
Chapter 1281

Chapter 1281
Facing Senior Brother Dejing walking slowly with a tray in his hands, the eyes of the surrounding monks showed awe.Suan Ni Beast sized it up and shook its head, saying: "Things are different from people, even if the lost things can be found, the people are no longer there."

After hearing this, De Jing's face moved slightly and he sighed: "What Master Uncle taught me is that the Arhat Hall suffered such a catastrophe ten thousand years ago, and naturally its vitality has not recovered, and it will naturally take on a new look when you are in charge in the future."

"Thousands of years of wastage have dropped my cultivation base by two ranks, and I'm afraid it will take some time to recover," Suan Ni opened her mouth and replied, with an endless look of loneliness on her face.

Seeing the slightly embarrassing scene, Yi Tian suggested: "Senior Brother Dejing, don't be offended. Senior Suan Ni has also been haunted by evil spirits for thousands of years and was only purified more than a hundred years ago, so I express my feelings."

"Thank you, Junior Brother Yi, for sending Master Uncle back to the Daleiguang Temple," De Jing said again, "Now that the Xuanling Muyu of our hall is here, the unknown Junior Brother would like to see it."

"That's natural," Yi Tian said with a smile, "But I still have one thing to ask."

"But it doesn't matter," Dejing replied with some doubts.

"Brother, please use the spiritual weapon to recite a passage from the first chapter of the Great Sun Scripture," Yi Tian said.

As soon as this remark came out, there were whispers of whispers on the field, and even De Ruo stood up and stared at himself, and said for a long time: "The Great Sun Sutra is the untaught scriptures of my Great Leiguang Temple. Secret, isn't Junior Brother Yi's request too much?"

"De Ruo retreats," De Jing yelled sharply, "Since Junior Brother Yi has invited you, there is a reason for him, and according to my knowledge, Junior Brother Yi has already practiced Da Rizhen, the unique skill of my Great Leiguang Temple. It's over. At this time, I'm just waiting for the school exam, so don't be impatient, everyone."

Dejing is from the old city, and he almost guessed the result when he made the request.It's just that it is still necessary to return the things in his own hands, but how to return them still depends on his own eyes, so he will never say a word about this matter.

Only those disciples who don't know the truth will be suspicious. Fortunately, as De Jing, it is easy to suppress this matter.

He waved his hand to signal everyone to shut up, then sat cross-legged in the hall, stretched out his hand to untie the red cloth, picked up the Xuanling wooden fish, and said calmly: "Wait, don't worry, it's your luck to be able to listen to the first chapter of the Great Sun Scripture , don’t let this great opportunity go to waste.”

After hearing this, everyone around them restrained themselves and started to do it. Ning Xin calmly looked at De Jing who was in the middle.

A little later, a hearty voice came out of his mouth, and then the Xuanling wooden fish in his hand rang rhythmically.After Yi Tian saw it, he walked to Dejing not far away, sat down slowly, reached out and shook his hand, and directly took out the Leiwen Muyu, which followed Dejing's rhythm in his palm and began to beat slowly.

At the same time, the spiritual power of the two of them quickly condensed, and then their respective Dharma bodies slowly emerged behind their backs.Surprised expression appeared on De Ruo's face, he stared at the two people on the scene for a while, then sighed helplessly, then sat cross-legged on the futon with his hands together and began to listen.

As for Dejing, he seemed to have expected such an event early in the morning. After the appearance of the dharma body behind him, he began to evolve the various magical powers and seals in the Great Sun Scripture that he practiced.

After sizing up the other party's Dharma body, like Liao Yuan, they both have the Vajra Dharma appearance, and it is conceivable that they are all monks belonging to the category of Dharma protectors of the Buddhist sect.

After the Dharma body behind him appeared, it turned out to be the incarnation of Asura with three heads and six arms. He slowly manipulated it and learned the one-style seal method of virtue and respect for Dharma. After the six arms were quickly connected, there was a lot of auspicious light around him.

Dejing in front of him showed a slight surprise on his face when he saw it, and then he made a gesture of twiddling fingers with his hands.Yi Tian's face was overjoyed, and the magical powers that he had never been able to get started by building a car behind closed doors finally got a reference.Fortunately, although this technique is the strongest attack method in the Great Sun Scripture, it must be refined to a very high level in order to exert its true power.

Even if Dejing's dharma body uses the seal method, others will not be able to comprehend its true meaning.After Yi Tian adjusted his state, the six arms learned to start making seals at the same time.I saw the virtual image of the Buddhist Dharma protector Vajra holding a magic weapon appearing around the body after the printing of Dejing's knot.

As for myself, there was no other sign except Ruiguang at the beginning, and I was a little puzzled at the moment. Looking up at Dejing, it was Faxiang behind him with a smile on his face. The first printing method.

Knowing his intentions, Yi Tian naturally stared with joy on his face, and then the six hands behind him slowly stopped, leaving only the main hand to try again.Half a moment later, when the spiritual power was slowly poured into the body, nine green lotuses appeared around the statue, and the one above the head still had a slight purple halo.

All the monks around were speechless under the radiance, and even De Ruo, who was seated above, was stunned.

Not less than half an hour later, De Jing finally finished reading the first chapter of the Great Sun Sutra, and he immediately got up and said to himself: "Junior Brother's attainment in practicing the Great Sun Sutra is far beyond that of me. , It’s really gratifying.”

Not daring to take the credit, Yi Tian hurriedly stood up and returned the salute: "Thank you, Senior Brother Dejing, for your suggestion, Junior Brother understands."

Then, holding the Leiwen wooden fish, he went forward and handed it to the other party, saying: "I promised Master Jieding back then to return it to the Arhat Hall of Daleiguang Zen Temple. I will show my sincerity by coming to the door in person. That’s why I made this trip, and now that the jade has been returned to Zhao, please accept it.”

After hearing this, Dejing showed a clear expression on his face, but then he declined: "Since the younger brother came here before he was ordered, he should return the Lingbao to its original place. I am not the head of the Arhat Hall, so I can't take it on my behalf."

After hearing this, Yi Tian frowned and looked at De Ruo, who was sitting in the seat, but said in his heart: "Is it possible to give Leiwen Muyu to him."

De Ruo was also looked at with a little bit of embarrassment. Although this thing is the treasure of Luohan Hall, it is not something that he, the acting head, can take over.The most qualified people on the scene today have pushed him away, but he can't force himself to stand out.After thinking for a while, he hurriedly got up and said, "Junior Brother, wait for me to ask Master Bingming to come out first."

When he was about to take out the Jade Talisman of Communication, suddenly a sentence came from the void of the hall: "Dejing, you are still so modest, I really don't know what to do with you. Put this thing away, and then invite the distinguished guests to my cave Let’s talk in detail, and I’d better arrange for Uncle Suan Ni.”

Needless to say, this statement was the sound transmission of Master Pushen who was in retreat. He has always noticed that he has made such a big commotion in the Arhat Hall with his strength as a monk in the fusion stage.

After receiving the edict, Dejing naturally did not dare to disobey it, so he reached out to take the Leiwen Muyu and put it away.Then he turned around and thanked Yi Tian, ​​and then said to Suan Ni Beast: "I don't know if Master Uncle is going with you?"

"Of course I'm going. Is it possible that I still live in this main hall?" Suan Ni Beast replied angrily, "Let's lead the way quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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