
Chapter 1276

Chapter 1276
Yi Tian sat cross-legged in the center of the cave in the forbidden area of ​​Jiaxiu Temple, and in front of him was a jade slip, with the words 'Great Prophecy' written in Sanskrit on the top of the page.

In the previous transaction with Kong Yun, the other party was also very decisive, and exchanging a magical spell for an imitation Lingbao was the right thing to say.It's just that the great prophecy is the only relatively weak spell in the direct method of Tantric Buddhism.

Every direct disciple must practice this magical technique, but very few of them can practice it to a small degree in the end.Wanting Mahayana is tantamount to idiots talking in sleep, but at this stage there are only two monks who have practiced at the top of Tantric Buddhism.And after practicing, their status in Tantric Buddhism has also been greatly improved.

When I was in Shenguan Temple and Jiaxiu Temple, I had already read the Zongmen Travel Notes, so I naturally paid attention to this news.It is precisely because of this point that Kong Yun will definitely exchange this weak supernatural power in his hand for a spiritual weapon.

As for the spirit purification bottle, which is really dispensable to me, aside from the large spirit purification bottle that came out of the ice castle, I still have a small one in my hand.Although they are all imitations of the spirit-gathering bottle back then, the effectiveness is also seen in the eyes.

Now my own share is just used to contain the fairy spirit that was taken out of the fragments of the fairy world at that time.Considering the characteristics of the Spirit Purifying Bottle, Yi Tian still took out his own, and then quietly lifted a trace of the bottle cap and stretched in with his divine sense to check it out.

After three breaths, he came back to his senses with a frown on his face. The large amount of fairy energy originally collected was now compressed and condensed by the purification bottle and turned into spiritual liquid at the bottom of the bottle.

I saw that it was only about one-tenth of the original amount, but the liquid condensed by these fairy spirits would probably move even a monk in the fit stage.It's just that my current cultivation base is too low, and if I use it, I will absorb too much spiritual power and cause the body to explode and die.

After putting away the spirit purification bottle, Yi Tian swept his divine sense over the jade slip of the great prophecy again, and then began to enter the state of cultivation.

After staying in the cave for an unknown amount of time, one day suddenly a messenger talisman broke through the restriction outside the door and flew not far from Yi Tian before stopping.Opening his eyes after a while, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to take the communication talisman, looked at his face with a hint of joy, and said in his mouth: "It's finally time, but fortunately, I don't have time to waste while waiting. Found something."

After putting away the jade slips in front of him, he got up and tidied up, then his figure flashed and flew directly to the outside of the cave. From the communication jade slips, he learned that the ultra-long-distance teleportation array would be opened soon.This time, there were nearly 30 people in the same group, all of whom visited the Ten Thousand Lei Guang Temple.

After the figure passed by, it flew directly over Jiaxiu Temple, and arrived in front of the main hall where the teleportation array was located not long after.Looking up, he saw that Senior Brother Yuan was already outside the gate of the palace, and when he walked up, he heard him say: "Junior Brother Yi, can you take a step to speak?"

His face froze, he didn't know what Yuan was going to do at this juncture, but since he opened his mouth, he couldn't refuse it.After nodding, he followed Yuan and walked to the side hall.

After the two of them entered, the Zhike monks around retreated directly, leaving only the empty side hall and the two of them.After stretching out his hand to open a sound-proof barrier, Yuan Yuan asked, "Junior Brother Yi went out to the temple last time, but he met Senior Brother Kong Yun of the Esoteric School."

Looking at his face, Yi Tian felt bad, could it be that his deal with Kong Yun had been exposed.But it seemed that Liao Yuan knew about this matter, but he didn't know what else he had to do.

After nodding his head, Yi Tian replied indifferently: "I have seen it before, if you don't know what Brother Yuan is doing, please speak up."

"Did junior brother exchange for Kong Yun's great prophecy?" Liao Yuan asked in a deep voice.

"There is such a thing," Yi Tian reached out and took out the jade slip and gently handed it to Yuan.

The latter sighed solemnly and said, "Junior Brother Yi, you did something wrong. This great prophecy is the leading supernatural power in Tantric Buddhism. If you exchange it for it, you may offend the monks in the Fusion Period of Tantric Buddhism." .”

"It's just that I have exchanged it now, so what should I do? At the beginning, Kong Yun and Kong Xing also agreed to keep silent about this matter. I don't know how the news was leaked," Yi Tian asked thoughtfully.

Liao Yuan shook his head helplessly, looked at Yi Tian before replying: "Junior brother doesn't know something, but any monk who has cultivated the great prophecy can naturally find the inside opportunity easily."

"Thank you, Senior Brother Yuan, for your suggestion, I'll give this jade slip to Senior Brother," Yi Tian also sighed helplessly, "So I don't know what the Tantric Sect Senior Brother Kongyun cares about?"

Liao Yuan gently pushed the jade slip back, indicating that this magical power is not needed.Then he opened his mouth and said: "For the present plan, Junior Brother should go to the Daleiguang Temple first, and then there will be a powerful monk in the temple who will protect the Tantric monks and naturally they will not be able to do anything to get you. As for the future, you must be careful in handling everything that involves Tantric supernatural powers and secret arts."

Hearing what he said, he still wanted to avoid suspicion first, so that he could avoid being pursued by Tantric monks as much as possible after he left.Speaking of which, this matter was also caused by my own greed, so it is expected that Kong Yun and the two must also return to the sect to keep their mouth shut.

This is to say that they also have an inescapable relationship, and they are both accomplices in terms of crime.

After nodding his head and thanking him again and again, Yi Tian followed Yuan back to the main hall.At this time, there were more than a dozen monks waiting in the teleportation formation, seeing that Yi Tian walked in after Yuan, everyone paid their respects.

I looked around and found that there were only about 20 people, as if I was a little surprised by the situation I learned before.Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard someone shouting loudly from outside the hall: "The Esoteric Sect Kong Ling and his party are here, and they invited Senior Brother Yuan to open the teleportation array and send me to the Daleiguang Temple."

Then Yuan's voice sounded and said: "Junior Kong Ling has worked hard all the way, please hurry in and the teleportation array will open soon."

After speaking, dozens of monks in red cassocks walked quickly from the entrance of the hall, and later entered the teleportation array one by one.

Yi Tian hid behind the crowd and bowed to each other with everyone, and then stood aside pretending to be calm.

Suddenly, after sweeping his eyes, he only found a young monk among the ten monks on the other side staring at him for a long time.Then his lips moved slightly and a sound transmission sounded in his ear: "Meet Senior Brother Yi, you are ethereal and polite."

"I didn't expect the other party to recognize me at the first sight," Yi Tian was surprised that he hadn't revealed any flaws at all, and his cultivation had converged to that of a buddha.It's just that since he was called out by name, he couldn't weaken his momentum, and the other party must not want to expand the matter through sound transmission.

After thinking about it, he could only force a smile on his face and replied: "Junior Kong Ling's eyes are like a torch, and I am deeply impressed."

"Senior brother Yi is out of touch. If you hadn't practiced the great prophecy of our sect, I'm afraid it would be hard for me to notice it at first sight," Kong Ling replied with a smile.

It's just that Yi Tian found that there was no anger or indignation in his eyes, and he said this sentence entirely from his heart.Just as I was about to explain again, I suddenly saw a white halo around me, and then the entire teleportation array started to activate.

(End of this chapter)

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