual sense to check it out, and his face became extremely bright.

To be honest, there are as many as seven or eight wisps of fairy energy left in it, although it is not strong, but for a monk in the distraction stage like him, he can directly refine the fusion stage.

It's just that after he took the gas cylinder, he turned his eyes to He Lianbo and the two to discuss in private.Obviously, even if you go back with the spirit purification bottle, you still need to have enough ethereal energy. Now that there are ready-made goods, you don't have to worry about it anymore.

After the three of them summed it up, He Xuan gritted his teeth and agreed to Yi Tian's proposal, and took out the Jingling bottle to replace the gas collection bottle.

After that, He Xuan and He Lianbo turned and left first, and Kong Yun who was in the distance also noticed it.Seeing that the Jingling bottle is in Yi Tian's hands, he didn't make any comments on the departure of the two of Hexuan.

After the people left, Kong Yun slowly flew forward and said: "My boy, I don't care what you exchanged for the Jingling bottle, but today you have to leave it for me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude." .”

Kong Xing who was on the side didn't say much, but flew forward to cut off Yi Tian's back, and then stared at the side as Kong Yun's formation.

"Senior Brother Kong Yun, I know that you are superior in strength and have the means to condense the Dharma Body." Yi Tian said with a smile: "It's a pity that I have some experience in the use of the Dharma Body under the guidance of Master Pushan."

After finishing speaking, a phantom rose behind him and turned into a phantom of Asura's Dharma form a foot high.When Kong Xing saw it, he sneered unremittingly: "Junior Brother Yi, your Dharma body has only this appearance, so you are ashamed to show it off."

Kong Yun's eyes were dignified, his eyesight naturally surpassed that of Kong Xing's, and he could see many clues from it.After a while, he sighed and said: "Junior Brother Yi is really a good opportunity. Master Pushan of Dejiaxiu Temple pointed the wheel of Dharma body and you are no longer inferior to me. But even so, you still have to leave the spirit bottle today. Come."

"How about we make a deal?" Yi Tian is also an old god who holds a spiritual weapon in his hand and is not afraid that he will not take the bait.

"How to trade?" Kong Yun replied.

"I've heard that the esoteric sect has the magical powers that can give insight into opportunities and identify future misfortunes and blessings. I want to take a look," Yi Tian said.

"It's the great prophecy technique, how can it be easily taught to you because it's a secret technique of our sect," Kong Xing who was on the side hastily distinguished.

"As far as I know, there are only two people in the entire lineage of the Tantric sect who can practice this technique to great success. All direct disciples are lucky enough to be able to see the supernatural powers of the secret technique, but they may not be able to learn it. Brother Kong Yun will do it for a piece that cannot be refined. Do you give up the spirit bottle because of mystical powers?" Yi Tian asked back.

"In exchange for you, that's the deal." Kong Yun replied impatiently.

(End of this chapter)

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