
Chapter 1280

Chapter 1280
In the Arhat Hall of Daleiguang Temple today, all the monks gathered to receive distinguished guests, and the scene was very lively.

In the main hall, Yi Tian's visit seemed to surprise the head monk De Ruo a little bit, and taking out the jade slips of the abbot Zen master Yizhen made De Ruo and others dare not act rashly.

Yi Tian looked at De Ruoyue in front of him, whose cultivation base in the middle stage of distraction was higher than his own. Among the many disciples in Luohan Hall under him, there were at least a dozen of them in the distraction stage. As for the buddha stage, there were even more .

Most of these people have grim faces, clasped their hands together, recited the Buddha's name, and turned to face the acting head seat in the middle. Only De Chong, who was in charge of receiving him before, looked indifferent, staring at the two of them on the field. What.

Ke Yitian knew in his heart that he must have notified senior brother De Jing, and he must have his intentions as to why the latter did not show up for a long time.

When he came back to his senses, De Ruo, who was seated above, thought for a while before he said: "Since Junior Brother Yi is a distinguished guest invited by Senior Brother Abbot, my Arhat Hall will naturally treat me as a landlord. As for seeing the treasure of this hall Let’s discuss it after the first seat is released.”

"I've heard that the first seat in the Arhat Hall should be a body-fit cultivation base. I don't know if it will be the year of the monkey when he leaves the customs. I'm afraid Senior Brother De Ruo is procrastinating," Yi Tian waved his hand and laughed, then reached out and took out the imperial beast bag to summon the 狻猊 beast come out.

After the golden light flashed, the Suanniu beast changed from small to large to more than three feet long, showing its original shape in the air.After landing, he walked slowly around the main hall of Luohan Hall, and then returned to the center and stared directly at De Ruo, who was sitting on the top, looked at him for a while before shouting: "When did the disciples of the distraction stage take over the Luohan Hall? I haven’t been back for many years, so those old acquaintances are gone.”

"You have been away from home for a long time, so naturally the younger generations who have changed here and there will not recognize it," Yi Tian joked.

Suan Ni Beast turned its head and rolled its eyes, Yi Tianhou snorted a few times, then turned his head to De Ruo who was sitting up, and said: "You are the first generation of disciples of the Arhat Hall of Daleiguang Temple, I ask you to come out first see me."

De Ruo frowned and stared at the Suanni beast for a long time, but he didn't see its details, but he didn't dare to be careless in the face of a beast of similar cultivation and seemed to know the details of Luohan Hall.

Later, he asked, "I don't know how senior Gao's surname is related to my Arhat Hall. The head seat is in retreat at this time so don't disturb me."

"Don't talk nonsense, the seniority of your first lecturer is at least that of my nephew. As for you, it's more than two generations away. Isn't there anyone with knowledge in Luohan Hall?" Suanni Beast said with a look of disdain.

As soon as De Ruo said this, his face couldn't hold back anymore. As the acting chief, he was always respected and treated with courtesy wherever he went.How do you know that facing such a monster, people directly ignore it, and seeing that the beast was brought by Yi Tian in a blink of an eye, he asked: "Junior Brother Yi, the spiritual pet you brought seems to be a bit guilty, if you don't restrain it It is inevitable that I, Luo Han Tang, will act for you."

"Senior Brother De Ruo's words are wrong," Yi Tian said with a smile: "I dare not accept him as a spiritual pet. This generation is not good enough. Here I just promised to take him home, but when I got home, no one knew him. Tell me what to do."

"Hmph, you brought him here, and you should be in charge of it," De Ruo snorted coldly.

"Junior brother misunderstood, please stay calm and let me deal with it," a loud voice sounded from outside the Arhat hall, and then a golden light suddenly fell from the sky to outside the main hall.When the golden light faded, a tall and thin figure was revealed, which was Senior Brother Dejing who had met him once before.

Seeing this, Yi Tian hurriedly turned around and saluted him: "Brother, you have had a hard journey."

De Jing returned the gift with a wry smile: "Junior Brother Yi didn't think that you borrowed a way from the teleportation array. It really made me wait so hard for many years."

"I'm guilty, I didn't expect my brother to suffer for my unintentional mistake, I'm really sorry," Yi Tian hurriedly explained: "Today's matter should be handled with brother Dejing's eyesight."

Dejing walked into the hall slowly and actually comforted the monks around him, then walked up to De Ruo who was sitting above him and said, "Young brother really has eyes that don't know Mount Tai. It's really a crime to admit it. If it spreads out, I'm afraid it will be criticized by others."

"Senior brother taught me something, but I don't know what's going on, so I asked senior brother to clarify my doubts," De Ruo hurriedly stood up with a serious face after hearing this, and clasped his hands in return.

Dejing nodded with a smile, then walked forward, knelt down in front of the 狻猊 beast, kowtowed, and then stood up and said: "Dejing, a student of Luohan Hall, is paying homage to the uncle of the 狻猊 master."

Surprised expressions appeared on the faces of the monks all around. Sure enough, as said before, this beast was really a senior from Luohan Hall.

Later, I saw a little golden light flashing slowly from the body of the Suanni beast, and then its body shrunk until it was a foot long and floating in mid-air.Seeing Dejing, he nodded and replied, "Who's disciple are you?"

"The disciple's master is Pushen, who is now the head of the Arhat Hall," De Jing replied respectfully.

"Pushen has already cultivated to the stage of integration. I remember that his path was the least favored, but it took a lot of hard work to make it to the end," Suanni beast sighed.

After finishing speaking, he turned to Yi Tian and said, "Since you keep your promise to send me back, Arhat Hall will not treat you badly. Just say what you want, and they won't refuse if I'm here."

Yi Tian frowned slightly and shook his head, "Leave this aside, I haven't seen it yet."

After finishing speaking, he turned to Dejing and said, "Excuse me, senior brother, I have three things to do on this trip. The first thing is to send Suanniu home, and that's over."

De Jing nodded with a smile and replied: "Thank you, Junior Brother Yi, I will ask for instructions on the other two, but I will do my best to fulfill your request."

"Okay, I want to see the treasure of Luohantang," Yi Tian said firmly.

De Jing frowned, then nodded and replied: "No problem, junior brother, wait a moment for me to fetch it."

De Ruo behind him hastily reminded: "Brother, think twice, this treasure of the town hall can only be taken out in a match, if it is easy to make a move, do you still need to ask the first seat?"

"No, since Master and Uncle are all witnesses by him, it's okay, and since Junior Brother Yi said this, there must be a deep meaning," De Jing replied like this.

After Dejing shocked the scene with his promise, the disciples around him didn't dare to make any mistakes. In fact, many of them wanted to see the most precious treasure of the sect.

Dejing's figure flashed past, and his footsteps were heard half a moment later.After he entered the main hall again, he saw that he was holding a tray covered with a red cloth.

Needless to say, under the red cloth is the treasure of the Arhat Hall, the Xuanling Wooden Fish.

(End of this chapter)

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